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[hemmerling] Device Description Languages and Device Parameterization

ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard ( CMSIS )

Asset Administration Shell

Desired State Configuration ( DSC )

Powershell & Powershell ISE

The Tools

DSC Resource Kit Waves 1, 2, 3.. 10

DSC Support Tools for the Powershell ISE

How to create custom DSC Resources

By MOF Schemes ( ... Powershell 4 )

By Powershell Classes ( Powershell 5 ... )

Server and Cloud Administration by PowerShell

Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration for Linux ( WPSDSCLinux )



Related Technologies

Similar Technologies


Asset Management for Devices of the Process Industry, Automation & Drives

<AutomationML>, PLCopen TC6



Electric Device Description ( EDD ) & Electric Device Description Language ( EDDL )

Stakeholder Analysis

  • Companies which sell DCS ( see Distributed Control Systems ( DCS ), especially SIEMENS, Emerson, are the traditional supporters of EDS / EDDS.
  • The DCS has enough “intelligence” to do the device management, so that the device might be described by a simple static text file.

Integrated Development Environments ( IDEs ) with EDDL Support

isEDD Workbench

EDDL Applications

SIEMENS Process Device Manager ( PDM )
    • “FDI host. SIMATIC PDM is ready for the future. As an FDI host, SIMATIC PDM can now also process field devices that are described in the new standardized FDI integration technology (Field Device Integration). In SIMATIC PDM, the integration, processing and display of field devices described via FDI device description packages take place similarly to the integration technologies used to date”.
  • SIEMENS "Delivery release: SIMATIC PDM V9.1", 2017-12-17 - “This new SIMATIC PDM V9.1 version introduces support for the new FDI technology for device integration. The standardized FDI technology is an open integration technology for field devices in parameter assignment and diagnostic tools. The Device Integration Manager (DIM) of SIMATIC PDM enables the integration of FDI device description packages created on the basis of the FDI specification V1.2.”.



Stakeholder Analysis

  • Companies which don't sell a DCS ( see Distributed Control Systems ( DCS ), especially Endress+Hauser, KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH, VEGA Grieshaber KG are the traditional supporters of FDT / FDI. In addion, ABB, though selling even 2 DCS, is a traditioal supporter of FDT / FDI, too.
  • FDI / FDT should bring “intelligence” and the option for dynamic configuration into device management, without the need for an expensive DCS. So local device management without the overhead of an expensive DCS is needed and wanted by customers with little budgets and little number of devices.


FDI - The new Standard for the Process Industry ( 2015 - )


Free FDI Frame Tools

Field Information Manager
  • iDTM-FDI by CodeWrights GmbH, a free FDI plugin for FDT frame applications - “iDTM-FDI is the FDI adapter for every FDT Host. Try it out right now, with the Tech Preview”.

Integrated Development Environments ( IDEs ) with FDI Support

FDI Package IDE



FDT - The Standard for the Automation Industry & Process Industry

  • FDT 1.0 / 2.0 is available for devices both used by the automation industry and the process industry.
  • Fieldbus support:
    • For the process industry ( HART, Fieldbus Foundation, Profibus PA ).
    • For the automation industry ( Profibus DP, ProfiNET, Ethernet IP, CanOpen, Sercos, Ethercat,..).

FDT/DTM Software Houses and its FDT/DTM Development Tools


Free FDT Frame Application Software

ABB Asset Vision
FieldCare, DeviceCare

Commercial FDT Frame Application Software

ABB 8000xA
  • ABB - “Device Management Tool DSV4xx for smart field instruments ( “SMART VISION” ).
Field Device Manager ( FDM )
Weidmüller Gruppe

Integrated Development Environments ( IDEs ) with FDT/DTM Support

    • “PLC and motion logic programming based on CoDeSys V3 with object-oriented language extensions”.
    • “Standardized interfaces such as FDT/DTM, connection of version control systems and automation interface”.


