Calculator. You can write applications in BASIC, ARM9 assembly language and RPL. - “The premier source of software for and information about the HP 50, HP 49, HP 48, and HP 28 RPN programmable graphic calculators and the HP 38G, HP 39, and HP 40 programmable graphic calculators”.
As of 2024, German pupils must have ( must buy...) Apple iPads for use in school . There is no option to use a notebook computer or an Android tablet .
“ON” = Pressing the “Erase” button erases the screen.
“OFF” = Pressing the “Erase” button does not erase the screen.
The write-protection “Erase Switch” prevents from erasing by the “Erase” button, but does not prevent writing on the screen. Means if the writing pad is transported in any kind of bag, the pressure of the bad may cause some unwanted drawings on the screen .
How to transfer the written and painted contents from the writing pad to a PC or smartphone?
What is the power-consumption a) “Erase Switch” = ON b) “Erase Switch” = OFF?
“Instead, HP combined elements of RPN, Lisp and Forth and came up with a language called Reverse Polish Lisp or RPL. From Lisp, RPL inherited concepts such as atomic and composite objects, temporary (lambda) variables, garbage collection, the ability to pass unevaluated objects as arguments etc. and from Forth, RPL inherited threaded execution and RPN notation with an unlimited stack”.
“The HP-28C was the first calculator to be both internally programmed in RPL and to make RPL available to the user”.
HP Handheld Conference 2000, USA - “HHC 2000 was the 24th international HP Handheld Conference of users of handheld computers and programmable calculators, especially those made by Hewlett Packard”.