“We have done many tests and we've found out that Lubuntu can be installed on a Pentium II or Celeron system with 128 MB of RAM, but such a system would not perform well enough for daily use”.
“With 256MB - 384MB of RAM, the performance will be better and the system will be more usable”.
“With 512MB of RAM, you don't need to worry much”.
However, I failed to install Lubuntu 14.4 on VirtualBox, with 512 MBytes RAM for Linux. It crashed at the end.. during wrap-up.
AskUbuntu "How come Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has a 32bit iso installer?" - “Standard Ubuntu flavour has dropped 32-bit installer for the 18.04 release aka Bionic Beaver (actually since the 17.10 release), but rest of the Ubuntu flavours still support 32-bit systems”, “Alternatively, you can use the Ubuntu mini ISO”.
AskUbuntu "Is there a 32-bit version of Ubuntu 18.04 desktop?" - “If you want a 'clean and basic' iso file of Ubuntu Bionic to be released as 18.04 LTS, you can download a Ubuntu mini.iso alias Netboot iso file. There are versions for 32-bit as well as 64-bit kernels”.
Ubuntu Flavours, still with 18.04 32-bit editions.
Debian Releases "Debian 7.11. 2.1. Supported Hardware. Chapter 2. System Requirements - “Nearly all x86-based (IA-32) processors still in use in personal computers are supported, including all varieties of Intel's 'Pentium' series. This also includes 32-bit AMD and VIA (former Cyrix) processors, and processors like the Athlon XP and Intel P4 Xeon. However, Debian GNU/Linux wheezy will not run on 386 or earlier processors. Despite the architecture name 'i386', support for actual 80386 processors (and their clones) was dropped with the Sarge (r3.1) release of Debian. (No version of Linux has ever supported the 286 or earlier chips in the series.) All i486 and later processors are still supported”.
Debian Interix Port - “This is a port of the Debian distribution to Interix, aka Microsoft Services for UNIX (SfU) or Subsystem for UNIX based applications (SUA)”.
Advice: Take “Debian Stable” for servers and “Debian Testing” for desktop computers .
Legacy hardware support:
Debian Linux was suitable to be installed on legacy hardware ( 80×386 / 80×486,..) .
Last year it was decided to increase the minimum CPU features for the i386 architecture to 686-class in the stretch release cycle. This means dropping support for 586-class and hybrid 586/686 processors[1].(Support for 486-class processors was dropped, somewhat accidentally, in squeeze.) This was implemented in the Linux kernel packages starting with Linux 4.3, which was uploaded to unstable in December last year.
In case you missed that change, gcc for i386 has recently been changed to target 686-class processors and is generating code that will crash on other processors. Any such systems still running testing or unstable will need to be switched to run stable (jessie).
The older processors will continue to be supported in jessie until at least 2018, and until 2020 if i386 is included in jessie LTS.
[1] The following processors, supported in jessie, are now unspported:
AMD K5, K6, K6-2 (aka K6 3D), K6-3
Intel Pentium, Pentium with MMX
Installation of Debian 11:
Language = English.
Format = Ireland.
Keyboard = German.
“Detect and mount installation media” - Error message “The detected media cannot be used for installation” ⇒ A real hardware / software problem with the USB stick, by which you want to install Linux .
Partions, example if there are 2 drives:
“SCSI2(0,0,0)(sda) 4.0 GB AT ASUS PHISN SSD” - Mounted at ”/home”.
“SCSI2(0,1,0)(sda) 8.1 GB AT ASUS PHISN SSD” - Boot flag, mounted at ”/”.
uClinux - “Embedded Linux/Microcontroller Project”, “The Linux/Microcontroller project is a port of Linux to systems without a Memory Management Unit (MMU)”.
uClinux might be used on ARM platforms without MMU, e.g. ARM Cortex M3, ARM Cortex M4.
If you use a LAN connection to connect to the Internet by the host, please disable all other network interfaces listed in the configuration settings of the virtual machine.
In the configuration settings of the virtual machine., please select as virtual network adapter configuration = “Bridged” instead of the default “NAT”.
Metasploit - The developer of an exploid also implements the payloads and so define all selectable payloads.
For the Metasploit community edition, the command line interface is best choice, as all other choices are outdated or will be outdated soon ( for the community edition at least ).
NixOS - “NixOS is a Linux distribution with a unique approach to package and configuration management. Built on top of the Nix package manager, it is completely declarative, makes upgrading systems reliable, and has many other advantages”.
“A very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution”.
“Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram”.
Mike Levin "LEVIN/UX - A Micro Linux Distribution for Education", GitHub "miklevin (Mike Levin)" - “The micro Linux distribution known as Levinux (download ~25 MB) is a tiny virtual Linux server that runs from USB or Dropbox with a double-click (no install or admin rights required) on Macs, Windows or Linux PCs”, “with an emphasis on an actual running Python/Flask web app”.
Tiny Core Linux - “It starts with a recent Linux kernel, vmlinuz, and our root filesystem and start-up scripts packaged with a basic set of kernel modules in core.gz. Core (10MB)”.
Void Linux, GitHub "voidlinux" - “The spirit of Void is such that we keep things default, necessary, and minimal as possible”.
Knoppix Forum "How do i install a .deb package" - “First, note that you can only install a .deb package if you have a HD install, otherwise you'll have to use Klik (Kmenu>Knoppix>Utilities>install software)”.
Beim Booten von Knoppix muss man die beiden Parameter keyboard=de-latin1 und xkeyboard=de an den Kernel übergeben.. Das Booten geschieht vermutlich mittels Grub. Dann kann man die Datei /boot/grub/menu.lst entsprechend anpassen. Dazu gibt man im Terminal “sudo leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst” ein... Damit aber jetzt die Bearbeitung nicht zu schwer fällt, kann man im Terminal vor dem Aufruf des Editors erst noch “sudo setxkbmap de” ausführen.
Downloads by Chrome browser, by default at ”/home/knoppix/Downloads”.
Access to NTFS drives.
With Knoppix9.1 of 2021, I failed to access the NTFS drive of the Windows PC by the Knoppix Desktop, where I booted Knoppix by USB stick .
With Debian11, however, I was able to access the NTFS drive both by Debian booted by USB stick and Debian booted from harddisk. When booting from harddisk, Debian asked to select a Windows user and to enter its password. When booting by USB stick, access to NTFS drive was immediately without asking for Windows user and password.
Xenomai - “A real-time development framework cooperating with the Linux kernel, in order to provide a pervasive, interface-agnostic, hard real-time support to user-space applications, seamlessly integrated into the GNU/Linux environment”.
eCos, CentOS, FreeRTOS, Linux (Angstrom), Linux (Debian), Linux (Fedora), Linux (kernel.org), Linux (LinuxPPC), Linux (uCLinux), Linux (OSADL), Linux (Slackware), Linux (Yocto), RTEMS → named by VDC Survey.