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[hemmerling] Google Android 2/13 - App Software


Automation of Functions

App Stores & App Rating


App Rating


    • To enable speech2text input, so that the “microphone” symbol appears at the keyboard, enable “Settings / Language & input / Virtual Keyboard / Gboard / Text Correction / Show suggestion strip”. This does not cause any text correction or text suggestion, by itself.
    • I disable any other text correction or text suggestion options, btw.


TooGoodToGo ( Budget Sales )


Dynamic Prices


Forums, Newsgroups

      • “Ich fahr dort hin gefreut das ich endlich mal bei diesem Bäcker was bestellen konnte. Wie gesagt ich war schon an der Tür dann kam die Email ihre Tüten sind storniert. Es waren noch drei andere da. Die waren auch enttäuscht. Warum muss ich zwei Stunden vorher stornieren und die eine Minute”.
      • “Toll sind auch Abholfenster von 5 Minuten”.
      • “Aber: beim Kunden gibt es eine Stornierungsfrist von 2h damit die reale Chance besteht, dass jemand anderes die Tüte(n) dann noch 'übernimmt. Umgekehrt sollen ja in die Tüten Lebensmittel kommen die übrig sind und sonst vernichtet würden. Wenn dann eben kurzfristig doch alles verkauft wurde ist das für uns enttäuschend, aber ein bekanntes Risiko”.
      • “Wir,Anbieter bei too good to go u auch Bäcker,mussten gestern auch 30min vor ABHOLUNG stornieren. a) ist dann erst absehbar das es nicht mehr reichen wird und b) hatte man bis dahin aufgrund dessen so einen Kundenandrang,das man keine Zeit hat an s Handy zu gehen.Aber wie gesagt,viel eher ist es bei uns auch nicht absehbar,das wir gleich ausverkauft sein werden zum Feierabend !!!”.
      • “Wenn die merken dass es zu wenig ist für die Tüte, stornieren sie kurz vorher”.
      • “Wenn ich bei der Anzahl auf 2 gehen möchte, wird mir direkt angezeigt, dass ich nur 1 reservieren kann”.
      • “Du kannst sie bezahlen und dann nochmal über die kaufen. Also erst eine Tüte danach noch eine Tüte so haben wir das mal gemacht weil es bei uns auch nicht wollte das man gleich 2 bestellt”.
      • “Das macht ein Bäcker hier in der Nähe auch. Du kannst pro Filiale immer nur eine Tüte kaufen. Da die aber in der Stadt mindestens 5 Filialen haben, mache ich immer eine Rundfahrt und nehme 2-3 Filialen mit”.
      • “Aktuell lässt uns Facebook auch wieder Bilder freigeben auf denen Alkohol abgebildet ist. Vor einiger Zeit wurde unsere Gruppe dafür abgemahnt. Daher geben wir aktuell wieder Bilder frei, das kann sich aber auch schnell wieder ändern”.
      • “Es geht in der App jetzt das man es einfach einen Freund abholen lassen kann. Der bekommt dann einen link für seine App. Ganz ohne Stress”.
  • Facebook "TooGoodToGo", 340K members.

Events & Event Manager & Event Tickets


Food / Eating / Restaurants


Job Offers

Voluntary honorary Work Offers

Job Offers

Mini Jobs Platforms

  • Google Play "BeMyEye" - “BeMyEye is the App that pays you for completing simple tasks in your neighbourhood. Pick and complete the small jobs posted by businesses who need to check their products in stores or to receive images from a location near you. A typical Job consists in checking the price of a particular product in a store. Every job has its own value in credits where 100 credits are equivalent to 1.00 EUR. The average job pays between 5 and 15 EUR”.

