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[hemmerling] Content Management Systems ( CMS )

Related pages:

Conferences & Fairs

Archive Software

Backup Software





Access Control ( .htaccess, .htpasswd, .htdigest, Certificates, OAuth, ... )

Official Server Documentation

.htaccess, .htpasswd

Free online .htaccess Password Generators




Enabling ".htaccess" by Apache "httpd.conf"


False Configuration #1
  • File ”.htaccess”
    ErrorDocument 404 "E:/404.htm"
    # Firefox, special Firefox message "The address wasn’t understood. An error occurred during a connection to localhost. You might need to install other software to open this address".
False Configuration #2
  • File ”.htaccess”
    ErrorDocument 404 "E:\404.htm"
    # Firefox, standard Apache message: "Internal Server Error".
    # Apache log:
    # ".htaccess: Cannot parse expression in ErrorDocument: Escape sequence out of bound"
Proper Configuration
  • No Windows path starting with drive letter ( “C:\...” ), no Windows backslashes ( “\” ) :-).
  • Apache “http.conf”
    Alias /content/ e:/users/public/htdocs/content/
  • File ”.htaccess”
    # ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo."
    ErrorDocument 404 /content/01/php/errors/404.htm
    ErrorDocument 403 /content/01/php/errors/403.htm
ErrorDocument with dynamically calculated Path instead of Path from DocumentRoot




Run XAMPP 1.7.7 ( PHP5, mysql ) and XAMPP 8.1.6 ( PHP8, mysqli ) on the same Windows computer

  • XAMPP ( PHP 5 ): HTTP 5201, HTTPS 4443.
  • XAMPP ( PHP 8 ): HTTP 5202, HTTPS 443.




Classical Wikis

  • The OpenSource Edgewall "trac - Integrated SCM & Project Management" - “An enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects”.
  • The commercial Atlassian Confluence Wiki.
  • The commercial DrupalWiki by KontextWork, Hannover.
    • DrupalWiki is a fork of the Drupal CMS of 2008. The system was made stable to activate 250 Drupal modules while beeing a usuable fast system, which would not be possible with the original Drupal CMS.
    • The DrupalWiki provides the management of meta informations to classify documents by attributes and facets-of-attributes.
      • By this, the user determines at the time of search, what shall be included in the search.
      • To provide the search by selection of attributes and facets-of-attributes, the system makes use of full-text OpenSource search engines, in the first years by Apache Solr ( Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene ), since some time Elasticsearch.
    • The system, or at least part of the the system is shipped in Docker containers.
  • MindTouch Core for Windows and Linux.
  • WikiCreole - the “Creole” syntax for Wikis.
  • wiki4enterprise - “Einführung und Nutzung von MediaWiki im Unternehmen”.

Microsoft Sharepoint as Wiki

Wiki Markup Languages

Wiki Services

Web 2.0 Community Platforms

Web-based Content Management Systems

CMS Products


  • The OpenSource DotNetNuke in VB.NET - The Leading Open Source Web Content Management Platform for ASP.NET”.

Drupal ( PHP )

  • The OpenSource CMS Drupal in PHP.
    • According to experts, Drupal 5, 6, 7, 8 are totally incompatible :-(. These experts suggest to setup a new project with empty codebase, when moving from one version ( 5, 6, 7... ) to the next ( 6, 7, 8,.. ) :-(.

eforia web manager

  • The free eforia web manager - “Systemvoraussetzungen. Server: WebServer unter Windows oder Linux Server mit CGI-Schnittstelle. Ausführung freier CGI-Binaries (Linux) muss erlaubt sein oder Installation tdbengine. Empfohlen wird der Betrieb mit Apache, dafür werden passene Konfigurationsdateien (.htaccess) mitgeliefert”.

i-doit open ( PHP )

Joomla! ( PHP )

The Tool
Social Community Extensions
Online Services


  • The OpenSource OpenCms, based on Tomcat und MySQL.

phpCMS ( PHP )


Wordpress ( PHP )

