Stephan Rammler: UX / Design Thinking is just ok for a forcast of 5-10 years. If you need a foresight perspective of 50 years ( i.e. for urban development, private and public buildings, transportation systems ), you need to apply futurology.
Jugaad is just a temporary solution, so a drawback for a permanent solution.
Often, a Jugaad solution is based on the misuse of a tool, or an improper use of a tool never intended to be used for that purpose.
Jugaad might give the user a different perspective and different dimension.. The Jugaad actor might be proud to be the first to misuse a tool for his / her perpose. He / she feels to be innovative.
Typical western Jugaad examples:
Use of spreadsheets in large companies, as temporary solution of a domain expert, in spite of all the problems to roll out, to maintain and to update spreadsheets over the whole company. Jugaad is not the roll-out or use of spreadsheet software ( Excel, OpenOffice Calc,... ), but the implementation of a single spreadsheet file by a domain experts, which provides any kind of unique and innovative application,
Use of cotton swabs ( EN.Wikedia "Cotton swab", most well known brand name “Q-tips” ) for cleaning the human ears. Well.. its not innovative.
Just the plain idea as “idea itself”, without application, without suggested use in an application.
An idea which solves a problem. But mostly the idea creators are just customers and not managers / politicians, so they are not able to change the world, at the source of the problem ( e.g. at the company which produces the product which might be improved,.. ).
In most cases, the idea creator has no “problem” that his/her idea is not implemented.... especially not he/she has no benefit if the idea is exploited... and so his/her intellectual property is just stolen.
The real problems of companies are such specific, that an ordinary owner of an idea can't solve, ususally.
Indeed, just browsing third-party ideas might help companies to solve problems. But as this browsing of ideas is adoption of ideas, this does not cause any payment duty - the reader of the third-party ideas just gets another idea, and thats the application idea which solves the application problem ( same applies to “benchmarking” of companies of different industries ).
The world is full of useful patents which are not used commercially by creating products & services.... and nobody cares about this .