Select “Scene View” mode by clicking on the “Scene View” top menu button.
Load a “binary dump file” by “Scene View / Set level binary dump”. You find such files in the WarThunder installation directory ”.\levels\”. Result: You are editing the temporary file ”.\levels\mission_editor_location\mission_editor_location.level.blk”.
To change the scene view to another map ( change the map that appears in the editor ): in the menu bar at the top of the editor select “MODES” and then click “SCENE VIEW”. Then in the menu bar at the top select “SCENE VIEW” and click “SET LEVEL BINARY BUMP”. Click the small ”...” button and in the new window double click on the level you want to change the map scene view to and then click “OK”.
Project & Mission.
Save the project by the menue item “Project / Save as...”
Result: ”.\WarThunderCDK\levels\PPPPPPP/PPPPPPP.level.blk”, with PPPPPPP = project name.
You can't save a project twice, with the same name, that way. If you try, instead of overwriting the project, there is the error message “Project already exists in specified location: ./WarThunderCDK/levels/PPPPPPP/PPPPPPP.level.blk”
Further saving can be achieved by the menu item “Project / Save project”.
Load a project.
Preparation: Edit ”.\WarThunderCDK\missioned.cmd” with an editor and delete ”-no_src_assets levels/mission_editor_location/mission_editor_location.level.blk”. This should bring “open project” dialog everytime you start the application.
Now you can load a project at start of application.
To load another project, you must quit the application and restart.
New Mission.
Save a mission to the directory ”.\UserMissions”. Either by the menu item “Mission Editor / Save mission as...” or by the button “Save mission as...”.
Result: ”.\UserMissions\MMMMMMM.blk”, with MMMMMMM = mission name.
To save the project, you may from now on use the menu item “Mission Editor / Save mission (Ctrl+M)” or the button “Save mission (Ctrl+M)” or press CTRL+M.
Possible error message “Validation errors. There were problems in mission verification. Please check console for details” .
Load a mission. Either by the menu item “Mission Editor / Load mission...” or by the button “Load mission...”.
Display the mission properties window “Properties”, by the button “Properties and Trigger/MissionObj info (Shift+P)” or by pressing the keys “SHIFT+P”.
“SHIFT+P” just works, if the “scene view” pane is the active pane ( and not other elements of the window of the Windows10 application, e.g. the panes panes “Properties”, “Trigger/MissionObj info” ).
You may activate the “scene view” pane by moving the mouse cursor to the “scene view” pane and then do a mouse-leftclick.
“Create orthogonal screenshot” ⇒ Screenshots are saved as ”./WarThunderCDK/de_ortho(-1000,-1000)-(1000,1000)-XXX.tga”, with XXX = 001, 002,...
Menu item “Tools / Create orthogonal screenshot”.
Button “Show level statistics”:
Visual geometry faces count.
Environment geometry faces count.
Game collision geometry faces count.
Editor collision geometry faces count.
Approximately textures memory size.
Textures count.
Button “Create...”:
Button “Create point zone”.
Button “Create sphere zone”.
Button “Create cylinder zone”.
Button “Create box zone”.
Button “Create effect”.
Button “Create unit”. There is no menu item to list all units. if you want to modify a unit, you must find it on the map, click on it and press the button “P”.
Button “Create way”.
Button “Create waypoint”.
The menu item “Help / Editor help” does not load a help file .
The menu item “Help / Plugin help” does not load a help file .
The menu item “Help / Tutorials” does not load a tutorial file .
Button “Navigate” provides the infos in a modal window:
Rotate = ALT + MiddleMouseButton.
Pan = MiddleMouseButton.
Zoom = MouseWheel ⇒ Just in TPS mode.
Zoom extents = Z.
Free camera = Space.
FPS camera = Ctrl+Space.
Accellerate = Ctrl SHIFT.
Button “Show/hide console” just opens the console window, but a second click on the button doesn't close the console window. Click on the “x” Button of the console window frame to close the console.
The effect caused by “Discard textures (show stub tex)” and menu item “View / Discard textures (show stub tex)” can't be revoked. To undo the effect, you must quit the application and reload the binary dump file. Just reloading the binary dump file is not sufficient.
Example: P-26A-34 M2 ( ) - CDK id = “p-26a_34_m2”. See the difference beween URL ( capital letters ) and CDK id ( lowercase letters ), and different spelling of the name: URL ( 2x ”-”, 1x “_” ) versus CDK id ( 1x ”-”, 2x “_” ).
Fix the error “Windows cannot find 'C:/War Thunder/\win64\aces-dev.exe'. make shure you've typed the name correctly, then try again”:
Create a copy of “C:\War Thunder\win64\aces.exe” or “C:\War Thunder\win64\aces-min-cpu.exe” with the name “C:\War Thunder\win64\aces-dev.exe”.
