C232HM-DDHSL-0, MPSSE, 10 single pole receptacles, 30Mbps, 0.5m, Additional Voltage Output Level (If available) = 3.3V - not really recommended.
C232HM-EDHSL-0, MPSSE, 10 single pole receptacles, 30Mbps, 0.5m, Additional Voltage Output Level (If available) = 5V - recommended if you need to supply power by the USB cable from the PC.
“If for any reason there is no Voltage label on the cable, then the above pictures show you how to identify them. The plastic inside the connector housing will be black for 3.3 Volts, and white for 5 Volts”.
The graphics chip, board and display are designed to be used in “landscape” mode only ( not in “portrait” mode ). There are just ASCII characters ( 0..127 ) for “landscape” mode available.
Access to pixels:
With traditional graphics controllers, there are 5 - 6 layers, and you may set every pixel of every layer.
With FT800, you can´t easily set a single pixel.
The graphics demo videos look as if the vidoes are not recorded by an external cam, but by transfering images back to a host... True?!
Example code:
The FT800 software examples by FTDI are mostly in C++ ( and not just C ), sometimes just working with Microsoft Visual Studio C/C++ compiler.. true?!
The FT800 software examples by Glyn are in “C” and kept as simple s possible.
Tool support:
iSystems WinIDEA already support “Spansion MB9BF524K” and will make the Glyn “EVBMB9B520EVEVE” board selectable as target option.
The newest version of Spansion's “USB wizzard” application already supports the ARM board, so that the wizzard may create a working USB driver.
Installation tips:
Please install Seggert JLink without “virtual COM port”.
The CPU is “MB9BF524K”.
You may flash the ARM board directly by USB, without having attachted the TFT display nor the FT800 controller board.
Page 39: “After the LOAD ASSETS() finishes, all the bitmaps are loaded into graphics memory, and all the bitmap handles are set up to use the bitmaps”.
ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY - “Serial Graphic Displays, with built-in Intelligence!”.
Free simulator / editor / compiler for Windows - “Helpful for the development, but also powerful for 1st. steps is the simulator software for the EA eDIP240-7. With that internal EEPROM can be used to define some pre-defined screen layouts”.
Atmel Corporation "SAM4S Wireless PIR Camera Reference Design" - “This reference design kit provides everything you need to get a quick start designing a low-cost yet powerful passive infrared motion detector camera solution, as found in building or home alarm and monitoring systems”.
Wiki GitHub Wiki "memsindustrygroup/Open-Source-Sensor-Fusion" - “A subset of the Accelerated Innovation Cooperative effort, sponsored by MIG. AIC champions community development of an open source repository of algorithms and datasets for sensor fusion and analytics”.
“Allows the use of 5 V modules on 3.3 V microcontrollers, or 3.3 V modules on 5 V microcontrollers. Supports SCM, I²C, SPI”.
For use with ( bare metal ) embedded controllers, to convert 3.3V MCU level ↔ 5 V TTL level. Suggested by maker scene experts, on the event “Pythoncamp Leipzig 2022”.
“Digilent Inc.” is a daughter company of “National Instruments”.
Analog Wiki "Xilinx Reference Designs" - “Pmods. ADI products can be found on many boards which use industry standard connectors, such as Pmods and FMC”.