[hemmerling] Linux 2/8 - Linux Distributions

Major Linux Distributions

Some other Linux Distributions

Special Linux Distributions

Lightweight Linux

Linux on USB Memory Stick


The Distribution


  • Keyboard:
      • Beim Booten von Knoppix muss man die beiden Parameter keyboard=de-latin1 und xkeyboard=de an den Kernel übergeben.. Das Booten geschieht vermutlich mittels Grub. Dann kann man die Datei /boot/grub/menu.lst entsprechend anpassen. Dazu gibt man im Terminal “sudo leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst” ein... Damit aber jetzt die Bearbeitung nicht zu schwer fällt, kann man im Terminal vor dem Aufruf des Editors erst noch “sudo setxkbmap de” ausführen.
    • Instruction that work until the next reboot:
      • “sudo setxkbmap de”.
    • Instructions that did not work for me :-(:
      • “sudo leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst”.
        • There, add the options:
          • “keyboard=de”.
          • “xkeyboard=de”.
        • Reboot the system.
    • Instructions by Klaus Knopper himself: Start Knoppix by
      • “knoppix lang=en xkeyboard=de” ( Linux-32bit ).
      • “knoppix64 lang=en xkeyboard=de” ( Linux-64bit ).
  • Downloads by Chrome browser, by default at ”/home/knoppix/Downloads”.
  • Access to NTFS drives.
    • With Knoppix9.1 of 2021, I failed to access the NTFS drive of the Windows PC by the Knoppix Desktop, where I booted Knoppix by USB stick :-(.
    • With Debian11, however, I was able to access the NTFS drive both by Debian booted by USB stick and Debian booted from harddisk. When booting from harddisk, Debian asked to select a Windows user and to enter its password. When booting by USB stick, access to NTFS drive was immediately without asking for Windows user and password.


Realtime Linux, Embedded Linux

Special Linux on Smart Devices, Smartphones, Tablets



Operating Systems

Operating System Builder, Build Systems

    • eCos, CentOS, FreeRTOS, Linux (Angstrom), Linux (Debian), Linux (Fedora), Linux (kernel.org), Linux (LinuxPPC), Linux (uCLinux), Linux (OSADL), Linux (Slackware), Linux (Yocto), RTEMS → named by VDC Survey.

SMP Linux

Running Linux on SMP Computers


Linux in the Cloud


Unix / Linux on Windows Host

Wubi ( Ubuntu Installer )

Cooperative Linux

  • Cooperative Linux - “The first working free and open source method for optimally running Linux on Microsoft Windows natively”.

Linux on Smartphones

Linux on Legacy Hardware

Major, advanced and special Linux File Systems

Major Linux File Systems

Advanced Linux File Systems

Special Linux File Systems


General Linux Distributions

Embedded Linux

Lightweight Linux Distributions

Linux in the Cloud

Appropriate OpenDirectory Directory Pages

en/linux02.html.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/13 23:41 (external edit) · []
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