I got a printed paper edition, as gift, by the author, personally , at the event “Reihe 'Mittwochs bei Computacenter'. Enterprise Apps: Mit mobilen Anwendungen Geschäftsprozesse optimieren” ( “Series of events 'On Wednesday at Computacenter'. Enterprise Apps: Business process optimization with mobile applications” ) of Computacenter AG & Co. oHG in Hannover, Germany, 2013-10-30.
“A suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services”.
“Nextcloud application functionally is similar to Dropbox, Office 365 or Google Drive, but can be used on home-local computers or for off-premises file storage hosting. Office functionality is limited to x86/x64 based servers as OnlyOffice does not support ARM processors”.
The online service WMT Gesellschaft für Workmanagement Technologien mbH "Gallestro" - You may generate executable web applications executing the workflow of the modeled processes, easily ( “Der Workflow ist die konsequente Fortführung der Wissenskomponente. Eine gallestro Spezialität, bei der aus grafischen Prozessmodellen mit minimalem Aufwand ausführbare Webanwendungen werden” ).