[hemmerling] Electric Units & Electronics 1/3 - My Electronics, Electronics Workbench Equipment, Electronics Literature & Resources

My personal Involvement in Electronics

My Way

  • As you see on the photo, I started with a number of electronics kit by Philips: EE 2003 / 41 / 50 / 51 / 52, EE 2004 / 05 / 06, EE 2013 / 2010, EE 2014, EE 3020 / 3023 ( video ) and Philips/Quelle 345 44 10 ( infrared and ultrasonic ). Unfortunately, I missed the EE 2007 and EE 2008 kits ( radar, oscilloscope, TV). If you live in Europe and own any of these two kits and if you are willing to sell for a fair price, then feel free to contact me, please ! In the 90th, Schuco manufacured different kits based on the original technology: “Elektronics-Profi-Lab” ( basic kit “D” ), “Fibreoptics Technics” ( add-on kit ), “Electronics-Instrumentation” ( basic kit “G” ), “Physics A / Electrotechnics”, “Physics B / Solartechnics”.
  • I got some fischertechnik electrotechnics and electronics kits ( “Hobby-4” of the 70th, “Electromechanics” and “Electronics” of the 80th ). Check my web page about fischertechnik !
  • I got the KOSMODYNE (R) switchbox by KOSMOS, so I am able to switch 230 Volts devices by low voltage electronics, fischertechnik and computers
  • I did my first steps in the digital world by the “digi-buch 1” by Elector Publishing, which was accompanied by a printed circuit board ( see the board at the bottom of the picture ).
  • I never was a great “solderer”. For the APPLE II, I still assembled a few cards by free-wire techniques, but it was a pain. For my IBM-XT computer ( equipped with 640 KByte memory ), I soldered a CMOS memory expansion card provided by HEISE Publishing and eMedia GmbH to get physical “upper memory”. I soldered several connectors for serial, video and Ethernet cables. That it was ! Sorry, my expericence in development of printed circuit boards is very ..limited. Today I prefer simulations like PC-SPICE ( see my web page about Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) ), but I still keep my electronics kits for further future use.
  • I am interested in microcontrollers.
    • In Summer 1999, I was involved for two month in an instrumentation project using 80C166 microcontrollers. I created an interface card for a ready-to-go microcontroller board, using wrapping and soldering techniques.
    • Additionally, I got an MCF5206 COLDFIRE evaluation board in 1997 and since 2010 many other microcontroller evaluation boards, with focus on ARM, Atmel and Renesas.
  • So maybe some day I am going to do some electronic hardware interfacing, again ! I am quite an expert for PC-Hardware, by the way !

Philips "EE" Electronic Experiment Kits

My Literature

My favourite Electronics Books

  • “Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik” by Ulrich Tietze, Christoph Schenk, Springer Publishing.
  • “The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers”, by Texas Instruments.
  • “Operationsverstärker” by Johannes Krämer, TOPP Publishing, “Buchreihe Elektronik”, volume 79.

My favourite Maths Books for Engineering

Some other reputable Electronics Books

  • “Das große Werkbuch Elektronik” by Dieter Nürmann.
    • One volume of 1984.
    • Four volumes ( volume I-IV ) of 1998.
  • “Das kleine Werkbuch Elektronik” by Dieter Nürmann of 1994.
  • “Technik für Nichttechniker” by “Ausbildung Radio und Fernsehen DRS, CH-8052 Zürich”, ©1977. Available at TIB Hannover :-).


Special Hardware

Surface-mounted Devices ( SMD )


Manhattan Style


Electric Workbench Equipment & Electric Laboratory Equipment


Electronic Kits

Brick 'R' Knowledge
Philips / Schuco
  • See above.

Microscopes to help the assembly of SMD circuits

Patch Panels, Breadboards & Electric Wire

    • “Es gibt auch super Kabel aus dem Pyrotechnikbereich, die für Steckboardexperimente Top geeignet sind. Nennen sich Verschleissdraht”
  • Pin connectors ( “Pfostenstecker” ) for Arduino boards, size 0.6mm x 0.8mm.
  • Cable for breadboards: 2mm x 0.6mm.

Smoke Detectors


  • Pearl Agency "Rauchmelder". The old and the new model have different spacing of the drill holes :-(.
    1. “VisorTech Feuer-Rauchmelder: Fotoelektrischer Rauchwarnmelder RWM-100 V2, geprüft nach EN 14604”, 2021.
      • Cross-head flat-head screw ( for wood / rawlplug ( German: Dübel ), 25mm length - Very low quality of the *Cross-head flat-head :-(.
    2. “VisorTech Feuer-Rauchmelder: Fotoelektrischer Rauchwarnmelder RWM-100 V1, geprüft nach EN 14604”, 2017 - Out of Sale :-(.

Drilling of Holes in the Concrete Ceiling


  • Experts told me, that according to the smoke detector manual, the low-frequency peep of the smoke detector which indicates low battery, can be stopped by causing a system check ( i.e. pressing the big button, which causes a high-volume sound ). Afterwards the smoke detector is in “silent” mode again, for some time :-).
  • Protocol of a meeting of landlords 2013-06-29: “Die NRW-Landesregierung hat beschlossen, eine Pflicht zum Einbau von Rauchmeldern in allen Wohnungen, ab dem 2013-04-01 einzuführen, wobei für bestehende Gebäude und Wohnungen eine Übergangspflicht bis Ende 2016 gewährt wird. Jeder Nutzer der Wohnung ist verpflichtet, in allen Schafräumen ( Schlafzimmer, Kinderzimmer, Gästezimmer ), im Flur und im Wohnzimmer ( i.d.R.optional ) die Rauchmelder fachgerecht anbringen zulassen. Die Kosten trägt der Sondereigentümer jedoch selbst”.

Location of electric Cables in Buildungs ( German: "Leitungssuchgerät", "Ortungsgerät zum Lokalisieren spannungsführender Leitungen" )



    • “Die Leitung der Deckenleuchte wird beim Einlegen immer in die Richtung zum Schalter verlegt, da eine Querverlegung in Beton zulässig ist” :-).
    • “Einbohrungen für Dübel sollten daher immer nicht in der Eingangsrichtung des Zimmers vorgenommen werden dann ist man auf der sicheren Seite” :-).

Soldering Irons

My Soldering Irons

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