AltspaceVR - “The premier place to attend live shows, meetups, cool classes, and more with friendly people from around the world. All thanks to the magic of Virtual Reality”.
The free online service Google Jamboard - Multi-user sketching dashboard. Please use with Google Chrome browser . Does not work properly with Firefox browser .
The free online service Piskel - a free online editor for animated sprites & pixel art. GameJam2021 Recommendation .
The free online service Canva - “Create beautiful graphics” ( Poster, Presentation, Resume, Logo, Instagram Post, Infographic, A4 Document, Newsletter, Flyer, .... ).
CorelDraw X3 runs on W2K, WinXP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1, but on on Win10 : “This app can´t run on this PC. Corel Draw Graphics Suite 13 doesn´t work on this version of Windows” .
“Fusion 360 for personal use is a limited, free version that includes basic functionality for qualifying users who generate less than $1,000 USD in annual revenue and use for home-based, non-commercial projects only”.
DE.Wikipedia "Autodesk" - “Mit Fusion 360 bietet Autodesk eine Cloud-basierte CAD/CAM/CAE-Lösung an. Für Testzwecke, Studenten, Hobby-Nutzer und Start-Ups können gegebenenfalls kostenlose Lizenzen bei Autodesk beantragt werden”. "Blogspot - Official Google SketchUp Blog: A new home for SketchUp, 2012-04-26 - “In its time at Google, SketchUp has become one of the most popular 3D modeling tools in the world. With over 30 million SketchUp activations in just the last year, we’re awfully proud of our accomplishments. But there’s still so much we want to do, and we think we’ve found a way forward that will benefit everyone—our product, our team and especially our millions of users. That’s why I’m sharing today that the SketchUp team and technology will be leaving Google to join Trimble”.
“The 3D Builder app has model visualization options and editing capabilities, and can print to a 3D printer that has a Windows-compatible printer driver. The app can be used as a reference and a test tool for 3D-editing, and for validating 3MF files that you create”.
The application even offers the function “Simplify - Simplify rendering of selected objects. Reduces the number of triangles used to render the selected 3D object” .
There is also a paper booklet “INFO-MAP. Büroräume planen. Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick”, which contains a free offline version of the software “Büroräume planen. Planungs-Software”, for Windows.
3D Cafe - “If you're looking for FREE 3D models, you're in the right place, but there is a sharing process in which we ask that our visitors share a few models with our modeling community. After you (submit ) a few models through our form, we will give you access to our model database” → “A few models” is an inaccurate term .
3D ContentCentral - “Kostenlose 2D- und 3D-CAD-Modelle von Anbieter-zertifizierten und von Anwendern bereitgestellten Teilen & Baugruppen, 2D-Blöcken, Bibliotheks-Features, Makros und mehr”.
“A library of design-ready 3D objects that you can easily use in your graphic design projects and workflow. Search our growing catalog to find the object you need, spin it to get the perfect angle, then immediately download it as a PNG with a perfectly transparent background or as a layered PSD file”.
Free plan.
Watermarked PNGs.
Download Free Watermarked PNG Images for Any Object.
Unlock Royalty-Free PNGs & PSDs with Shadow Options for All Objects for $12.99 Each.
proto labs - “Real Parts. Really Fast”, “Proto Labs arbeitet mit Ihrer 3D-CAD Datei, um echte Teile aus technischen Werkstoffen zu fertigen”, “individuell gefertigte Funktionsteile für den Protoypenbau”.
Beuth Verlag "DIN 4000-102:2017-06" - “Sachmerkmal-Listen - Teil 102: Datenaustausch für Sachmerkmallisten mittels XML-Schema”, “Tabular layouts of properties - Part 102: Data exchange for tabular layouts of properties with XML schema”.
Beuth Verlag "DIN 4003-1:2014-02" - “Konzept für den Aufbau von 3D-Modellen auf Grundlage von Merkmalen nach DIN 4000”. 3D data model, in “STEP AP 214” Format ( “STP” ).
Beuth Verlag "DIN SPEC 69874-1:2014-11" - “Grafische Datendarstellung - Dokumentationserstellung für den standardisierten Datenaustausch - Teil 1: Grafische Produktinformationen”, “Graphical data layout - Creation of documents for the standardized data exchange - Part 1: Graphical product information”.
Beuth Verlag "DIN SPEC 69874-2:2014-11" - “Grafische Datendarstellung - Dokumentationserstellung für den standardisierten Datenaustausch - Teil 2: Layerbelegung für Betriebsmittelgrafiken”, “Graphical data layout - Creation of documents for the standardized data exchange - Part 2: Layer settings for tool design”.
Hewlett Packard "The Avatar Platform" ( no “www” in the URL ) - Here you can watch the body scans made on the Hannover Fair CeBIT 2016, on the Hewlett-Packard booth. My profile id ID is 819344 of 2016-03-14 .
Experts told me about other manufacturers of this hardware, designed by Microsoft: Aldi / Medion, Lenovo, Acer, Samsung. Experts told me also, that the Samsung hardware has a slightly improved graphics resolution.
EN.Wikipedia "WebVR" - “WebVR was an experimental JavaScript application programming interface (API) that enabled applications to interact with virtual reality devices, such as the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard or Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) in a web browser”.
Create a 3D model, e.g. with “Autodesk 123Design”.
Import the model into Simplyfy3D and set the wall thickness of objects, to create hollow ( = material-saving ) objects and other parameters. The result is optimized G-Code.
Experts told me the problem with the now standard process of 3D printing, there is no option for FEM strength calculation of final optimized model with the hollow ( = material-saving ) objects . The STL data format is the data format for the non-optimized solid model.