“C51 Evaluation Tool The 8051 compiler, assembler, linker, and debugger are limited to 2 Kbytes of object code. Source code may be of any size”.
“No support for in-line assembly using #pragma ASM”.
“The following components which are present in the PK51 Full Version are not included in the Evaluation Version: ... RTX51 Tiny Real-time Operating System” → Even if you installed RTX51-Tiny from the full commercial C51 version, the evaluation compiler refuses to link RTX-51 projects.
RTX51 is expected at “C:\Program Files\Keil\C51\C51\LIB\RTX51.LIB”.
There is a free edition with codesize limited to 4 KBytes.
On Windows Vista and newer, the installation setup wants to install the software by default at “C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroC PRO for 8051” .
The IDE:
All derived files are always in the same directory as the source files, you can not select another directory .
The menu function “Project / Clean Project folder” lets you delete ( generated ) project files. The default setting of “Clean Project Folder” does however not remove the following file types: *.mcl, *.ini, *.brk, *.bmk, *.dic, *.hex, *.log. You should check these project files if you want to delete them. Leave other files alone, they are really project files.
So my suggestion: To clean all targets, execute the menu item “Project / Clean Project Folder”. Let the IDE delete the following filetypes: *.asm, *.asm.ini, *.brk, *.c.ini, *.cfg, *.cp, *.dbg, *.dct, *.dlt, *.hex, *.log, *.lst, *.mcl, *.mcp51_callertable.txt, *.user.dic.
Even then, just the calling the IDE and the (automatic) loading a project, causes the generation of files of filetypes *.bmk, *.brk, *.c.ini, *.cfg, *.dct, which must be deleted manually or better by a batch file.
The commandline compiler has the commandline option switches:
- N : “Output files generated to file path specified by filename”. Indeed, ”-N” defines the name of the project file, e.g. -N”C:\users\8051project\8051project.mcp51”.
- B : Save compiled binary files (*.mcl) to 'directory'.
The commercial C compiler Wickenhäuser Elektrotechnik "μC/51 ANSI C-Compiler" for Windows - The free “demo” version is limited to 8 Kbytes program size. There is a comparison chart about the limits of free demo versions of competitors .
The free IDE Cypress Semiconductor Corporation "PSoC Creator" for Windows. You need to apply for a free 1-year license for an (code-)unlimited edition of the Keil C51 compiler, granted by Cypress.