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[hemmerling] Computer Games by "Gaijin" 2/9 - Crew Presets for the F2P Game "War Thunder"


My Preset Settings for US Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank US R-1.3

  1. M8 Scott ( Gift ).
  2. LVT(A)(1) - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  3. LVT(A)(4) ( Gift, crew slot #6 ! ) - “Amphibious feature” :-).

Preset #2 SPAA US 1.3-6.3

Preset #3 SPG US 1.7-7.0

  1. LVT(A)(4) (ZIS-2) ( Gift ) - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  2. M56 - “Active Scouting” :-).
  3. M50 - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #4 Tank US 1.7-2.7

  1. M5A1 - “Active Scouting” :-).
  2. M22 - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #5 Tank US 3.0-3.7

  1. M24 - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #6 Tank US 3.7-4.7

Preset #7 Tank US 5.0-5.3

Preset #8 Tank US 5.3-6.3

  1. M41A1 - “Active Scouting”, “Night Vision” :-).

Preset #9 Tank US 6.7

  1. T30 ( Gift ).
  2. T92 - “Active Scouting”, “Night Vision” :-).

Future Preset #10 Tank US 7.0-

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. Free.
  4. Free.


My Preset Settings for German Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank DE R-1.3

  1. Pz.II C or Pz.II С (DAK) ( Gift ).
  2. Pz.II F or Sd.Kfz. 140/1 ( Gift ).
  3. Pz.III B ( Crew slot #6 ! ).
  4. Pz.35(t) ( Crew slot #7 ! ).

Preset #2 Tank DE 1.7-2.3

  1. Pz.III F or Sd.Kfz. 234/1 ( Gift ).
  2. Pz.III F ( Crew slot #6 ! ).

Preset #3 Tank DE 2.3-3.0

  1. Pz.III M - “Winterketten”.
  2. Sd.Kfz.234/2 - “Active Scouting” :-)

Preset #4 SPG DE 1.3 - 1.7 / 1.7-3.0

Preset #5 Tank DE 3.7-4.7

Preset #6 SPG DE 3.0-4.7

Preset #7 Tank DE 5.3-5.7

Preset #8 Tank DE 6.0-7.0

  1. Panther II ( Gift ) - “Night Vision” :-).
  2. Panther G ( Crew slot #6 ! ).

Preset #9 SPAA DE 1.3-3.7

Preset #10 SPAA DE 3.7-7.0

Future Preset #11 SPG DE 4.7-5.3

USSR / Russia

My Preset Settings for USSR/Russian Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank RU R-1.3

Preset #2 SPG RU 1.3 - 3.3

Preset #3 Tank RU 2.0-2.7

  1. T-80 - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #4 SPAA RU 1.0-4.7

Preset #5 Tank RU 3.0-3.7

Preset #6 SPG RU 3.3-4.3

  1. ASU-57 - “Night Vision”, “Active Scouting” :-).
  2. SU-85A ( Gift ).
  3. Free.

Preset #7 Tank RU 4.0-4.3

Preset #8 Tank RU 5.3

  1. Free.
  2. PT-76B - “Active Scouting”, “Night Vision”, “Engine Smoke Generating System”, “Amphibious feature” :-).

Preset #9 Tank RU 5.7-6.3/7.0

Future Preset #10 Tank RU 7.0-7.3

  1. Free.
  2. Free.

Future Preset #11 Tank RU 7.7

Future Preset #12 Tank RU 8.0-9.3

Great Britain / UK

My Preset Settings for British Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank UK R-1.7 / 2.0

Preset #2 Tank UK 2.7 / 3.0

Preset #3 Tank UK 3.3-3.7

Preset #4 SPAA UK 2.3-7.0

Preset #5 SPG UK 3.0-6.7

Preset #6 Tank UK 4.0-4.7

Preset #7 Tank UK 5.0-5.7

Preset #8 Tank UK 6.7-7.0

Future Preset #9 Tank UK 7.0-8.0

Future Preset #10 Tank UK 8.3 -

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .


