EN.Wikipedia "Data Format Description Language" - “DFDL is descriptive and not prescriptive. DFDL is not a data format, nor does it impose the use of any particular data format. Instead it provides a standard way of describing many different kinds of data format”.
The OpenSource software DITA Open Toolkit - “The DITA Open Toolkit, or DITA-OT for short, is a set of Java-based, open-source tools that provide processing for DITA maps and topic content”.
DocBook.org - “DocBook is a schema (available in several languages including RELAX NG, SGML and XML DTDs, and W3C XML Schema) maintained by the DocBook Technical Committee of OASIS”.
PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. "Software and Tools" - The “PROFIBUS GSD Editor V5.1.1.0” for Windows is just free for PNO members. Integrated XML parsers are used to check the validity of GSD files, not to build them. These three XML parsers are integrated in the “GSD Editor”:
XML parser which is included in the .NET framework. The equivalent standalone tool is “MSXML 6”.
Once NHybernate was the inofficial “standard” for .NET developers for some time. In 2010 / 2011, the focus of .NET developers was turned by Microsoft to its ADO.NET Entity Framework, which is now the new “standard”.
I was told by experts about SQL naming conventions:
Oracle SQL Server: SQL commands and table names are not case sensitive. Internally, they are converted to uppercase, if they are not included in quotation marks.
Postgres is also not case sensitive, but converts all SQL keywords to lowercase.
Oracle MySQL Server is case sensitive or not, depending on th operating system, database engine and settings.