Important: The DDR2 RAM speed must be set to 333 Mhz, not to 400 Mhz. The Altera / EBV workshop documents of 2013-06 stated to set the speed to 400 Mhz, which is not a stable setting for the current boards.
The Socrates root file system, at, contains a Python webserver as part of the demonstration.
Altera "BeMicro FPGA Evaluation Kit" - “Build an Embedded Processor System in an FPGA in Minutes”. The “old” kit of 2010 ( 512 KB RAM ), good to learn how to configure a FPGA to make it work as a CPU & FPGA programming.
Hitex "LPC-Stick-Prototyping-Board" - “Prototypen-Erweiterungs-Board für die LPC Application Development Sticks oder BeMicro FPGA Evaluation Kit mit Erweiterungsstecker”.
Hitex "LPC-Stick-Prototyping-Board" - “Prototypen-Erweiterungs-Board für die LPC Application Development Sticks oder BeMicro FPGA Evaluation Kit mit Erweiterungsstecker”.
The board is equipped with a temperature sensor ( National LM71CIMF SPI/Microwire 13-bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor ). As of 2011-03, there is a software bug in the FPGA, so that the temperature sensor does not create reasonable values when read from official “C/C++” software examples ( the webserver ). Typical values in normal conditioned rooms of 20° C at Winter/Spring time, are 32°C..34°C.
“Quartus II Web-Edition”. Select “Cyclon IV E Family” as target during installation.
With these free Altera development tools, if the installation file has about the same size, the service package contain a new full version. The update does not patch the old version, but is a fresh install and must be installed in a separate directory.
Install “Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)” in the same directory as “Quartus II Web-Edition”.
Else you get the error message during installation of “NiosII Embedded Design Suite (EDS)”, after the installation of “Quartus II Web-Edition”: “The specified path ('c:\altera\10.1') does not contain a Quartus II bin directory. Nios II Embedded Design Suite needs to install into the same directory level as Quartus II. Please specify a valid Quartus II installation directory”.
“Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)” is a full version, there is no commercial subscription version !
Plug the “BeMicro SDK” USB stick in your Windows PC, and point Windows for driver installation to the directory “C:\altera\quartus\drivers\usb-blaster\”.
Don´t point to a deeper directory !
Warning: Win7 might be shipped with a non-functional outdated driver ?!
Use the “Board Support Package” ( C/C++ header files, drivers,..) to create your applications. You can access the software tools by classical command line commands and by Eclipse.
It is expected for Summer 2014, that FPGA development software will be solely available for 64-bit only and not anymore for 32-bit too, on Windows and Linux,
Altera, Download "Quartus II Web Edition Software" - The free development software “Quartus II Web-Edition” includes the “NiosII Embedded Design Suite (EDS)” for Windows ( Visual C/C++ 2008 Runtime ) and Linux.
A full version of the realtime operating system µMicrium C/OS-II is shipped with the BeMicro SDK. “You can develop software for any of the Nios II development kits using the Micrium MicroC/OS-II RTOS. To generate software to run on other boards and/or ship in a product, you must obtain a license”.
A trial version of the run-time monitoring tool Micrium "µC/Probe" for Windows is shipped with the BeMicro SDK.