Eclipse "Epsilon" - “A family of languages and tools for code generation, model-to-model transformation, model validation, comparison, migration and refactoring that work out of the box with EMF and other types of models”.
Tony Clark "XMF and XMF-Mosaic" - “XMF is a programming language for Language Oriented Programming and developing Domain Specific Languages. XMF is a fully featured language that can be used to process XML, interface to Java (including EMF) and connect to input/output data streams”. "Language Workbench Challenge" of 2010-2014 ( - 2017-06-28 ) - “Comparing Tools of the Trade”. Experts told me “A number of language workbenches are illustrated by implementing the same example DSLs. This provides a ood way of comparing the various tools”.
I participated in the event”Why 'Modeling Sucks' Sucks!” by Markus Voelter at the regional meeting of Java User Group Ostfalen in Braunschweig, Germany ( 2018-02-20 ).
The commercial, but affordable event “JetBrains MPS Community Meetup”. "Jeddict", GitHub "Jeddict" - “Jeddict is an open source graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies development tasks of creating complex entity relationship models. Using it developers can create JPA class, visualize & modify Database and automates Java EE 8 code generation. The Jeddict provides forward & reverse engineering capabilities, import models from existing database, generate complex SQL/DDL and much more”.
The OpenSource DSL Forge - “DSL Forge framework allows you to get web-based textual editors from ANTLR grammars. From the grammar specification, a JavaScript parser and lexer are automatically generated and embedded into Cloud9’s ACE editor”.
“mbeddr is a set of integrated and extensible languages for embedded software engineering, plus an IDE. It supports implementation, testing, verification and process aspects. It integrates with command-line build tools and integration servers, as well as file-based version control systems”.
“mbeddr has support for requirements and product line definition, software documentation, implementation in C and C extensions such as state machines physical units or interfaces and components, as well as testing, mocking, as well as formal verification”.
“mbeddr comes with a state-of-the-art IDE including syntax coloring, code completion, go to definition, realtime type checks, quick fixes, refactorings, customizable find-usages, automated synchronization between related parts of the code, version control integration and debugging”.
“Spin is a popular open-source software verification tool, used by thousands of people worldwide. The tool can be used for the formal verification of multi-threaded software applications. The tool was developed at Bell Labs in the Unix group of the Computing Sciences Research Center, starting in 1980. The software has been available freely since 1991”.
“The user guide is written and maintained in inside MPS using mbeddr's documentation language, because this supports close integration with the mbeddr artifacts documented in the user guide. It is available inside MPS as well as online”.
Book “DSL Engineering”, page 101 “The extensibel C language comes with a 100-page PDF that shows ow to use the MPS-based IDE, illustrates the changes between regular C, provides examples for all C extensions and also discusses how to use the integrated analysis tools”.
The Eclipse Foundation "Eclipse Modeling ( M2T )" - “JET is typically used in the implementation of a “code generator”. A code-generator is an important component of Model Driven Development (MDD)”.
YouTube "The introductory Calculator Language Tutorial" - “This screncast provides an alternative way to learn MPS. Folowing the steps described in the on-line introductory Calculator MPS Tutorial ( JetBrains "MPS Calculator Language Tutorial" ) the screencast will guide you through the process of building a Calculator definition language and show you how to use the basic MPS concepts, such as the structure, the editor and the generator. If you find the on-line tutorial a bit dry and difficult to follow, this screencast may help you get over it. Try it out!”.
Experts told me, that MPS supports the full set of context-free grammars ( as there is no grammar, no parser, no grammar class with projectional editors ).
Stratego/XT - “Stratego/XT is now part of the Spoofax Language Workbench, which provides an Eclipse plugin for developing SDF and Stratego, and creating Eclipse IDE plugins for your own language”
“The essential tools for Java and DSL developers, including a Java & Xtend IDE, a DSL Framework (Xtext), a Git client, XML Editor, and Maven integration”.
Eclipse "XText" - “Language Development Framework”. “With Xtext you can easily create your own programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs)”.
itemis AG "xText" - “itemis is the originator of the Eclipse Xtext framework. We are passionate in supporting the Eclipse and Xtext community, developing the framework continuously further and creating the perfect DSL for our customers. Xtext is open source and completely free to use – but with itemis you can be faster and more successful”
Warnung: Both books just describe the software development tool. This is no introduction for implementing DSLs with MPS. The books don´t contain any course material. There is no teaching, no how-to.