[hemmerling] Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) 5/5 - Design for Application-Specific Integrated Circuits ( ASIC ) - A simple Frequency Divider

Concept for the Development of a simple ASIC

  • Specification:
    • Purpose: Frequency divider.
    • Application: Cell of a frequency divider chain.
      • Technology.
        • Circuit technology: CMOS integrated circuit. 0.8 µm CMOS Process CXQ ( CX08AI ) with poly capacitor module and high resistive poly module ( 13 mask layers ), by X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG.
          • Software design technology:
            • LTSpice, using special “CXQ” library files.
            • Tanner L-Edit 7.15, using the CMOS technology file “CXQ_DIG.TB”
    • Power source VDD: 1.2 Volts.
    • Input V(in): 500 KHz digital signal, low = 0 Volts, high = 1.2 Volts ( Pulses with 0.1 µs delay, 10 ns rise, 10 ns fall, 1 µs pulse width ).
    • Process: Frequency division by 2.
    • Output V(out): 250 KHz digital signal, low = 0 Volts, high = 1.2 Volts.
  • Proceeding:
    1. Literature and Internet research into frequency dividers.
    2. Design of a frequency divider by 2, on CMOS cell technology level.
    3. Circuit schematics design and simulation with LTSpice.
    4. Physical design of the CMOS integrated circuit with Tanner L-EDIT.
    5. Simulation of a schematics model imported from Tanner L-EDIT back to LTSpice.

Frequency Dividers, Frequency Division ( as of 2006-01-01 )

Online Databases and Ressources


IEEE Digital Library and IEEE Xplore Publications

  • J.F. Jensen, M. Hafizi, W.E. Stanchina, R.A. Metzger, D.B. Rensch: “39.5-GHz static frequency divider implemented in AlInAs/GaInAs HBTtechnology”, Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuit (GaAs IC) Symposium 1992. ISBN: 0-7803-0773-9 ( Library TIB Hannover: Signatur “RO 123(14)” ).
  • J.-O. Plouchart, J. Kim, H. Recoules, N. Zamdmer, Y. Tan, M. Sherony, A. Ray, and L. Wagner: “A 33 GHZ 2:1 Static Frequency Divider in 0.12-µ SOI CMOS Operable at 2.7mW,”. Proceedings of the IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Digest of Technical Papers, June 2003, pp. 329-332. ( 1, 2, 3, 4, Library TIB Hannover: Signature “RN 9723 (2003)” ).
  • H.-D. Wohlmuth, D. Kehrer, and W. Simburger: “A High Sensitivity Static 2:1 Frequency Divider Up to 19 GHz in 120 nm CMOS” ( Library TIB Hannover: Signature “RN 9723 (2002)” ).

Other related CMOS Design Literature

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