[hemmerling] Negociations


The "4 W's and an H" for Negociations and E-Mail Answers

  1. Who ?
    • Who is against /for it? Why?
  2. What ?
    • What do you want to achieve?
    • What is your desired outcome?
    • What is their desired outcome?
    • What is in it for them?
    • What are their fears?
    • What are their values / believes?
    • What are their needs?
    • What is missing?
    • What are people saying?
  3. Where / When ?
    • Where in your team / organisation sits that?
    • Where does this issue / problem surface? Everywhere? Certain times? Certain projects?
  4. Why ?
    • Why should we care? Why is that important? Why do we / you need to do that?
  5. How ?
    • How should we approach it?
    • How might we solve this?
    • How should we improve?



Learning to Listen

Sales Psychology / Negotiating Skills

Meaning of Words, Writing, Expressions

Human Behaviour in general

en/negociations.html.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 23:41 (external edit) · []
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