In JSP documents, iF you enter “CTRL”+“SPACE” inside an empty ”<% %>” element, you get a list of all base objects, which are available for JSF pages, e.g. “request”, “response”, “session”, “application” ( of type “ServletContext”, for “context” methods ).
Oracle JDeveloper - “a free integrated development environment that simplifies the development of Java-based SOA applications and user guiinterfaces with support for the full development life cycle”.
As of 2015-12, “Oracle JDeveloper 12c Studio Edition” doesn´t install properly on Win8.1. You may continue installation after the errror message “Unable to create an item in WIndows Start Menu or Desktop” .
Gluon "Gluon supports Scene Builder", 2015-03-04 - “Oracle recently announced that Scene Builder will not be released in build form – only as source code within the OpenJFX project. Gluon is a strong believer in the value of tools, and as such we are pleased to announce that we will be providing builds of Scene Builder from this website”.
“JBuilder Foundation” & “JBuilder Personal” ( but not the Eclipse-based “Turbo JBuilder” ) by Borland / Inprise Corporation / Borland / CodeGear / Embarcadero Technologies - Free legacy Java IDEs with GUI builders for AWT + Swing.
Experts told me, that most / all GUI editors for Java don´t support “reactive design”, i.e. they are not vector-oriented, they don´t support scaling, but are based on pixel design.
Sourceforge "XDoclet", Sourceforge "XDoclet" - “An extended Javadoc Doclet engine. It's a generic Java tool that lets you create custom Javadoc @tags and based on those @tags generate source code or other files (such as xml-ish deployment descriptors) using a template engine it provides”.
The OpenSource Bandera for Java - “Designed to be an extensible framework for performing verification/validation of Java applications”.
inspectIT Ocelot - “powered by NOVATEC ( Novatec Consulting GmbH )”, “Unlocking observability for your Java monitoring. A zero-configuration Java agent for collecting performance, tracing and business data from your application”.