Reporting of Buying

Organisation of Work

Document Readers


Calendars & Alarm Clocks

Snoring Control

Timebox Software

Alarm Clocks




The Hardware Tool

Developer's Resources

Software App Resources

Developer's Resources



    • G-Data "MWC 2015: G DATA macht Mobile Messaging abhörsicher" - “Die G DATA App SECURE CHAT bietet hochsichere, mehrfach verschlüsselte SMS- und Chat-Kommunikation”.
    • Feedback:
      • User feedback: “Einstellungen der App... Screenshots sind deaktiviert”.
      • User feedback: ”(es) fehlt ein Qr-code reader..”.
      • User feedback: “mein Tablet hat eine eigene SIM Karte und eine eigene Rufnummer. Aber im GooglePlayStore wird dann gesagt, diese App sei nicht für Tablets” :-(.
      • With my smart tablet “I-ONIK TabletPC TP7-1000DC light” with Android 4.1.1, Google Play store refuses the installation by the message “Your device isn´t compatible with this version”. My smartphone with Android 4.2.1 is compatible.
      • At installation, you have the on-time single option to “register” a phone number. I succeeded with my fixed-grid phone number (?), but I failed with my mobile phone number. The mobile phone number was refused by the error message “Connectivity Error. SecureChat was unable to connect to the spushed service” :-(.
    • Features:
      • “Selbstzerstörende Nachrichten”.
      • Operating modes, description in German language:
        1. “Secure Chat”.
          • “Über die Einstellung “Secure Chat” können G DATA wir einfach, schnell und vorallem sicher mit Familie und Freunden chatten - wenn die Internetverbindung mit SIM-Karte aktiviert ist”.
        2. “Sichere SMS”.
          • “Mit dieser Einstellung können wir verschlüsselte SMS versenden – das geht auch ohne Internetverbindung. Für SMS, die über die Secure Chat App versendet werden, fallen die vertraglich geregelten Kosten an”.
        3. “Unsichere SMS”.
          • “Wenn der Empfänger Secure Chat nicht verwendet, können mit dieser Einstellung ungeschützte SMS verschickt werden. Denn für die Verschlüsselung von Nachrichten müssen sowohl der Sender als auch der Empfänger die Möglichkeit zur Ver- bzw. Entschlüsselung haben. Für den herkömmlichen SMS Versand fallen ebenso die vertraglich geregelten Kosten an”.
  • Google Play "Hostelite - Meet up in Hostels", advertised at Meininger, Berlin in 2016.
  • Google Play "Snapchat" - Messenger with the option to modify photos by “glasses”, “animal ( dog / cat ) ears”.

Messengers for Influenca Marketing

Wireless Communications

Data Sharing

Remote Control


Connectivity to other Devices

Events & News, Museums & Exhibitions

Learning & Education

General & Fun

Launchers / Desktops / File Managers


Best File Managers according to CHIP, of 2017-02

Some other File Managers

File Copy

  • Google Play "Send to SD card" - “Simple utility which allows to copy any file from any application to any folder on the SD card. Use 'Send' or 'Share' menu item”.


  • “File Managers” for Android smartphones are for use with:
    • Android simulators like “BlueStacks”, which are not shipped with a file manager tool.
    • Smartphones like “BQ Aquaris U” ( running “Android6” firmware ), which are not shipped with a file manager tool.
  • How-To-Geek "How to Use Android 6.0’s Built-in File Manager" - “With Android 6.0, Android now contains a hidden file manager. To access this File Manager, open Android’s Settings app from the app drawer. Tap 'Storage & USB' under the Device category. To access the file manager, scroll down to the bottom of this list and tap the 'Explore' option. This will take you to an interface that allows you to view and browse your device’s internal storage or external SD card storage. Android is actually presenting the file system here — the same file system you’ll see in third-party file management apps”.

