[hemmerling] Accommodation - Rooms & Beds

Hotels, Pensions, Landlords

Special list of affordable "Budget and Economy Hotels"

Special list of affordable "Low Budget Hotels"

Special list of Hotels suitable for E-Car Drivers

Some other affordable Hotels

Directories and Meta-Directories for Rooms + Beds, Vacation Homes

Meta Directories for Rooms + Beds

Rooms for rentby private Landlords / Couchsurfing

Private Storage Market

  • Shelf Sailor - “Finde Stauraum in Deiner Nähe bei Self Sailor”.

Real Estate Market

Hotel Ratings

Legal Matters


Online Services for Relocation

Local Services for Relocation

Rental Services for Trailers, Transporter / Vans


Sales of Houses and Flats

Internet Services

  • Engel & Völkers AG, named by YouTube as McMakler competitor.
    • Also offering student flats in Bielefeld, Schlosshofstraße. “Donnerstags 16:00-18:00 Offene Besichtigung”, “All inclusive Miete inkl. Strom + Internet”.
  • Homeday.de - Mein Immobilienmakler - “Keine Verkaufsprovision”.
    • The questions for estimation of the worth of a flat / house are quite detailed.
    • The price estimation “Preisspanne: 144.400 - 174.800 EUR kalkulierter Immobilienwert für Jakob-Kaiser-Straße 24 in Bielefeld” is available immediately.
    • You get an E-Mail with a website link to a detailed report ( which you may save as PDF by your own PDF printer ).
    • Though there is a formular with questions for estimation of the worth of a flat / house, and though there is an account with the status “Immobilie in Bearbeitung”, there is no free online estimation of the worth of a flat / house, at all :-(.
    • Indeed, the estimation of the worth of a flat / house is free, but just processed after a personal visit and inspection of the flat / house.
    • “Wir finden 3 passende Makler* für Ihre Immobilie - schnell, kostenlos & unverbindlich” - There is no free online estiomation of the worth of a flat / house :-(.
  • McMakler - “Ihr Partner bei Vermietung & Verkauf”.
    • The questions for estimation of the worth of a flat / house are quite detailed.
    • There is no free online estimation of the worth of a flat / house :-(.
    • “Um Ihnen eine genaue Analyse Ihrer Immobilie zukommen lassen zu können, benötigen wir weitere Daten von Ihnen. Dazu wird Sie in Kürze ein Kundenberater telefonisch kontaktieren”. After a short phonecall, you get an E-Mail with an option to download a detailed PDF file, with the requested informations.
    • 2020-02 for Jakob-Kaiser-Straße 24 in Bielefeld:
      • “Preisspanne Ihrer Immobilie: 155.000 EUR – 190.000 EUR”.
      • “Aktuelle Marktpreise in Ihrer Umgebung, Eigentum / Miete - Altbau 2.059 €/m² Altbau 8 €/m²”.
  • von Poll Immobilien GmbH, named by YouTube as McMakler competitor.


  • In Germany, you have to pay a “speculation tax” ( German: “Spekulationssteuer” ) if you sell a flat / house, while you didn´t live in the flat for at least 3 years, or rent the flat / house for at least 10 years.

Travel Agencies

Help for homeless People


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