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[hemmerling] Unified Modeling Language ( UML ), Systems Modeling Language ( SysML )

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4+1 Architectural View Model by  Philippe Kruchten

Unified Modeling Language ( UML )

Systems Modeling Language ( SysML )


The UML Profile


Free Software Tools
Commercial Software Tools


Common Variability Language ( CVL ), as Supplement to UML /SysML

Important standard language-based Modeling Tools, according to VDC Research in 2015, 2016-08

  • Enterprise Architect (Sparx Systems).
  • Modelio (open source).
  • IBM.
    • Rose/Rose RT (IBM Rational).
    • Rhapsody (IBM Rational).
    • System Designer/Software Modeler/Architect (IBM Rational).
  • Visio UML (Microsoft).
  • Poseidon/Apollo for Eclipse (Gentleware).
  • MagicDraw (No Magic).
  • Real Time Developer Studio (PragmaDev).
  • PTC Integrity Modeler (PTC, formerly Atego/Artisan).
  • JDeveloper for UML (Oracle).
  • SAP Sybase PowerDesigner (Sybase).
  • Objecteering Modeler (Objecteering Software).
  • Bright for UML (CCL), 2016-08.

OpenSource UML Tools

  • Please check whether the ( UML ) diagramming tool in your focus allow you to export and import the model into / from the “Eclipse EMF” data format !




Eclipse Uml2Tools

Development with Eclipse open source UML Tools

according to Omondo:

  1. Stage: UML diagrams (GEF)
  2. Stage: UML Model (GMF)
  3. Stage: Model transformation (EMF)
  4. Stage: EMOF



openArchitectureWare ( oAW )



Fujaba Tool Suite


GME - The Generic Modeling Environment




Software Ideas Modeler


Toolkit in OPen-source for Critical Applications & SystEms Development ( Topcased )



  • UMLet, GitHub "umlet" in Java - “OpenSource UML Tool for Fast UML Diagrams”.
    • Standalone tool.
    • Eclipse plugin, but no in-tool installation. No download by the Eclipse Marketplace.


Free UML Tools

Artisan Studio Uno

    • The free UML 2.x tool Artisan Studio Uno, for WinXP, Win2003, Vista, Win7 with .NET 2.0.
      • Artisan Importstudio - “Do you want to import simple tabular data to an Artisan Studio Model? If you can get it into Excel format then you might like this.... ”.
      • “Document Generator requires Word 2000 or later”.
      • “Studio Publisher requires Word 2003 or later”.
      • Installation creates the Windows account “QMS” on VISTA ??
  • EN.Wikipedia "Aonix" - “In January 2010, Aonix and Artisan Software Tools agreed to merge, forming a new company to be called Atego”.

astah*, JUDE

Eclipse Plugins

Omondo EclipseUML

Slime UML


  • The OpenSource “UMLet”, also available as standalone tool ( see above on this page ).

IBM Rational Rhapsody

The Product

  • IBM Rational Rhapsody for WinXP - “Rational Rhapsody helps diverse teams collaborate to understand and elaborate requirements, abstract complexity visually using industry standard languages (UML, SysML, AUTOSAR, DoDAF, MODAF, UPDM), validate functionality early in development, and automate delivery of innovative, high quality products”.


Free Edition

Commercial Editions

  • IBM "Rational Rhapsody Developer" - “Visual development and validation of embedded software”, code generation ( C++, C, Java, C#, Ada, support for realtime operating systems ) → no price given.
    • It is the only Rhapsody edition which may create code from behaviour diagrams and the integrated state machine designer. It provides unique model animation for design level debugging.
    • You have to create an “Adapter” for each ( new ) target. The libraries of the target compiler have to be recompiled & linked to new libraries, with the help of the adapter. This process enables the adoption of operating specific features, like:
      • The implementation of the “wait()” timer instructions used in UML sequence diagrams.
      • The scheduler of the operating system.
    • The “Adapter” has several aspects and parts:
      1. Operating system abstraction layer ( OSAL ) implementation for specific target: .h and .cpp/c files in “Share\LangCpp\oxf” or “Share|LangC\oxf”. E.g., “ntos.h/ntos.cpp,vxos.h/cpp”, “QNXos.h/cpp” (or “RICOSVxWorks.h/c”,...).
      2. *.mak files for framework build ( see these files under “LangCpp” and nested folders (e.g., “vxbuild.mak”, “aom\vxaom.mak”, “omcom\vxomcom.mak”... ).
      3. Make file properties to allow generation of OS-specific make files. They are located in “Share\Properties\factoryC++.prp” or “factoryC.prp” files in appropriate metaclass ( “VxWork6diab”, “VxWorks6gnu”, “QNXMomentics”,... ).
      4. Command files, which are added during installation, to build framework libraries and generated applications( e.g. “Vx6make.bat”, “msvc9make.bat”, “qnxcwmake.bat”... ). They are located in “Share\etc” directory.
  • IBM "Rational Rhapsody Architect for Software" - “Visual development environment for embedded systems and software”, code generation ( C++, C, Java, C# ) → $600.
  • IBM "Rational Rhapsody Architect for Systems Engineers" “Collaborative model-driven development for systems engineering embedded software” → $600.
  • IBM "Rational Rhapsody Designer for Systems Engineers" - “Collaborative model based systems engineering” → no online price given.
  • IBM "Rational Rhapsody Design Manager" - “Break down engineering silos with collaborative design management” → no trial version available, no online price given.