Marketing & Rebate Sales

Mobility / Travelling

Remote Control of external Hardware

Sketching, Visual Facilitating, Painting


Morphing Tools


Screenshot / Capture / Audio / PDF Maker & Bookmark Tools

Audio Recorder / Sound Recorder



Bookmarking / Offline Reading

Camera Software

Camera Software for use with "Selfie Sticks" / Monopads

Camera Software with supports Selfie Sticks with a Shutter Button connected by the Audio Jack
  • Some Android camera apps work with my G-Data “Selfie Stick” monopod device, connected to the audio jack of my smartphone “Alcatel One Touch Scribe HD 8008D”.
      • Somehow, the application starts after some delay by its own, asking “What the device you insert is? [Headset] [Monopod]”...
      • “Camera for the most popular tripods and selfiestick monopods with bluetooth buttons or cable. Now you can press the monopod button and take pictures on your phone... Just run “Monopod Connection Wizard” from options”.
      • Images are stored at “SD Card / Pictures / Selfie” on my “Android 4.2.1” and “Android 6” smartphone devices.
    • Google Play, Global Soft Solutions "Stick Camera" - In comparison to other free camera apps, advertising is more dominant :-(. So I can´t recommend this tool.
Camera Software which doesn't require an extra Shutter Button
    • “Stable Camera doesn't need additional shutter button, and supports for all kinds of selfie stick. It can shoot automatically if you hold phone motionlessly for a while. (Camera will shoot when timer bar reach top). However, timer bar will reset if you move your phone. The bar will grow up only when your phone is stable. If you are not ready to shoot, you can just shake the phone or touch the screen to make timer bar reset”.
    • There is some advertising present in the tool :-(.

Camera Software which just supports the Audio Volume Key as extra Shutter Button


Video Software

Webcam Software

    • Google Play "DroidCamX", 4.99 EUR - “DroidCamX turns your Android device into a webcam. Chat using 'DroidCam Webcam' on your computer, including Sound and Picture. Connect over Wifi or USB*”.
      • “Ditch the old webcam, and hold off buying a new one. DroidCam OBS turns your phone into a camera source in OBS Studio!”.
      • “Go to on your computer, to download and install the DroidCam OBS plugin which you can use to connect to this app”.
    • As of 2021-06, the current Droidcam:
      • Is offered for install by Google-Play on devices with Android 4.4.2 ( “BlueStacks” smartphone simulator on PC ) and Android 5.01 ( my tablet “Acer Iconia One 7 B1-770” ) :-) and newer.
      • Is not offered for install by Google-Play on devices with Android 4.2.1 ( my smartphone “Alcatel One Touch Scribe HD 8008D” ) and Android 4.1.1 ( my tablet “I-ONIK TabletPC TP7-1000DC light” ) :-(.

Free PDF Creation

Scanner & PDF Creator

PDF Creation from Digital Media ( Photos,.. )



Screenshots for unrooted Devices

    • Instructions:
      • “To take a screen shot. Press and hold POWER and VOLUME DOWN buttons at the same time for 2 to 3 seconds”.
      • “If that does not work. Press and hold POWER and HOME buttons at the same time for 2 to 3 seconds”.
    • Instructions:
      • “During screenshot standby, push “Power” and “Volume Down” button at the same time for more than 2 seconds, then you can take a screenshot. (* Depending on the model, you may press 'Power' and HOME buttons”.
    • In comparison to other free screenshot apps, advertising is more dominant :-(. So I can´t recommend this tool.
    • Instructions:
      • “To take a screenshot, just press and hold the 'Volume Down' and 'Power' buttons at the same time for 2 seconds”.
      • “If that doesn´t work on your phone is made by SamSung, just press and hold the 'Home' and 'Power' buttons at the same time for 2 seconds”.
    • Instructions:
      • “To take a screenshot, just press and hold the 'Volume Down' and 'Power' buttons at the same time for 2 seconds”.
      • “If that doesn´t work (or your phone is made by SamSung), try pressing and hold the 'Home' and 'Power' buttons at the same time for 2 seconds”.
    • This app pops up after the screenshot and offers image processing functions.
    • Instructions:
      • “Screenshot requires rooted phone but this application may also works on unrooted phones. Pelase read our FAQs section for more information”.
      • “Option 1: Press & Hold Power + VolumeUp for 2 seconds”.
      • “Option 2: Press & Hold Power + VolumeDown for 2 seconds”.
      • “Option 3: Press & Hold Power + Home for 2 seconds”.
      • Instructions:
        1. Start the app “Screenshot Easy”.
        2. Keep the “Screenshot Easy” app in background.
        3. Start the app you want to make a screenshot of.
        4. Press “Volume Down” button and “Power” button, concurrently. If you pressed properly, “Screenshot Easy” app in background is saving a screenshot. Maybe you have to try 2 or more times...
        5. Screenshots are stored as PNG files and are accessible by the Android 4.2.1 app “File Manager” at ”/SD Card/Screenshots”.
      • Google Play, Ice Cold Apps "Screenshot Ultimate" - “Free and most complete screenshot app!”.
        • Instructions:
          • “You can take a screenshot by pressing and holding the 'Volume down' and “Power' button at the same time for 2 seconds”.
          • “If that does not work try pressing and holding the power button and Home button at the same time for 2 seconds”.
          • “If you take a screenshot using the hardware button combo and Screenshot Ulitmate is running in the background it will automatically popup”.
          • “If you want to use other trigger methods you can run the automatic detecting of screenshot capture methods by going to Screenshot Ultimate > Settings > Capture methods > Detect (Auto) and hopefully another screenshot capture method can be found”.
        • By default, images are stored at ”/storage/sdcard0/screenshotultimage”, but the files are visible with the Android 4.2.1 app “File Manager” at ”/SD Card/Screenshots” and unvisible at the application itself :-(.
        • “Use this to put a small button on the top of the screen which you can click to take a screenshot” causes the small button to appear on the screenshots :-(.
        • “View, edit and/or share all screenshots that you have taken”.
    • Instructions:
      • “You can take a screenshot by pressing and holding the Power button and Volume-down button at the same time for 2 seconds”.
      • “If that does not work try pressing and holding the power button and Home button at the same time for 2 seconds”.
    • In comparison to other free screenshot apps, advertising is more dominant :-(. So I can´t recommend this tool.