The Tool
The Reason for Success
  • EN.Wikipedia "Movable Type", DE.Wikipedia "Movable Type" - “With the release of version 3.0 in 2004, there were marked changes in Movable Type's licensing, most notably placing greater restrictions on its use without paying a licensing fee. This sparked criticism from some users of the software, with some moving to the then-new open-source blogging tool WordPress”.
  • Experts told me the success factor of WordPress: It was possible to import projects from MoveableTypes to WordPress :-).
  • “Child Themes”.
  • Experts told me that WordPress is a “plugin hell” :-).
    • If you use free or commercial WordPress online services,
      • The number and selection of plugins might be different,
      • And what of what version number the plugins are,
      • And how often plugins are updated.
    • If you run WordPress on your own server, you are responsible for system updates and especially plugin updates...
  • WordPress is known as working low-budget solution:
    • “Weil es in den Augen eines Fachkundigen Users und auch in den Augen anderer Firmen ein Armutszeugnis ist WP als Webseite zu haben. Eine Firma welche WP als Webseite hat kämpft in meinen Augen mit dem Existenzminimum”, “also 80% aller Firmen kämpfen um die Existenz. Weil so circa 80% aller Webseiten auf WP basieren”.
    • “Wenn man die richtigen Verkaufsargumente und ein wenig Know-how hat, kann man einem Kunden sehr schnell klar machen warum man auf WP verzichten und durchaus bereit sein sollte etwas in seinen Webauftrit zu investieren”.
    • “Eine Webseite ist nunmal der first point of contact, der Eindruck muss passen. Dabei gehts weder ums Geld der Entwickler oder sonst was. Es ist und bleibt ein Aushängeschild... Beauftragst du einen Grafiker/Webdesigner der als eigene Homepage ein Werk von Frontpage 1.0 vorzuweisen hat? Wohl kaum”.

ZOPE ( Python )

Coldfusion Express

School / College Portal & CMS

Enterprise Portal & CMS

Enterprise Information Management ( EIM )

  • The commercial OpenText - “Enterprise Information Management (EIM). Get a competitive advantage by securing & centrally managing your big data & big content with an OpenText Enterprise Information Management software strategy”.

