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[hemmerling] Texas Instruments' 68K powered Calculators "TI-89 Titanium", "TI Voyage 200"

Related pages:

Texas Instruments TI Voyage 200 Texas Instruments TI Voyage 200, with manuals

History and Motivation for this Page

The "TI-89" Family and its Competitors - Feature Matrix

Calculator model CPU type CPU Speed ( Mhz ) Display Size ( width x height, in pixels ) Free RAM ( Kbytes ) Free Flash ROM ( Kbytes ) Maximum segment size ( Kbytes ) USB Port Serial Port, gray standard RS232 cable ( bps ) Serial Port, black special cable Serial Port, USB cable USB Port, USB cable
TI-89 Motorola 68000 10 - 12 160 x 100 188 639 64 no slow ( 9600 ) fast very fast -
TI-89 Titanium Motorola MC68SEC000 14 160 x 100 188 2700 64 yes - - - very fast
TI-92 Motorola 68000 10 240 x 128 188 639 64 no slow ( 9600 ) fast very fast
TI-92+ Motorola 68000 12 240 x 128 188 639 64 no slow ( 9600 ) fast very fast -
Voyage 200 Motorola MC68SEC000 14 240 x 128 188 2700 64 no slow ( 9600 ) fast very fast -
HP 48g+ ARM9 75 131 x 80 330 800 ? yes - - - very fast
Casio FX 2.0 Plus NEC V30MX 8 128 x 64 144 786 128 no quit fast ( 38400 ) - - -

If there is no USB port, you can use a serial to USB converter cable for serial communication, but just for that ! A special TI Serial2USB converter cable is mostly bundled with the Voyage 200, or available separately.

Texas Instruments

General Informations

Software, Downloads, Downloadable Electronic Documents

Hardware Tools, free Software Development Tools

Killer Application Software running on TI Voyage 200

Software for TI Calculators, running on Windows and Linux Hosts

C Compilers for TI-89 Family Targets

C Compilers for TI-89 Family Targets, for Applications with a maximum Size of 64 KBytes

Emulators for TI-89 Family Targets

Calculator Training

Hardware for TI Calculators

"Voyage 200" FAQ

  1. How to transfer files to the “Voyage 200” device ?
    1. Run the “TI Device Explorer” on the Windows host computer.
    2. In the “TI Device Explorer”, create an empty file “*.TIG” in the Windows filesystem.
    3. With the “Windows Explorer” or by Desktop, click the just created file “*.TIG” for opening. It appears as a directory in the filesystem, in the “Windows Explorer” and on the desktop. But it appears to be a file in the DOS window. The “*.TIG” file is an archive file, which can be packed and deloaded from the Windows Explorer and the Desktop.
    4. By Drag+Drop copy files into the “*.TIG” file.
    5. Transfer the file by “T-Connect” to the “Voyage 200” device
    6. On the “Voyage 200”, the contents is stored in a folder with the name of the “*.TIG” file.
  2. How to edit TI-Basic files on the Windows-PC ?
    1. Call “TI-Graph Link 89”.
    2. The sofware does not know the file extentions “*.V2F” ( functions ) and “*.V2P” ( programs ). Therefore at “Open file” always enter the filename “*.*”, and then select the requested file !


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