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[hemmerling] Lua & eLua 3/3

Should I invest into Lua Development Skills ?

Reputation & Popularity

Job Offers

Hashtags for / of Lua Application Developers

  • #Lua #MadeWithLua.
  • #Lua-busted.
  • #LuaJIT #LuaRocks #LuaSocket #Lua-lanes.
  • #Lua-table, #FFI.
  • #stack-trace.

Events, Conferences, local Meetings

Lua Workshops

  1. Lua Workshop 2005 in San Jose, California ( 2005-07-27 - 2005-07-28 ).
  2. Lua Workshop 2006 in Venlo, The Netherlands ( 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-05 ).
  3. “Lua Workshop 2007”.
  4. Lua Workshop 2008 in Washington, D.C, USA ( 2008-07-14 - 2008-07-15 ).
  5. Lua Workshop 2009 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ( 2009-10-06 - 2009-10-07 ).
  6. “Lua Workshop 2010”.
  7. Lua Workshop 2011 in Frick, Switzerland ( 2011-09-08 - 2011-09-09 ).
  8. Lua Workshop 2012 in Reston, Virginia, USA ( 2012-11-29 - 2012-11-30 ).
  9. Lua Workshop 2013 in Toulouse, France ( 2013-11-23 - 2013-11-24 ), as part of the event Le Capitole du Libre.
  10. Lua Workshop 2014 in Moscow, Russia ( 2014-09-13 - 2014-09-14 ).
  11. Lua Workshop 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden ( 2015-10-15 - 2015-10-16 ).
  12. Lua Workshop 2016 in San Francisco, CA, USA ( 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-14 ).
  13. Lua Workshop 2017 in San Francisco, CA, USA ( 2016-10-16 - 2016-10-17 ).
  14. Lua Workshop 2018 in Kaunas, Lithuania ( 2018-09-06 - 2018-09-07 ).
  15. “Lua Workshop 2019”.
  16. “Lua Workshop 2020” in Freiburg, Germany.
  17. “Lua Workshop 2021” in Freiburg, Germany.
  18. Lua Workshop 2022 at Walther-Rathenau-Gewerbeschule in Freiburg, Germany ( Monday, 2022-10-10 ).
      • “New date: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshop has been postponed for one year”.
      • “Early Bird registration until June 30, 2022. The conference venue can accommodate a maximum of 100 participants - after this number we will therefore have to close the registration”.
    • Timetable:
      • Startup 8h30 or 9h00 with “2-3 minutes” short introduction presentations” of all attendees who agreed to this (most said yes, no video).
      • 10h00-10h30 introduction coffee break.
      • 10h30-12h00 presentation of Roberto including 30-40 min discussion. (we put this only to 10h30, so that people with only 4-5 hour travel time could consider to travel/ arrive only on Monday morning, and still “catch” the presentation of Roberto, Roberto's presentation will be recorded by video and then later put to YouTube if video hopefully will work).
      • 12h00-13h00 short lunch
      • 13h00-14h30 currently 2 presentations, ca. 30-40 min each including discussions (but we could shorten them, if we get more presentation applications (“A new parser and code generator for Lua/Ravi” and “Implementing static strings in ‘Low RAM Lua’ (64kB Lua-RAM in uC)”. Any person giving presentation defines themselves, whether they will allow video/publishing in Internet or not.
      • 14h30-15h00 afternoon coffee break
      • 15h00-17h00 discussion session
      • 18h00: Workshop dinner included in workshop price at Hausbrauerei Feierling, Gerberau 46, D-79098 Freiburg im Breisgau.
    • Co-organizer: Thomas Wolff ( no XING- or LinkedIn- Profile ), WEP - Ingenieurbüro Wolff für Elektronik- und Programmentwicklungen.
    • Rolf Hemmerling's lightning talk SlideShare "Lua in Games".

Lua Conf

Lua in Moscow Conferences

Lua Ladies

Google Summer of Code - LabLua


Dynamic Languages

Local Meetings


The Language

Free Lua Language Documents up to Lua 5.3 ( for CORE Developers, developing for Lua@CORE 5.3 )


Class / ObjectOrientation


  • See Lua & eLua 1/2 ⇒ “Language-integrated Coroutines and OpenSource MultiThreading Frameworks”.

Errors, Error Handling, pcall, xpcall



Lua-internal Informations ( Tables, Objects,..)


  • Obviously there are 4 different syntax:
    require "my_first_module"
    require 'my_first_module'
  • You will see this error message when executing “require()” statements in Lua scripts, on Windows, if:
    • The environment variable “LUA_PATH” is not set properly to:
      • CMD and PowerShell on Windows need:
      • VisualStudioCode on Windows needs ”./”, not ”.\”! ( else execution & debugging is refused on VSC, totally. No error messages :-( ):


    • With VisualStudioCode on Windows:
      • If the current directory in which both the Lua script file and the Lua module are, is not added to the “Workspace” of VisualStudioCode.
      • If the current directory is not added to the “Workspace” and if you don't load VSC by clicking on the filename of the Lua script, by mouse-rightclick “Open with Code”.
    • Error message on Windows:
Exception has occurred: .../Scripts/testrun_my_first_module.lua:7: module 'my_first_module' not found:
	no field package.preload['my_first_module']
	no file 'C:\int\w64\develop\Microsoft\VSCode/my_first_module.lua'
	no file 'C:\int\w64\develop\Microsoft\VSCode/my_first_module.dll'
stack traceback:
	.../Scripts/run_my_first_module.lua:7: in main chunk
	[C]: in ?

Operating System specific Infos ( Shell Environment, Call of OS Tools, Command Line Parameters,... )

os.exit(), os.exit(0), os.exit(0,true), no os.exit() at all



Stripped Lua

Tables & _G & _ENV


Education, Training, Learning


German Books

English Books

English Books 2

Coding Tasks

Services & Given Tasks for Lua

Given Tasks ( not Lua, but ok... )




Appropriate OpenDirectory Directory Pages

en/lua03.html.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/15 19:56 (external edit) · []
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