Online Enterprise Operating Manual & CMS

Social Network Systems, Groupware & Dating Software Solutions

Free & OpenSource Social Network Systems

Free & OpenSource Social Dating Tools

Commercial & free Groupware

Commercial Social Network Systems

WoWonder - The Server
WoWonder - Third-Party Apps
WoWonder - Reference Customers
WoWonder - User Experience
  • Limit “You have reached your limit of 1000 friends!” ( = 1000 friend requests? ) :-(, even though you just have e.g. 394 accepted friends.
  • Feedback about the user interface and system features:
    • Language switching:
    • According to reliable users, you may open, close and reopen an account with same username and same E-Mail address :-).
    • Other social network communities, which might be entitled “Social Media-Sharing Communities”, allow the users to browse the uploaded media contents ( photos and videos ). There is no central place at WoWonder for that.
      • The photo and video contents is hidden on the profile walls and albums of the users. This might be ok for a true social community with mostly private photo and video contents ( e.g. Facebook ), but is a fault in case of a photo and video community, where sharing of media contents is of major interest both of the uploaders and the consuming users.
    • Message system.
      • There is no true message system, but just a chat system. The chat system has a limited buffer, so that chat contents is not saved permanently.
      • The chat system looks like to Facebook chat, with a chat window at left bottom of the browser window. You may scroll up messages of a chat, both in the chat window and the message screen WoWonder Demo Server, Messages.
      • You may switch from the chat window to the message screen by clicking on the icon “arrow right up”at top of the chat window.
      • Message buffer:
        • The message buffer is limited in 2 ways:
          1. Number of users with who you already communicated, which are listed on the message page ( WoWonder Demo Server, Messages.
            • How to stay in contact with a user:
              1. Set a “bookmark” the profile with your browser, i.e. to WoWonder Demo Server "Deen Doughouz".
              2. Even if you bookmarked a profile with your browser, you might be unable to communicate at first sight:
                1. If you login at the website, load the bookmarked page ( by selection the bookmark by your browser bookmark list ) and click on the “Message” button, it might be that the chat window does NOT open.
                2. In that case, search for the screenname ( e.g. “Deen Doughouz” ) printed at the top of the profile page. Note that the username, i.e. name in URL ( ) might be different.
                3. Click on the profile found in the search result, so that the profile page loads.
                4. Then usually it is successful to open the chat window by clicking on “Message” button.
          2. Data amount of communications data with each user. If you send photos by messages, it might be filled quickly. After the buffer is filled, the first messages will be deleted if new messages arrive.
            • The chat window message buffer is very limited. If you want to see earlier messages, you must switch to the message screen. If you scroll up, you see the button “View more messages ( arrow-up )”. If you scroll up further, you might see this button again. Finally there is the start of buffer, no older messages might be displayed, all older messages so-far not listed are lost.
        • Communication with a user:
        • Deletion of messages:
          • In the small chat window at the bottom, on any standard profile page, you can't delete messages.
          • If you switch to message window, i.e. WoWonder Demo Server "Messages"
            • There is the option “Delete Message”, which simply deletes the message without warning.
            • If you press the button “Delete Conversation” at top-right, all messages are deleted. Maybe not just for you, but also for the other chat partner?!
            • At some point in 2024-11 on smartphone browser, I tried to delete a doubled message, which was doubled by unknown reason. I got a warning about deletion, which I ignored. But by that, the complete chat was deleted... :-(.
        • If you bann another user
          • The message buffer is also officially unavailable for this user, i.e. the banned user can´t read the old messages anymore :-(.
          • But even if you get banned by a friend, you will be informed about his / her birtday, at the WoWonder community start page :-).
        • How to get the access to the message buffer again:
          • You still must know the URL of the user. The URL username must be not identical to the screen name.
          • Open another ( free ) account, best by another Internet browser.
          • Just if writing of messages is enabled by default, for users who are not friends, you may access the old messages of your first account. Else not!
          • Open the chat message window.
          • Change from chat message window to full message buffer page. Copy the URL.
          • Login with your old account.
          • Paste the URL of the full message buffer page.
          • Just in case that the message buffer page doesn´t load, load the message buffer page of another no-blocked account, change the message buffer number to the wanted message buffer, and load again. A wonder, by wonder, ususually this works to load the requested message buffer page.
          • You might even write messages to the account, who “blocked” watching the profile page.
    • Friends, Chat partners, finding friends:
      • Friends & chat partners:
        • At “Chat” window on each standard page, I see the list of online profiles with which I chatted ( might be list of friends who are online?! ).
        • At WoWonder Demo Server, Messages, there are all messages.
          • As of 2024-11, this function is defect:
            • The map and the list of results are for “Gender = All”, “Status = All”, “Location distance = 1”, “Relationship = All”.
            • Any update to the search parameters don't result in a map update. The query result list is updated.
      • The search engine for users is hidden, behind “Search / Advanced Search” and “Forum / Members”.
        • “Search / Advanced Search”: Software bug, as of 2018-03: The given search criteria ( e.g. “country = Germany” ) are ignored for further results, if you press “Load more users”
        • “Forum / Members”: Software bug, as of 2018-03: The given selection criteria ( e.g. “All members with username which starts with 'A'” ) are ignored for further results, if you press “Load more users”
        • “Forum / Members”: You can't filter for a gender, ect. :-(. “Search / Advanced Search”: There are filters for gender, ect :-).
    • Photos & videos:
      • There is no image preview with limited image size. If an image, e.g. 1 MByte of size, is visible on a Wowonder profile page, it is loaded completely.
      • As of 2024-11, profile photo and background photo, uploaded from smartphone, are displayed properly no matter what direction the photo had when shot.
        • But in a special case in 2024-11, clicking on the profile photo of the profile page showed the photo in large, but turned 180 degrees :-(
        • But in a special case in 2024-11, clicking on the background photo of the profile page showed the photo in large, but turned 90 degrees :-(