Create a copy of “C:\War Thunder\win32\aces.exe” with the name “C:\War Thunder\win32\aces-dev.exe”.
Then you may select to start Warthunder 32-bit and 64-bit from the Dagor editor.
However, I suggest to Warthunder by the Warthunder launcher from Windows desktop. Just by this you get the necessary latest updates of your Warthunder client, to start and use Warthunder successfully!
It's 100% about the location editor, 0% about the mission editor...
There is a user mission, made for test self-created locations, at “Battles / User Missions / User Missions”, featuring by default the location “Wild island”. If I understand right, a location created with the WarThunder location editor, when exported, is moved to “here” by default, so that it can be started right away?!
The pilot is flying the reserve airplane F2A-1 Buffalo.
In 2014, when the video was shot, the mission was called “Test mission for sample location”.
In 2020, the mission is called “Sample location test”, 1938-09-01.
Suggestion to use reserve vehicles / airplanes / boats & ships in user-generated mission, if there is no item selection from the preset. Just in case of bombers, use airplanes of the trees “Dive Bomber / Strike Aircraft” and “Bombers” are mandatory to achieve an acceptable “reload speed” during flight - so without landing on an airplane - for bombs, in AB mode.
Example projects consist of 2 files ( e.g. “my_wake_island.blk”, “usr_my_wake_island.csv” ), additionly you need a map file ( e.g. “wake-island.bin” ).
“The language is used in Gaijin Entertainment projects in production”.
“daScript is high-performance statically strong typed scripting language, designed to be data-oriented embeddable ‘scripting’ language for performance critical applications (like games or back-end/servers)”.
“daScript can be compared with compiled or JIT language even in interpreter mode, always faster than dynamic interpreted scripting languages like Lua”.
“Quirrel - Gaijin Entertainment dynamic script language (former Squirrel)”.
“Quirrel is a script language that is based on Squirrel language and is inspired by Python, Javascript and especially Lua (The API is very similar and the table code is based on the Lua one)”.
EN.Wikipedia "Gaijin Entertainment" - “The Dagor Engine is a proprietary game engine used by Gaijin Entertainment[33] in War Thunder, Enlisted, CRSED: F.O.A.D. and other titles. The original version of the engine was developed by Gaijin Entertainment and in 2005 the separate company Dagor Technologies was established for continued development”.
Warthunder Wiki "Basic information about creating models for Dagor Engine" - “To developing models for the dagor Engine, it currently requires Autodesk 3d studio Max 2011 32 and 64 bit onwards (there are also tools for versions Max2009, Max2012, Max7, Max9, but these are not actively supported)”.
War Thunder - Official Forum "Need of Plugin for Blender", 2017-10 - “But to date, no one has imported a vehicle through blender. There was a forum post with someone successfully using blender to import a basic model as a structure but the requirements for static objects are much less than importing a working vehicle”.
War Thunder - Official Forum "Support for Blender 2.8", 2019-08 - “War Thunder CDK has a plugin for Blender, but this plugin only works with the version from 5 years ago. Exporting from version 2.8 to the ancient version does not work or works but creates crazy errors”.
WarThunder Live MP Mission "Alaska RB" - No AI players, single players can´t start the mission by the error message “Not enough ready players to start the game” .
User missions of type “Multiplayer Mission PvP” offer “Copy Mission Link” in addition to a download of the BLK file. User missions of type “Multiplayer Mission PvE” and “Singleuser Mission” may just be downloaded as BLK file.
The host ( who at least paid 10 EUR at the Gaijin shop ):
If I spawn a tank without “amphibious feature” on the airfield, it falls into the water and the crew gets drunk.
If I spawn a tank with “amphibious feature” on the airfield, it is created at the spawn point and can be used.
If I spawn a boat on the airfield, it falls into the water and can move, as if there is no island material but just some buildings and AI ground vehicles in the sky. But if the boat tries to leave the island, suddenly the island material is materializing, and the ship is stuck in the sand of the island... "War Thunder Plane Models?" - “Has anyone been able to successfully extract 3D vehicle models from the game War Thunder? In the past, it could easily be done with 3D Ripper DX, however War Thunder now uses Direct X11, and 3D Ripper DX no longer works at capturing any models from the game”.
“To change the scene view to another map (change the map that appears in the editor): in the menu bar at the top of the editor select 'MODES' and then click 'SCENE VIEW.' Then in the menu bar at the top select 'SCENE VIEW' and click 'SET LEVEL BINARY BUMP.' Click the small '...' button and in the new window double click on the level you want to change the map scene view to and then click 'OK.'”.
War Thunder - Official Forum "RideR2" - “Singleplayer mission creation basics, Multiplayer mission creation, Multiplayer missions / game modes, Variables, Instructions for using the Mission Editor / Tank Missions, Custom units creation pages were created by me, I also spent lots of time updating the Triggers page (adding the new actions/conditions to the list and descriptions)”.