My Preset Settings for Japanese Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank JP R-1.3 / 1.7

  1. Ka-Mi - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  2. Ha-Go or Ha-Go Commander ( Gift ).
  3. Ka-Chi ( Crew slot #6 !, or free ) - “Amphibious feature” :-).

Preset #2 SPAA JP 1.3-5.0

Preset #3 SPG JP 1.7-2.7

Preset #4 Tank JP 1.7 / 2.0-3.3

  1. M24 (Japan) - “Active Scouting” :-).
  2. Ka-Chi ( Gift. Crew slot #6! ) or free - “Amphibious feature” :-).

Preset #5 Tank JP 3.7-5.3

Preset #6 Tank JP 6.0-6.7

  1. M41A1 (Japan) - “Active Scouting”, “Night Vision” :-).

Preset #7 SPG JP 6.7-7.0

  1. Free or Type 75 SPH.
  2. Type 60 ATM - “Active Scouting”, “Amphibious feature” :-).
  3. Type 60 SPRG (C) - “Active Scouting” :-)

Preset #8 SPAA JP 5.7-8.0

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. Free.
  4. Type 87 ( Crew slot #6 !, or free ).

Future Preset #9 Tank JP 7.7-10.0

Preset #10 JP

Preset #11 JP


My Preset Settings for Chinese Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank CN R-2.0

Preset #2 Tank CN 2.0-2.3 / 3.3

Preset #3 SPG CN 2.3-6.3

Preset #4 Tank CN 3.3-4.0 or 3.7-4.7

Preset #5 Tank CN 5.3-5.7

Preset #6 SPAA CN 5.3

Preset #7 Tank CN 6.3-7.3

  1. ZBD86 - “Amphibious feature”.
  2. Type 63-I - “Amphibious feature” :-).

Future Preset #8 Watersports

  1. LVT(A)(4) (ZiS-2) (China) - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  2. ZBD86 - “Amphibious feature”.
  3. Free.
  4. PT-76 (China) - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  5. Type 63-I - “Amphibious feature” :-).


My Preset Settings for Italian Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank IT R-1.3

Preset #2 Tank IT R-2.3

  1. AB43 - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #3 SPG 1.0-2.0 / 2.3

Preset #4 SPAA 1.3-9.3

  1. R3 T20 FA-HS - “Amphibious feature” :-).

Preset #5 Tank IT 1.7-3.0

  1. AB43 - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #6 SPG 2.3-3.3 / 3.7

Preset #7 SPG 3.0-4.7

Preset #8 Tank IT 3.3-4.7

  1. M4 Tipo IC ( = US version of Sherman Firefly ).
  2. M18 (Italy) ( = US version of Sherman Firefly ).

Preset #9 Tank IT 5.0-6.3

  1. AUBL/74 - “Active Scouting” :-). Just HESH- and HEAT ammunition :-(.
  2. FIAT 6614 - “Active Scouting”, “Amphibious feature” :-).

Future Preset #10 Tank IT 7.0-8.0

  1. AUBL/74 HVG ( Gift ) - “Active Scouting” :-).
  2. R3 T106 FA - “Active Scouting”, “Amphibious feature” :-).

Future Preset #11 SPG 6.7-

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. Free.
  4. Free.

Preset #12 Tank IT 8.3-

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. Free.
  4. Free.
  5. Free.
  6. M113A1 (TOW) - If the turret may turn 360° ?!.


My Preset Settings for French Ground Forces

Preset #1 Tank FR R-1.0

  1. AMC.34 YR ( ex-reserve ) or AMD.35 ( new reserve ).
  2. H.39 or H.39 "Cambronne" ( Gift ).

Preset #2 Tank FR 1.3-2.0

  1. AMC.35 (ACG.1) - “Active Scouting” :-).
  2. M3A3 Stuart (France) - “Active Scouting” :-).
  3. Crusader Mk.II (France) - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #2 Tank FR 3.0-3.7

