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[hemmerling] Artist's Biography

Personal Data:
Name: Rolf Hemmerling
Address: Henckellweg 2, D-30459 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 511 2347019, Fax: +49 (0) 69 1330 3069 976, E-mail:
Nationality: German
Development as Artist and Journalist:
Since 2021-02 I familiarize myself in development of applications and games on the online game platform CORE ( ). First OpenSource Projekt: A pocket calculator “Calculator” ( ), available as in-game gadget. It might also be called by the menu system, from CORE applications shipped with it
2018-06-12 Software-supported design of a painting of a 0.5l thermos flask, by the “Intel Hydration Art” software tool, at the booth of INTEL on the computer fair CEBIT. One thermo flask was printed with my arts design, by a computer printer.
2015-05-30 Video “Fahrradparken 4.0”, developed and filmed with a team at the video workshop of the unconference Freiräume – Arbeiten auf Augenhöhe. 2015.
*YouTube "Fahrradparken 4.0, Version 1".
*YouTube "Fahrradparken 4.0, Version 2".
2013-06-07 Participation in the artist workshop “Pimp your bag” at VARIEÉTÉ LIBERTÉ - Tour de la créativité, sponsored by Gauloises, with Klara Kadlec ( XING "Klara Kadlec", Facebook "Klara Kadlec" ) and Tanja Blomer ( XING "Tanja Blomer" ). I created my own individual artist cotton bag, taking a plain cotton bag as base.
2012-07 - 2012-11 Technical writer for software documentation and quality assurance at on/off it-solutions gmbh.
2007 Lighting planning for the graduand's room 3974 of University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Fachhochschule Hannover, which is equipped with engineering workplaces for screen handling and electronic development. Particiation in the contest Art of Engineering” of ”FERCHAU Engineering GmbH” with an artwork “R3974” developed from this work.
2005 University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Fachhochschule Hannover, Laboratory for Digital Image Processing: “Hemmerling 34 EUR” – electronic artwork ( electronic image processing of a 20 EUR banknote ), short movie with 3D animation
2004 Short movie “Meine wa(h)re Liebe” ( “My true Love” ), a contribution to the competition ”Wa(h)re Liebe Filmpreis 2004”. Participation in the Wick photo competition “mmmm... Tut gut. Schmeckt gut”
2004 6th. position at the music video competition ”Clip-Ab 2004
2003-02 Publication of the article “China firecracker” in the chinese magazine “Voice”
2003 3rd. position at the music video competition ”Clip-Ab 2003"
2002 Top-6 position at the music video competition ”Clip-Ab 2002
2002 Music video for the song “Tried To Call” of ”Kürsche”, short movie “Projekt Sammelwahn” ( “Project Collector's Madness” )
Since 2002 Extra in music videos and cinema advertising spots
2001 Short movie “Das Sportfest 2001” ( “The Sports Festivity 2001” )
Since 2000-05 Production, publication and public broadcasting of videofilms and pieces of music ( on CD, audio and video tapes, Minidisk, in the Internet )
Since 2000 Music composition and music production, remixes
2000 Actor in a short movie shot on the world exposition ”EXPO 2000” in Hannover, Germany
1999 , 2000 Short movies shot on the Hannover Fair CeBIT
Since 1995 Operation of the artistic-controversal website
Since 1993 Experimental digital photography with the digital photo camera “Logitech Fotoman”
1993 , 1994 Actor in short movies on the Hannover Fair CeBIT
1991 , 1996 TV appearances at SAT1, N3
Since 1991 Publication of articles and softwarwe in magazines and disk magazines
Since 1989 Photography with the 35 mm photo camera ”Kodak Retina 1b”
1987 19.position at the “PEARL Programming Competiton” with the classical computer tennis game “Pong”, implemented with the realtime programming language PEARL
1980 - 1987 Honorary collaboration as soundman at the non-profit fund-raising organisation ”Verein Klinikprogramme für Bielefeld e. V.
1980 Publication of the poem ”An den gemeinen Schüler” ( “Addressed at the common Pupil” )
1979 Screenplay for the short movie “Auswege? Keine!” ( “No Way Out!” ), video training as part of the arts education at the Max-Planck-Gymnasium Bielefeld
Since 1974 Sculptures
1971 - 1972 Musical education ( recorder / English Flute )
Ab 1968 Drawings and paintings
Professional Qualification:
Dipl-Ing.(FH) in Electric Engineering / Information Technology
Certified Project Management Associate (GPM/IPMA)
DGQ Quality Assurance Representative and Internal Auditor
Abitur ( GCSE/A-Levels and High School Diploma equivalent )

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