“Spawning mobs... To have the points snap to the grid, make sure 'Use Grid Snap' is selected. This option can be found to the left of the 'Lock' button, appearing as a magnet next to some intersecting lines” - Not available with Godot 3.2 .
The desktop computer “Lenovo ThinkCentre 58p”, Notebooks “ASUS Eee PC T101MT” and “Dell Vostro 1000” with Win10Pro are not compatible :
Error message at start of installation “Your video card driver does not support any of the supported OpenGL versions. Please update your system drivers or if you have a very old or integrated GPU upgrade it”.
Notebooks with “Intel UHD 620” graphics on Win10 are compatible .
GDQuest "30 Days of Godot 2 Tutorials" - “These 30 Godot 2 tutorials were brought to you for free as part of the Kickstarter project Make Professional 2d Games with Godot”.
Error message “Export templates for this platform are missing: Manage Export Templates”.
Click on the link “Manage Export Templates” to open the “Export Template Manager” window.
Click on Download to open the “Download Templates” window. You are asked “Select mirror from list: ( Shift-CLick: Open in Browser”. Click on “Offical 3.2 [HTTPS]” to download and install the needed templates.
Out of the box, Godot may export for Windows-Desktop and HTML ( Webserver needed ).
hackr.io "Godot Tutorials and Courses" - “Learn Godot game engine online from the best Godot tutorials & courses recommended by the programming community”.
EN.Wikipedia "Godot (game engine)", DE.Wikipedia "Godot Engine" - “Godot games are created either ... or by using its own scripting language, GDScript, a high-level, dynamically typed programming language very similar to Python. Contrary to Python, GDScript features strict typing of variables and is optimized for Godot's scene-based architecture”.