Oracle University CertView Home - “Home” page of the service. This page is plain empty, as long as you are not once have been participating in an Oracle certification.
Kamoor, John Johns - Java J2EE Interview Questions - Annoying error message “ server is experiencing delays. Please wait a while.. Please refresh the screen if you are seeing this message for more than 30 seconds”, which makes the contents unreadable.
The free A Programmer´s Guide to Java SCJP CERTIFICATION "Mock exam engine", written in Java - “You can use the mock exam engine to practise taking the exam. The engine will randomly present questions from Appendix F in the book and score answers in a way that is similar to what you may expect on the real exam”.
“Free SCJP Mock exam for Overriding & Overloading”.
Nikos' Java blog "Free SCWCD Mock exams", 2009 - “This post summarizes practice exams written for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer certification” ( “Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Component Developer” ).
Piotr Nowicki "Exam Simulator" - “This test might help to test your knowledge before taking the Oracle Certified Expert, JEE 6: JSP and Servlet Developer Exam”.
CodeRanch rejects to name this company on its platform “Sorry, your post contained a reference to a company or website that publishes real test questions - a practice we do not approve of here at JavaRanch. We have banned all discussion of the websites which do this, because even the knowledge of the names of such websites seems to encourage others to use the website to cheat. If you were attempting to discuss this website for any other reason, we apologize for the inconvenience”.
The commercial, but affordable Android App Vu Minh Thang "IT Exams - Advance Java Programming", 2014 - “Advance Java Practice Test contains and covers Java, JDBC, Servlets, Java Beans and RMI based questions. The test will include multiple choice, true/false scenario-based questions and fill-in questions. Each test you can answer more than 40 questions. After you finish the questions, you will see the review page and score sheet. This application will help you prepare to get Java Oracle or Sun Certification, such as SCJP,etc”.
Coderanch "EJB Certification (OCEEJBD)" - “Discussion of the Oracle Certified Business Component Developer exam certification” and for “Oracle Certified Enterprise JavaBeans Developer exam certification”.
“In older version (before Java EE 6) there was only one certification to cover both EJB and JPA. It was Sun Certified Business Component Developer for Java EE 5 Platform and the new name is Oracle Certified Professional Java EE 5 Business Component Developer”.
“The new Java Enterprise Edition 6 (EE6) exams are being released on February 21, 2011. The new certification for EJB and JPA are given below:
“I can say that you shouldn't use 'A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition), by Khalid Mughal, Rolf Rasmussen' because”:
“there too many unnecessary info which is totally useless on exam”.
“book written style isn't perfect, it's really hard to follow the main idea”.
“explanation of some ideas is very complex and bloated, it can be simplified”.
“book typographic style is really ugly in comparison with 'SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065, by Katherine Sierra'”.
DE.Wikipedia "Oracle-Zertifikat" - “Oracle Certified Professional. Der OCA ist Voraussetzung für die Erlangung des Zertifikats... Bei den Java Zertifizierungen ist kein Kurs notwendig”.
Free download of a HTML version Heise "Java ist auch eine Insel" - “Programmieren mit der Java Platform, Standard Edition 7”, edition of 2012. The 10th paper edition was shipped with a DVD, btw.
The 12th paper edition is not shipped with a DVD. Owners of the edition of the paper book get the following offer “Zum Vorzugspreis von nur 5 EUR bekommen Sie zum Buch zusätzlich noch das E-Book hinzu... Gehen Sie im Rheinwerk-Webshop auf die Seite: Geben Sie dort den im Buch auf der hinteren Buchrücken-Innenseite abgedruckten Registrierungscode ein. Legen Sie dann das E-Book in den Warenkorb”.
The free HTML online book Inheriting Java # - A free study guide to pass the 310-065 (SCJP Java 6) exam with 72 questions. However, there are no mock exams provided.
The paper book “Marcus Green 'TigerTamer for Java 5. Concise guide to passing the Sun Certified Java Programmers Exam for Java 5 (JDK 1.5)'”, 2005. 200 pages.
For proper installation of the 3 exams, please be shure to accept the default path “C:\LearnKey\MasterExam” . Else you won´t be able to add the third exam .
0072253606 - SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) 12/21/2005 0072253606-Web.exe.
0071591060 - SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java™ 6 Study Guide (Exam 310-065) 6/24/2008 0071591060-Web.exe.
“Der Vorteil: Die Autoren gehören zum Team derer die die Examensfragen erstellen. Deshalb wissen sie auch am besten was im Examen vorkommt”.
“ABER (= meiner Meinung nach eher negativ): Die Selbsttests sind extrem schwer. Da braucht man starke Nerven, denn sie sind kaum zu schaffen. Ein Kollege von mir (der die Prüfung mit 97% bestanden hat), hat mir bestätigt, dass selbst er die im Buch gestellten Aufgaben kaum zu lösen vermag...”.
A Programmer´s Guide to Java SCJP CERTIFICATION "Mock exam engine", written in Java - “You can use the mock exam engine to practise taking the exam. The engine will randomly present questions from Appendix F in the book and score answers in a way that is similar to what you may expect on the real exam”.
“As a reader of the SCWCD Study Companion, you can claim a free 30-day subscription to our SCWCD mock exam. All you need to do is: Click the 'Subscribe Now!' link below to create and activate your 30-day subscription. You should then be redirected to the home page. Your exam will now appear under the 'Subscribed Exams' section and will show a 'Start?' link to begin the exam”
There is no PDF available. Don´t get fooled by obscur offers of websites which claim to offer “free” access by providing your credit card informations!
Book Nicholas S. Williams "Professional Java for Web Applications", 2014 - “Covers application logging, JSR 340 Servlet API 3.1, JSR 245 JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.3 (including custom tag libraries), JSR 341 Expression Language 3.0, JSR 356 WebSocket API 1.0, JSR 303/349 Bean Validation 1.1, JSR 317/338 Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.1, full-text searching with JPA, RESTful and SOAP web services, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and OAuth”.
Book Ryan Cuprak, Debu Panda, Reza Rahman, Michael Remijan "EJB 3 in Action", 2014 - “This book is a fast-paced tutorial for Java EE 6 business component development using EJB 3.2, JPA 2, and CDI”. Recommended book as preparation for “Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer”!
There is no recommended book as preparation for “Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Component Developer” , in fact you must gain your knowledge by processing official Oracle specification documents.
Book Michael Seeboerger-Weichselbaum "Ajax GE-PACKT Taschenbuch", 2007 - “Einsatz von XML, JSP, Servlets, ASP, ASP.NET, JSON ; Praxis: Zurück-Schaltfläche, interaktive Adressliste in Ajax mit PHP und Java ; Referenz: DOM und XMLHttpRequest-Objekt”.