Screenshots just for rooted Devices :-(, or just for specially supported Devices :-(

  • Google Play, MyungLab "Screenshot" - “Sorry, your phone is not rooted. This App only works on rooted devices. Please root your phone before using this App” :-(
  • Google Play "Screen Capture Shortcut" - “this application can take device screenshot/screencapture not required root. support device: Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy S Ⅱ”, “Sory.. This app is not support your Android. Please tell me your Android device information in order to improve future” :-(.


Screencasts, Screen Recordings

Optical Character Recognition ( OCR )

Screen Recording with Sound

Screen Recording with Google Pixel, Android 11 & 12,...

Screencasts for unrooted Devices, with Android 5

  • Google Play, Rivulus Studios "Lollipop Screen Recorder" for Android 5 - “a simple and easy to use screen recorder for devices running Android 5.0+. It uses official APIs added in Android Lollipop+ so it requires no rooting”. *Notifications are played with sound at the moment of alarm, while the notification symbol ( Triangle with ”!” is displayed in the Notification area. There is no storage or queuing of notifications. There is no silent alarm, about which the user may just be notified by checking the Notifications.
  • Google Play, NLL "Screen Recorder" for Android 5 - “A free unlimited screen capture app for recording your device's screen to video. Create promotional videos, make tutorials or record help videos complete with audio!”.

Screencasts for unrooted Devices, with Android 4.2.1

The Tool


Security, Antivirus, Privacy


    • “HideU allows you to hide all types of files, including photos, videos and other items in hidden space with calculator password protection”.
    • It is used to hide apps, e.g. messenger apps in partnerships where the partner has access to the smartphone.
    • User comment: “It doesn't hide the app but it hides that it's a messenger app ( e.g. “Discord” ). It doesn't look like the the messenger app anymore”.

Security, Antivirus

Software (Developer ) Platform

Terminal, Remote Shell

Crosswalk Project




Free OPC UA Clients

Commercial OPC UA Clients with Evaluation Version

    • LLC TESLA, "TeslaSCADA" - “Evaluation version has some restrictions - you can't use over 16 tags in your project, you can't import projects and you can't use your project after evaluation period - 60 days”.
    • Google Play "TeslaSCADA" - “Simple SCADA solution based on OPC UA for Android.Our idea is to do a quick visualization between an android device and industrial automation applications and equipment based on OPC UA”.


Wireless ( Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart, NFC,... )

Recommended Games

Useless boring Stuff

  • Zedge - “The # 1 phone personalization app in the world and helps you make sure your phone reflects you”. In German language “Klingelton-Mafia 2.0, but without commercial subscription” :-).

Writing / Text Processing / Office Software


Western Appstores

Appstores for Adult Apps

Chinese Appstores



Popularity of Apps

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