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[hemmerling] Atmel ARM-based MCUs and MPUs ( by Microchip Technology Inc. )

The Company

My Board "Atmel SAM4L-EK"



Extra Training Projects

  • In Atmel Studio, at “Tools / Extension Manager”, there are 4 free “Training” items, which install extra projects, available at “File / New / Example Project”. 2 of the projects are especially for SAM4L-EK:
    1. “Integrating USB in Your Design”.
    2. “Segment LCD Low Power Features (SAM4L-EK).
    3. “Sensor Acquisition in Time-Critical Applications”.
    4. “Understanding the SAM4L Peripheral Event System”.

Hands-On Workshop 2013

  • The hands-On workshop 2013 makes use of a little webserver running on the host computer ( on Windows,.. ), making use use of the components:
    1. Python 2.7.
    2. The OpenSource webserver module of Python 2 “SimpleHTTPServer” → See Python
    3. The OpenSource Python module “pyserial” → See Python.
    4. The OpenSource Python module “xlrd” → See Python
    5. The OpenSource plotting graphics framework “Flot” in Javascript → See .

My Board "Atmel SAM4S Xplained"

My Board "SAM D20 Xplained Pro" & Addons

My SAMA5D3 Xplained Starter Kit

The Board

The TFT Touch Display

The extra USB to RS-232 Cable ( not included in the Kit )

My Board "WINC1500-XTK Xplained Pro" & Addon

The Technology

My Board

My Crypto Addon

My Crypto USBStick

Hands-On Crypto Workshop 2015

  • In the The hands-On crypto workshop 2015, we created our own WifI communications between an embedded device ( as data source ) and a smartphone ( provides data visualisation ):
    1. Setup the Wifi device so that it provides a WiFi spot. At compiletime, you have to select a short individual SSID, e.g. “RolfH”. Don´t use a long name!
    2. Setup your Android phone, by installing the Android Apps provided exclusively on workshop ( so there is no official download by Google Play ):
      • Android App “Atmel_IOT Sensor.apk”.
      • Android App “Atmel_IoT_CryptoAuthDemo.apk”.
    3. On a desktop PC on Windows/Linux, I connect the PC to my WiFi device with my individual SSID. So I am not connected to the Internet, just to my own WiFi device. My Wifi device is my router.
    4. My WiFi devices provides a web server at On the desktop PC with the Internet browser on Windows/Linux, I visit this URL On the website page, I enter the access data of my local Internet router box ( e.g. “Fritzbox”,.. ), i.e. ( known ) SSID and ( known ) password.
    5. With this data, my Wifi device now registers at the local router box. It stops the web server at
    6. The Android App now detects which WiFi devices are connected to the local Internet router. By this the Android App may ask the devices, so also my device, for data and may visualize it.


Board "Microchip SAML10/11"

The Technology


Hands-On Workshop ""Microchip — Create Secure IoT Endpoints with SAMl10/L11 Workshop" 2019

Tinkerforge, based on the ARM Cortex M3 CPU "Atmel ATSAM3S4C"


Appropriate OpenDirectory Directory Pages

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