      • WARNING: I found an implementation of WoWonder, where multiple videos are downloading as soon as you enter the website, automatically, though you don´t run a video. E.g. if you stay 10 minutes on a single page, it might have downloaded all videos completely. This might ruin your Internet high-speed data volume, if you have an Internet volume data tariff ( e.g. 2 GB/month ). According to a WoWonder user, there is no easy configuration to deactivate preloading of videos...
      • As experienced, uploaded media is not protected from external access. I.e. if you pass a link to a media object, people without cms account may view or play the media. Videos and pictures are stored with hash names, e.g. with “xxxxx” as placeholder for a hash value
      • If you put a link to a YouTube video into a ZB wall message, this is even mentioned at the top of the message, next to your user name “Youtube”. The video is embedded into the message and can be played. But the link to such included YouTube videos can´t be edited. If you edit a message which includes a YouTube video link, you may edit the other text, other URLs in the message, but not the video URL.
    • The number of curently logged in users is displayed at the bottom of the front page, right side, e.g. “Online Users 63”.
    • Users may create groups. They may add their friends to this group. An friend added to a group becames member of the group. There is no “invitation”, i.e. there is no response necessary. If the friend disagrees, he / she must leave the group by own action. This means that if there are many inactive friends in the friends' list of a user, the user can add many friends permanently to groups he is owning, without consent.
    • User feedback in 2018-03:
      • Dear admin of a WoWonder community, you may reduce your bandwidth charges by not allowing it to queue more than one stream at a time. I noticed it downloading 5 at once on a page where i was not going to watch any of them
    • User feedback in 2018-02:
      • I started with normal small server, about 130$/month, but the user experience even with a small number of users was, that “WoWonder” was so slow.
      • So I decided to upgrade. I upgrade several many times until this server, but still need more bigger.
      • Now we have more than 100 concurrent users, at best times.
      • The number of messages is enourmous. E.g. this month, in the first 3 days.... total number of messages is more than 2 millions ( 2.111.305 ). I.e. about 700.000 messages / day.
      • This server for more than 400$/month is
        • 12 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v4 @ 3.60GHz.
        • 128 GB RAM.
        • 2 SATA disks of 4 TB each.
        • 2 SSD disks of 500 MB each.
        • unlimited traffic.
      • I was talking with script owner and I need 256 gb to run.
        • Reason why the server is so slow: Too many people uploading videos, converting videos, pictures, chat, talking...
        • The traffic is not the problem. problem are ram, cpu. The server need 256 GB RAM but this is too much expensive.
        • By looking at the current upload statistics: Images can upload 10 in 5 minutes. And videos more than 20 in 1 hour. So the number of currently active users is less important for the RAM consumption.
        • Also our database is so big.
      • Update in 2020-02 “The server bill is 590 EUR each month for rent server and bandwidth”.
      • User behaviour and system behaviour analysis:
        • Estimated 5% of the active users are active frequent uploaders of photos and videos, especially they “send” messages with photos to other users, by posting messages on the other users' profile walls.
        • Especially, the uploaders are “collectors of 3rd-party videos and photos”. So they upload mostly 3rd-party stock video and photo contents, not own contents. It would be very hard and in most cases impossible for most active uploaders to generate own contents in that bulk masses.
        • So estimated 5% of the active users ( i.e. less than 1% of the registered users ) cause the demand for an expensive server with enormous amount of RAM and CPU power for processing the video and photo uploads ( and playing the videos by a broad number of users )
        • Additionaly, there might be a fatal software misconfiguration: If a user enters a user profile page, photos published on the profile's wall are loaded and especially videos ( not just one, e.g. up to 5 if 5 are on the page ) are preloaded by concurrent background download even if never played.
      • S: “Every PHP MySQl request kills 2MB of ram can you implement with Node.js ?”.
      • A: “It depends on the process that you’re executing, not all the processes kill 2MB of ram, there may be a loop that takes 500MB, and there may be a MySQL query that takes 1 KB of ram. I agree that it’s so recommend to use Node.js, but again, it’s not available in shared hosting, so we’ll lose the customers that are using shared hosting”.
      • Q: “I have two vps Database: 8GB RAM, 4vCPU, 50GB SSD, 4TB of Traffic Application script: 4GB RAM, 2vCPU, 5GB SSD, 2TB Traffic Storage amazon s3. How many concurrent users do you believe meet?”.
      • A: “If opcache and Amazon are enabled. The site can handle 1000+ online users in same time”.
      • Q:“I am just wondering, How much user wowonder script can handle”.
        • “1, Registered User at the site 2. Online Concurrent User the script can handle 3. Concurrent Chats at the same time”.
        • “I am using sql for database with hosting of 32GB DDR4, Intel® Xeon® E3-1270 v6, 4.20GHz Turbo, 4Core / 8T, CPU Cache 8MB, Disk Space 2TB 7.2K HDD. The mentioned hosting is Dedicated Server”.
        • “I can increase the RAM & Disk space of the server, in future upto 512 GB & 50 TB. You have mentioned the script can handle 1 million user. How much user the script can handle at maximum level if i increase the server? Is there any limitation”.
      • A:
        • “1. Unlimted even if you are on a shared hosting. (just data)”
        • “2. Can handle as much as you want, but it will depend on your server, for example on shared, just 5 till 10 online users or chatting, on VPS 2GB ram 50+”.
        • “3. Your server is just perfect, it can handle 1000+ online/chatting users easily”.
        • “4. There is no limitation, but once you reach 1M, you gonna have to stop using one server and start using multi servers or cloud hosting and a team to manage those and separate the script databases etc.”
      • Q: “Hi bro , what is the requirements of hosting if i have 1000 users”.
      • A: “You mean 1000 online or total users? If online, you need a VPS for sure, with Amazon S3 enabled”.
        • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) & VPS Hosting.
      • Q: “What about godaddy vps 1G ram ?”
      • A: “That is not good to start, we talking about 1K online users, you need 16GB + VPS for that. If total 1K users, 1 GB is good to start”.
      • Q: “Sorry for a lot of question s , how many users chat online in same time suitable for 1GB ram ?”.
      • A: “You can handle around 50 – 70 online users chatting”.

Commercial Dating Tools ( distributed with / as Sourcecode = OpenSource )

Just-Online Services, with Hosting

Some other commercial Dating Tools & Dating Services

Market Research


Corporate Online Communities

Forums, Discussion Boards

OpenSource Forums, Discussion Boards

Some other OpenSource Communications Systems, but unlike typical Forums, Discussion Boards

Just-commercial OpenSource Forums, Discussion Boards


Document Management Systems ( DMS )

Written Concepts



Document Hubs ( Document Hub Online Services, Data Sync Online Services )

Learning Systems, Learning Management Systems ( LMS ), Course Management Systems for Blended Learning

Paper Magazines


Forums, Newsgroups, Communities

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