Preset #3 Tank FR 5.0-5.7

Preset #4 Tank FR 6.3 - 7.0

  1. AMX-13 - “Active Scouting” :-) or AML-90.
  2. Char 25t - “Active Scouting” :-).
  3. AML-90 ( Crew slot #6 ! ).

Preset #5 SPAA FR

Preset #6 SPG FR

Preset #7 Tank FR 7.0 - 8.7

Preset #8 FR

Preset #9 FR

Preset #10 FR


My Preset Settings for Swedish Ground Forces

Preset #1 SE Tank R - 2.3

  1. Free.
  2. Strv m/41 S-II - “Active Scouting” :-).

Preset #2 SE SPAA 1.3 - 5.0 / 2.3 - 8.0

Preset #3 SE SPG 1.7 - 4.0

Preset #4 SE Tank 2.7 - 3.7

Preset #5 SE Tank 5.0 - 7.3

  1. Ikv 91 - NO “Amphibious feature” :-(.
    • One of the requirements for the design was amphibious capability, a necessity in certain parts of Sweden. As such, it was amphibious with some preparation”.
    • EN.Wikipedia "Infanterikanonvagn 91" - “The vehicle was fully amphibious with little preparation by the crew”.

Preset #6 SE SPG 5.0 - 8.3

Preset #7 SE Tank 7.7 -

  1. Pvrbv 551 ? - If 360° turnable turret.

Preset #8 SE SPAA 8.3 - 11.0

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. Free.
  4. Free.

Preset #9 SE

Preset #10 SE

Cost Leadership by minimal Repair Costs

  • It is a useful strategy, if you want to gain SL, to build presets with minimum repair costs. I.e. to select ground vehicles and airplanes by its repair costs.

Heavy Tanks with moderate Repair Costs

  1. B1 bis, Rank II, BR2.3.
  2. KV-1 L-11, Rank II, BR3.7.
  3. Churchill Mk III, Rank II, BR4.0.
  4. ARL-44, Rank III, BR4.0.
  5. M6A1, Rank III, BR4.7.

Suggestion for Rank II Tasks of Events like Operation "Shipyard"( "At least one Vehicle of the Rank II in Crew Slots" )

Suggestion for Rank II Tasks of Daily Tasks / Warbond Tasks and special Events like Operation "Shipyard"( "All Vehicles used must be minimal Rank II" )

Russian Rank II ( BR3.3 ) Preset Suggestion

Alternative Russian Rank II ( BR3.7 ) Preset Suggestion

Suggestion for Rank III Tasks of Wagers ( "At least one Vehicle of Rank III in Crew Slots, vehicles in Crew Slots must be not higher than in Rank IV" ), 2022-12

USA Rank III ( BR4.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. M24 - “Active Scouting” :-), as capture vehicle.
  2. M4A2 ( Rank III ).
  3. M16 MGMC, SPAA.

German Rank III ( BR4.3 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Wirbelwind, SPAA ( Rank III ).
  2. Pz.III F, as capture vehicle.

Russian Rank III ( BR3.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. T-34 (1940), as capture vehicle.
  2. T-34 (1941), as capture vehicle.
  3. ASU-57 - “Night Vision”, “Active Scouting” :-). ( Rank III, must not be used for Wagers ).

Alternative Russian Rank III ( BR4.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. T-34 (1941), as capture vehicle.
  2. T-34 (1942), as capture vehicle.
  3. ZiS-43, SPAA ( Rank III ).

British Rank III ( BR4.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Cromwell I, as capture vehicle.
  2. Achilles ( = M10 Achilles ).
  3. Churchill Mk III ( Rank III ).
  4. SPAA?

Japanese Rank III ( BR3.3 ) Weak Preset Suggestion

  1. So-Ki, SPAA.
  2. M24 (Japan) ( Rank III ).
  3. Free.

Alternative Japanese Rank III ( BR4.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Chi-To ( Rank III ).
  2. Chi-Nu II ( Premium, Rank III ).
  3. Chi-To Late ( Rank III ).
  4. So-Ki, SPAA.

Chinese Rank III ( BR4.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. M4A1 (75) W (China) ( Rank III ).
  2. M24 (China) - “Active Scouting” :-).

Italian Rank III ( BR3.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. M24 (Italy), as capture vehicle.
  2. M4A4 (Italy) ( Rank III ).