Tips & Tricks

  • Prerequisites: Install all development tools you want IBM Rational Rhapsody to support, at first.
  • Install IBM Rational Rhapsody as the last development tool, as just during installation you can configure the pathes to other supported tools ( e.g. most important the selected C/C+ compilers ).
  • IBM Rational Rhapsody does not have menu options to configure the pathes to supported development tools at runtime :-(. Instead you can set or change pathes if you call the installer again. Select “Modify” and then type the “Back” button 3 times, to start the installation process, by which you can select again both the supported programming languages, let the installer find the pathes to installed development tools / set the development environment pathes, and select the installation of Rhapsody Add Ons.
  • Supported development tools of IBM Rational Rhapsody 7.6.1: Microsoft Visual Studio 6, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008; Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0, WindRiver Torndado, WindRiver Workbench, OSE Delta, Nucleus, Diab Data Compiler, GHS Integrity, GHS Multi for PPC, Neutrino QNX, Gnat Compiler, Gnat VxWorks, RAVEN, ObjectAda Compiler, Praxis Critical Systems SPARK, the free Cygwin Compiler.


Objecteering UML, Objecteering SOA

Oracle JDeveloper

For Microsoft Visio

  • Pavel Hruby - free UML 2.0 & SysML stencils for Microsoft Visio 4.1, 5, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2003, 2007, 2010.

Visual Paradigm

Discontinued free UML Tools

Free Online System Design & UML Tools

Commercial System Design & UML Tools

microTOOL objectiF

Some other Commercial Tools without Free Edition or with Crippled Free/Trial Version

    • Question about C++ support with Borland Together 5.5 - How to open a .cpp file with the editor ?
      1. Open a the right class diagram, which contains a class symbol of the appropriate C++ class, select the class symbol.
        1. Press the “Shift” key + click on operation,
        2. Or choose “Edit Definition” from its context menu.
    • Borland Together 5.5.
      • “Builder / Compiler Option / Classpath = $CLASSPATH_PROJECT$”.
      • “Builder / Compiler Option / Destination Directory =$TGH$/out/classes/$PROJECT_NAME$”.
  • IBM.
  • The affordable commercial Metamill Software "Metamill" for Windows and Linux.
    • MagicDraw UML demo version is limited to save up to 20 classes, 25 states, use cases, actions and collaboration objects. Besides that, it has an absolute expiration date ( e.g. 2010-12-31, 2011-06-30, 2011-08-31, 2011-12-31... ).
    • MagicDraw connects to the MagicDraw website, at startup, there is a windows with the message “Connecting to MagicDraw website”. If you are offline, there is the error message “Cannot connect to the autoupdate server. Please check your internet connection”, but you can work offline.
    • “If MagicDraw is not launched from IDE or you are getting OutOfMemoryErrors, be shure that the java option -XX:MaxPermSize=200M is spezified. For more details, see IDE's readme.html”.
    • MagicDraw supports IDE Integration for IntellJ IDEA, JBuilder, AndroMDA, Eclipse,oAW, Netbeans.
    • Once, there was a free “MagicDraw Community Edition” ( e.g. 11.5 ) for developers working on non-commercial projects. In this edition, a minimal set of features was enabled and it only allowed full functionality for class diagrams. All other diagrams were read only.
  • The affordable commercial SPARX Systems "Enterprise Architect" for Windows.
    • The “Professional Edition” can generate code and allows round trip engineering.
    • There is a “Requirements” diagram, for requirements engineering !

Model To Text - UML to textual Documentation


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