“Fujitsu used to provide an early version (V3) of their COBOL compiler for free. It worked well but didn't have many features that were introduced in later versions so it didn't threaten sales for business use. That version, created in the early '90s, no longer works on today's computers and versions of Windows and is no longer supported. It has not made sense to offer more recent versions in this way”.
Staff members of “Klaus Bodenbach Unternehmens- und IS-Beratungs GmbH” hold COBOL courses at Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, regularly, in the 1990th and 2000th. I passed such a course in Summer 2005.
The library “Processing.js” is just available for paying subscribers.
“Algorithmic Design for the Creative Hive. Create, fork and explore interactive sketches in p5js?. Create your own class where students can learn and collaborate, together”.
“OpenProcessing is independent and not directly related to 'processing.org'. 'Processing.org' is the foundation that is responsible from developing the processing language and libraries (p5js). OpenProcessing uses p5js as its core library in the code editor, and responsible from the social coding platform on the website”.
“You may find coding reference on the reference tab - when you edit a sketch -, and with more info on p5.js "Reference".
Processing "Python Mode for Processing - Examples" - “Processing.py Examples. Coming soon! In the meantime, consult the examples that are included in the Python Mode download for Processing (File > Examples...)”.
The original IDE, running on Java, supports software development with Java on Desktop PC ( Windows, MacOS, Linux ) and Android, Javascript, CoffeeScript and Python.
OpenGL issues with “Processing 2.2.1” and newer, mostly with Windows:
The demo applications of the folder “Camera”, “Demos” - and maybe some others, but not all - crash by the Java error message “Framebuffer objects are not supported by this hardware (or driver) Read http://wiki.processing.org/w/OpenGL_Issues for help” , on my
“Athlon XP2400” desktop computer with NVIDIA GeForce 6600 graphics card and webcam, with Win7 .
Notebook “Dell Vostro 1000”, with Win8.1 .
Notebook “ASUS Eee PC T101MT”, with Win8.1 .
The demo applications work well on my
Notebook “Dell Vostro 1000”, with Ubuntu Linux 14 LTE .
“In Processing 2.0, a new version of the OpenGL library replaces the one found in 1.x releases”.
“The new version of the OpenGL library requires drivers that support OpenGL 2.0. This allows us to keep OpenGL support for desktop and Android in sync with one another. Unfortunately this means that some older cards and drivers (particularly on Linux) will not work, and that Processing 2.0 on such machines will be limited to 2D graphics”.
“An XML based Semantic Document Repository (SDR) with a free definable meta model that builds up a semantic network from sections and relations in documents”.
Altran Praxis "SPARK" - “SPARK is a programming language and a set of software development products for high assurance software. The SPARK programming language is the only language specifically designed to support the development of safety or security critical software. In combination with the SPARK toolset, SPARK prevents, detects and eliminates defects early in the lifecycle as the source code is developed. It is, effectively, the result of applying the principles of Correctness by Construction to the design of a programming language and associated verification tools”.
Bitcoin Wiki "Script", Bitcoin Wiki "Script" - “Bitcoin uses a scripting system for transactions. Similar to Forth, Script is simple, stack-based, and processed from left to right as a series of sequential instructions. Data is pushed onto the stack and opcodes are used to perform operations on the items on the stack”.
GitHub "Strict" - “Strict Programming Language - Create well written and efficient code quickly. Strict is a simple to understand programming language that not only humans can read and understand, but also computer AI is able to read, modify and write”.
Adobe Flex - “A highly productive, free, open source framework for building expressive web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops, and operating systems by leveraging the Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR runtimes”.
Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit - “Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language, a cross-compiler, a complete cross-platform standard library and ways to access each platform's native capabilities”.