French Rank III ( BR3.7 ) Preset Suggestion

Swedish Rank III ( BR3.7) Preset Suggestion

  1. Ikv 73 ( Premium ).
  2. Pvkv II ( Rank III, must not be used for Wagers ).

Israelian Rank III Preset Suggestion

  • Coming soon!

Suggestion for Rank III Tasks of Daily Tasks / Warbond Tasks and special Events ( "All Vehicles used must be minimal Rank III" ) and to explore Rank IV with minimal Costs, 2022-12

USA Rank III ( BR4.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Free.
  2. Free.

Alternative USA Rank III ( BR5.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. M19 = > SPAA.

German Rank III ( BR4.7 / BR5.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Ostwind ⇒ SPAA.
  2. Wirbelwind ⇒ SPAA.
  3. Sturer Emil ( Crew slot training costs for me ).
  4. ( Jagdpanzer IV ), BR4.7 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.
  5. ( VK 3002 (M) ), BR5.0 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Alternative German Rank III / IV ( BR5.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Wirbelwind ⇒ SPAA ( Crew slot training costs for me ).
  2. VFW ( Premium, Crew slot #6 ! ).

Russian Rank III ( BR4.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. ZiS-43 ⇒ SPAA.
  2. ASU-57 - “Night Vision” :-) ( Crew slot training costs for me ).
  3. ZSU-37 ⇒ SPAA.
  4. BTR-ZD ⇒ SPAA ( Crew slot training costs for me ).
  5. ( SU-152 ), BR4.3 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.
  6. ( ISU-152 ), BR4.7 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Alternative Russian Rank III ( BR5.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. ZiS-43 ⇒ SPAA.
  2. ZSU-37 ⇒ SPAA.
  3. BTR-ZD ⇒ SPAA ( Crew slot training costs for me ).

British Rank III ( BR4.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. ( Concept 3 ) - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Japanese Rank III ( BR4.7 / 5.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Chi-Nu II ( Premium ).
  2. ( M19A1 (Japan) ), BR5.0 ⇒ SPAA - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Chinese Rank III ( BR4.7 / 5.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Free.
  2. PT-76 (China), BR5.0 - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  3. ZSD63 ( Crew slot #6 ! ) ⇒ SPAA.

Italian Rank III ( BR4.0 ) Preset Suggestion

Alternative Italian Rank III ( BR4.7 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Free.
  2. Free.
  3. R3 T20 FA-HS ⇒ SPAA.

French Rank III ( BR4.0 / BR4.3 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. ( E.B.R. (1951) ), BR4.3 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Swedish Rank III ( BR 4.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. L-62 ANTI II ⇒ SPAA.
  2. ( T-34 (Sweden) ), BR3.7 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.
  3. ( Pz.IV (Sweden) ), BR4.0 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Alternative Swedish Rank III ( BR 5.0 ) Preset Suggestion

  1. Strv m/42 DT, BR5.0.
  2. Lvkv 42 ⇒ SPAA.
  3. L-62 ANTI II ⇒ SPAA.
  4. ( T-34 (Sweden) ), BR3.7 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.
  5. ( Pz.IV (Sweden) ), BR4.0 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.
  6. ( PT-76 (Sweden) ), BR5.0 - As of 2022-12, I still don't own the vehicle.

Suggestion for "Squadron Arcade Events ( max BR 4.7 )"

USA BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

German BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

Russian BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

British BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

Japanese BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

  1. Chi-To Late (BR4.7).
  2. Chi-Nu II ( Premium ).

Chinese BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

Italian BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

  1. R3 T20 FA-HS, also as capture vehicle - “Amphibious feature” :-).
  2. M4 Tipo IC (BR4.7).

French BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

Swedish BR4.7 Preset Suggestion

Suggestion for Victories ( "Survivor" Achievement & "Warbonds" Tasks ) and for "Enemy Kill Assist" Tasks

German BR2.3 Preset Suggestion for Victories

German BR4.7 Preset Suggestion with SPAA for Victories

  • See “Preset #5 Tank DE 3.7-4.7” ( or even a higher preset ), but with additional Wirbelwind ( BR3.7 ), as the use of airstrikes and so the chance to knock out airplanes is getting better with rising BR level. The SPAA “Wirbelwind” ist the best German WWII SPAA, more effective than the SPAAs with higher BR!

