As you see on the photo, I started with a number of electronics kit by Philips: EE 2003 / 41 / 50 / 51 / 52, EE 2004 / 05 / 06, EE 2013 / 2010, EE 2014, EE 3020 / 3023 ( video ) and Philips/Quelle 345 44 10 ( infrared and ultrasonic ). Unfortunately, I missed the EE 2007 and EE 2008 kits ( radar, oscilloscope, TV). If you live in Europe and own any of these two kits and if you are willing to sell for a fair price, then feel free to contact me, please ! In the 90th, Schuco manufacured different kits based on the original technology: “Elektronics-Profi-Lab” ( basic kit “D” ), “Fibreoptics Technics” ( add-on kit ), “Electronics-Instrumentation” ( basic kit “G” ), “Physics A / Electrotechnics”, “Physics B / Solartechnics”.
I got some fischertechnik electrotechnics and electronics kits ( “Hobby-4” of the 70th, “Electromechanics” and “Electronics” of the 80th ). Check my web page about fischertechnik !
I got the KOSMODYNE (R) switchbox by KOSMOS, so I am able to switch 230 Volts devices by low voltage electronics, fischertechnik and computers
I did my first steps in the digital world by the “digi-buch 1” by Elector Publishing, which was accompanied by a printed circuit board ( see the board at the bottom of the picture ).
I never was a great “solderer”. For the APPLE II, I still assembled a few cards by free-wire techniques, but it was a pain. For my IBM-XT computer ( equipped with 640 KByte memory ), I soldered a CMOS memory expansion card provided by HEISE Publishing and eMedia GmbH to get physical “upper memory”. I soldered several connectors for serial, video and Ethernet cables. That it was ! Sorry, my expericence in development of printed circuit boards is very Today I prefer simulations like PC-SPICE ( see my web page about Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) ), but I still keep my electronics kits for further future use.
In Summer 1999, I was involved for two month in an instrumentation project using 80C166 microcontrollers. I created an interface card for a ready-to-go microcontroller board, using wrapping and soldering techniques.
Experts told me, that according to the smoke detector manual, the low-frequency peep of the smoke detector which indicates low battery, can be stopped by causing a system check ( i.e. pressing the big button, which causes a high-volume sound ). Afterwards the smoke detector is in “silent” mode again, for some time .
Protocol of a meeting of landlords 2013-06-29: “Die NRW-Landesregierung hat beschlossen, eine Pflicht zum Einbau von Rauchmeldern in allen Wohnungen, ab dem 2013-04-01 einzuführen, wobei für bestehende Gebäude und Wohnungen eine Übergangspflicht bis Ende 2016 gewährt wird. Jeder Nutzer der Wohnung ist verpflichtet, in allen Schafräumen ( Schlafzimmer, Kinderzimmer, Gästezimmer ), im Flur und im Wohnzimmer ( i.d.R.optional ) die Rauchmelder fachgerecht anbringen zulassen. Die Kosten trägt der Sondereigentümer jedoch selbst”.
“Bei jedem Kolben den Sie bei uns kaufen ist auch eine Spitze aufgesetzt, sodass man diesen direkt zum Löten nutzen kann” .
Note that both of my soldering irons have different inner diameters, the “Multitip 230” has a smaller inner diameter ( 0.45 cm ) than the “ERSA MS 250” ( 0.5 cm ). The inner diameter size corresponds to the power in Watt. - “Dieses Forum beschäftigt sich mit folgenden Themen: E-Technik allgemein, E-Technik Grundlagen, Elektrische Energietechnik, Elektronik, Ausbildung in den Elektroberufen, Normen (z.B. DIN/VDE)”.
Premier Farnell plc "element 14" - “element14 is a new, innovative information portal and eCommunity specifically built for electronic design engineers”.