  • FTD 1.2 is based on Microsoft's COM and ActiveX.
  • FTD 2.0 is based on Microsoft .NET 2.0, 3.5, 4.0...
  • A DTM is not a static, but consists both of ( 80×86 or .NET ) code. By this, - e.g. in opposite to a static XML file like with <AutomationML> - it can dynamically change data: If you change the unit of a device parameter, e.g. metric system to US inch / feet / miles system.
  • There are 2 kinds of DTMs:
    1. Communication or Gateway-DTMs”, e.g. for USB-to-PROFIBUS devices.
    2. Device DTMs, e.g. for PROFIBUS devices connected to a PROFIBUS.
  • The “FDT Common Components” make it easier to develop DTMs.
  • I was told by experts, that “M&M” is able to generate a DTM from ProfibusDP device description, by a software generator. I was told by the same experts, that CodeWrights GmbH is able to do fast DTM development by the help of a software interpreter. So the generation of DTMs is not an easy working business modell. Anyhow, there are a few freelancers who may be hired to generate a DTM for a device.
  • DTMs are loaded and executed in the frame software on a Windows computer.
  • How to get DTMs?
    • In the case of Windows interface devices ( PEAK-System USB to CANBus device, Softing USB to PROFIBUS device,... ), the DTM is provided by the software developer of the windows device driver.
    • If the device is connected to a bus ( e.g. a CANBus or PROFIBUS device ), you need both the DTM for the Windows interface device plus the DTM for the device itself.
    • It might be a good market entry strategy, to start with the development of a DTM for an affordable budget-price sensor device ( by Turck, Pepperl+Fuchs, SIG, IFM... ), connected to a serial bus ( CANBus, PROFIBUS, not PROFINET ! ). The device is connected to the Windows computer by a with a Windows interface device ( USB to CANBus device, USB to PROFIBUS device,... ) shipped with a DTM by the interface device manufacturer.

Industry 4.0

Modul Type Package (MTP)

  • MTP is an adoption of the FDI / FDT concepts for module hardware, which is equipped with a user interface.
    • The electronics of FDI/ FDT devices is so “small”, that such devices don´t have a user interface or just a very limited user interface. Thats why FDI / FDT provide a user interface by the DTM module running in an FDI / FDT frame, on a computer used for configuration & maintainance.
    • Module hardware is usually so “big” that it is shipped with a full-blown user interface, which is generated by the developer using the usual PLC IDE. The idea of MTP is to export this existing data from the developer IDE, as base for a FDI / FDT user interface in a frame application on computer used for configuation & maintainance.

Industry 4.0 Component ( "i4.0 Komponente" )

NAMUR NE 148 Initative for standardized Description of Process Industry Modules ( 2013 - 2015 )

  • NAMUR "Die NE 148 ist neu erschienen" - “NE 148 “Anforderungen an die Automatisierungstechnik durch die Modularisierung verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen” (Version 22.10.2013)”.
  • Experts told me in 2015-06, that the forthcoming standard might be based on:
    1. Internal modules with I/O only → FDI based interface.
    2. External modules with a PLC → OPC/UA based interface.

PROFINET Device Description by GSD / GSDML

    • “All about GSD files”:
      • GSD files contain information about the basic capabilities of a device. All devices are shipped with a GSD file, or a file can be downloaded from this web site or the vendor's own web site. With a GSD file, system integrators can determine basic data such as the communications options and the available diagnostics”.
    • “PROFINET GSDML Files”:
      • “GSDML are GSD files written in XML format. They describe the features of the PROFINET device model. GSDML editing can be accomplished with standard XML editors and should comply with ISO 15745, the base for device descriptions. The aim is to allow better integration of devices into an engineering tool”.
      • “It is not an objective of the GSDML format to describe technological functions or the graphical user interface of a device. For this purpose concepts such as TCI, FDT, EDD should be used”.

Tool Calling Interface ( TCI )


  • Cyclic data acquisition:
    • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC ) and Distributed Control Systems ( DSC ) do cyclic data collection, in case of PROFIBUS DP the GSD ( “Geräte-Stamm-Datei” ) defines devices.
  • Acyclic data acquistion:
    • Asset management by EDD / DD of SIEMENS, DTM of FDT.
    • EDDL is intended to become the successor of both EDD and DTM/FDT.


Linux Device Tree / Flattened Device Tree ( FDT )

NixOS - The Purely Functional Linux Distribution

Scene Description Languages

Universal Scene Description ( USD )


Smart Device Modelling


Abstraction at API Layer

  • Experts told me: The abstraction at API layer is far more important that the interoperability at protocol layer.

Semantic Modeling Framework

  • A model of the application may be created using a A “Semantic Modeling Framework”. By this, a REST interface may be generated automatically.
  • “Eclipse Vorto” and “Smart Device Template ( SDT )” provide such a semantic description for an application.

Smart Device Template ( SDT )

Eclipse Vorto

The Project


Provisioning and Orchestrating the Cloud

Orchestrating the Cloud Services ( Meta Services )

Provisioning a Cloud Service

Smartphone Device Management

Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) & Apple Device Enrollment Profile

Samsung "Knox"

Management Software for Smartphones


Forums, Newsgroups

  • LinkedIn "FDT/DTM" - “For professional with FDT/DTM background or experience. Automation engineers with fieldbus experience and FDT /DTM Technlogy know how to connect to each other and share ideas”.

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