The latest free Windows Services for UNIX ( SFU ) 3.5 for W2k are shipped with the outdated ActivePerl 5.6.0. Warning: The path to the Perl binary directory ( “C:\SFU\Perl\bin” ) is included in the PATH system variable of Windows.
In Windows Server 2008 and high-end versions of Vista ( Enterprise and Ultimate ) and Windows 7 ( Enterprise and Ultimate ), the recent “Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications” ( SUA ) is included.
Call in your personal home directory your first self-written Embedded Perl script “” by
perl daemon
Not recommended alternative: With COMMAND.COM, go from the root installation directory to the subdirectory “script”. There you can run your first self-written Embedded Perl script “” by “perl morbo”.
The simple but powerful OpenSource web application framework Perl Dancer.
The OpenSource GUI Builder Glade - A User Interface Designer - “By using GtkBuilder, Glade XML files can be used in numerous programming languages including C, C++, C#, Vala, Java, Perl, Python,and others”.
“Access winIDEA from a Perl application”: iSYSTEM AG "SDKs - winIDEA" - There is an SDK, “isystem.connect SDK”, for the commercial edition of the Windows IDE “winIDEA”. “” of 2015-04 is the latest edition.
“Taint mode” - “You can also enable taint mode explicitly by using the -T command line flag. This flag is strongly suggested for server programs and any program run on behalf of someone else, such as a CGI script”.