Russian 3.7 Preset Suggestion for Victories

  • See Russian BR3.7 Preset.

Russian 4.0 Preset Suggestion for Victories

  • See Russian BR4.3 Preset, but just with BR4.0 vehicles.
  • The reason to play on BR4.0 instead of BR4.3, is the “BR5.0 Gap” of current WarThunder AB, GF. With Reds of BR4.3+1.0 = BR5.3, you encounter the strong vehicle T-34-85 (D-5T).

Russian 5.3 Preset Suggestion for Victories

British 6.3 Preset Suggestion for "Enemy Kill Assist" Tasks

General Preset Suggestion for "Enemy Kill Assist" Tasks

  • British or US vehicles with ammunition without explosive mass ( “fillers” ).
  • German or British SPAAs.

Suggested Low-BR / Low-Rank Premium Vehicles, which might be supportive

Suggestion #1

  1. Chi-Nu II, BR3.7.
  2. Cobra_King, BR5.0.

Suggestion #2

  1. Chi-Nu II, BR3.7.
  2. M4A1 (FL10), BR4.7.
  3. M4A5, BR 3.7.
  4. VFW, BR5.7 √.

Speed matters - Fast Vehicles for Capture-the-Flag


  • M2A4, 63km/h, free repair.
  • M8 Scott, 69km/h, 393 SL max. repair costs.
  • M22, 63km/h, 537 SL max. repair costs - “Active Scouting” :-).
  • M24, 63km/h, 1916 SL max. repair costs - “Active Scouting” :-).
  • M41A1, 62km/h - “Active Scouting”, “Night Vision” :-).



  • BT-5, 59km/h, free repair.
  • BT-7, 60km/h, 90 SL max. repair costs.
  • T-50, 71km/h, 493 SL SL max. repair costs.
  • T-34 (1940), 54km/h, 597 SL max. repair costs.
  • T-34-85 (D-5T), 61km/h, 2297 SL max. repair costs.
  • T-34-85, 61km/h, 2966 SL max. repair costs.



  • Ha-Go, 54km/h, free repair costs.
  • M24 (Japan), 63km/h, 1719 SL max. repair costs - “Active Scouting” :-).
  • M41A1 (Japan), 63km/h - “Active Scouting” :-).



  • AB43, 90km/h, 605 SL max. repair costs - “Active Scouting” :-).
  • R3 T20 FA-HS, 125km/h, 1621 SL max. repair costs - “Amphibious feature” :-).



Multi-Turret and Multi-Gun Vehicles


  • M50, BR6.7 - Multi-gun.

Great Britain / UK


Special Ops as of 2018-06

Suitable to visit the Eastern Ash River Bridge

  1. Pz.Kpfw. 35/38(t).
  2. Panzer I.
  3. LVT(A)(1) - “Amphibious feature” :-).

Suitable to visit the Western Ash River Bridge

  1. Pz.Kpfw. 35/38(t).
  2. Panzer I.

Suitable to visit the Ash River Seaside

  1. Pz.Kpfw. 35/38(t).
  2. Panzer I.

Suitable to swim on Ash River

  1. LVT(A)(1). - Not suitable so far :-(.
  2. PT-76B - “Active Scouting”, “Night Vision”, “Engine Smoke Generating System” :-).

Suitable to visit the Berlin Reichstag Backyard

  1. Pz.Kpfw. 35/38(t).
  2. Panzer I.

Suitable to visit the North-Eastern Cologne Backyard

  1. Pz.III E, 75km/h.
  2. Pz.III F, 75km/h.

Suitable to visit the North-Western Cologne Backyard

  1. Tanks.
    1. Pz.III E, 75km/h.
    2. Pz.III F, 75km/h.
  2. SPAAs.

Suitable to visit the "Castle View" and the "B View" of the smaller Carpathian Moutain

  1. Tanks.
  2. SPAAs.

Suitable to visit the "B View" of the bigger Carpathian Moutain

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