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[hemmerling] Playing the "Go" / "Baduk" / "Wei Qi" / "Igo" Game according to the "Go Principles" / "Baduk Principles" / "Wei Qi Principles" / "Igo Principles" - A Template for modern Management

The "Go Principles" / "Baduk Principles" / "Wei Qi Principles" / "Igo Principles"


Gaming Platforms

  • My skill level is “Beginner”, i.e. “30 kyu” :-).

Important Free Online Services ( according to "Life In 19x19" )

  1. KGS.
    • “Einen deutschsprachigen Anfängerraum gibt es unter '(Menü) Räume / Raumliste / Lektionen / Starthilfe'”.
    • There is a Java client.
    • Do you want to play “Go” / “Baduk” with me? My account: “hemmerling”. My rank: ”?”, estimated rank “30K”.
  2. Tygem.
  3. IGS.
    • There is a Java client.
    • Do you want to play “Go” / “Baduk” with me? My account: “hemmerling”. Rating “BC 0”, rank “BC 0”.
  4. Wbaduk.
    • There is a Java client.
    • Do you want to play “Go” / “Baduk” with me? My account: “hemmerling”. Baduk rank “25k”.
  5. DGS.
    • You play in the browser without special client.
    • Increment per move in “hours”, “days”, “months”.
    • Do you want to play “Go” / “Baduk” with me? My account: hemmerling. Rating “30 kyu (0%)”, rank info “30 kyu”.
  6. OGS.
    • You play in the browser without special client.
    • You can play against online bots :-).
    • Increment per move
      1. 1, 2, 3 days.
      2. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 days.
    • Do you want to play “Go” / “Baduk” with me? My account: “hemmerling”. Rating ”-900 (30 kyu) (P)”

Traditional Hardware Boards in Tourney Size ( "Turniergröße" )


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en/go.html.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/26 20:13 (external edit) · []
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