The screen resolution of your graphics card is less than 1024×768 ( e.g. 800×600, think of small webbooks.. and legacy desktop PC graphics cards ).
The shipped grapics drivers of Win8 do not support 1024×768 on your graphics card ( think of legacy graphics card which the graphics card drivers shipped with WinXP just support with 800x600x16 ).
Techsoft VxDWriter - “A commecial tool for developing Windows 95/98/Me Virtual Device Driver (VxD) quickly and efficiently in C/C++”. Limited free version is available for download.
EnTech Taiwan "TVicHW322 - “A commercial general purpose device driver that can be used by practically any programming language. It lets you access and control hardware directly from any Win32 application under Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP/XP 64-bit without having to use the Windows DDK”.
Ingenieurbuero Paule "Direct I/O" - “A commercial device driver for Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 which enables the direct hardware access for your existing software without any programming efforts on your side”.
May 1995 article in “Windows/DOS Developer's Journal” aka ”Windows Developer's Journal”, found in archives like “windowsdos/1995/”, “wddj/1995/”.
Physikzentrum der RWTH Aachen: ARC Board - “To install the device driver you need the device driver giveio.sys (from the zip file and the program instdrv.exe ( from the device driver kit (DDK) for Windows NT”.
NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), InstDrv plug-in - “The plugin helps you to create NSIS scripts for installing device drivers or removing them again. It can count installed device instances, create new ones or delete all supported device. InstDrv works on Windows 2000 or later”.
The free Microsoft MSDN Library "Spy++" - “A Win32-based utility that gives you a graphical view of the system’s processes, threads, windows, and window messages”.
The free Dependencywalker - scans any 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module (exe, dll, ocx, sys, etc.) and builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules.
Microsoft Developer - Microsoft’s worldwide online destination for developers.
Microsoft TechNet "TechNet Edge" - “Hier finden IT-Experten Videos, Screencasts, Podcasts und Artikel, mit denen sie über aktuelle Microsoft-Technologien auf dem Laufenden bleiben”.
Microsoft "We.Build Inc." - “Kostenlos mit IT-Schulungen weiterbilden, spielerisch Punkte sammeln und Preise gewinnen. Willkommen bei We.Build Inc, dem Start-up-Spiel für IT-Anfänger, -Fortgeschrittene und Profis. Bei uns stehen Ihre Weiterbildung und Ihre Karriere im Vordergrund” → “Live-Veranstaltungen in ganz Deutschland”.