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[hemmerling] IEC 61131 Process Logic Control Programming PLC - PLC Systems, PLC Hardware, PLC Software

The IEC 61131-3 Languages and its Programming Concepts

IEC 61131-3 based PLCs

ABB Control IT AC 800F Software ( AC800F Builder )

akYtec GmbH

B&R Automation Studio

CoDeSys Automation Alliance

Company & its Products

Conferences & User Meetings

CoDeSys 2.3

  • Version 2.3 running on Windows, with support for PLC / SPS with 8-bit CPUs. As of 2015-09, the latest editions are “CoDeSys”, available at 3S-Smart Software Solutions GmbH "Download".
  • Simulation:
    1. The visualation within the CoDeSys IDE is available in simulation mode.
    2. The webbased visualisation is just available by the webserver running on the PLC hardware, not by the CoDeSys IDE on Windows.
    3. You may not write on input variables during simulation.
  • IDE tips:
    • Even if there is no item selector ( e.g. a button ”...” ) for an input field, in most cases pressing F2 opens the select window, when the cursor is in the input field.
    • To edit a variable, address it with the mouse cursor, and press “SHIFT F2” to open the window “Declare Variable”.
  • Task configuration:
    • Experts told me that it might be useful to let a Modbus protocol run as 2nd. task.
    • You might use tasks for developent, to define and simulate the behaviour of external hardware: One task simulates the hardware, the other one - the later PLC application - may control the hardware simulation and react to behaviour of the simulation. Inter-task Communication might be done by global variables. But it might be tricky to let simulation and later PLC application run concurrently, so that they work properly together.
  • Create a new program: “New block”.
    • Type of block: “Program”.
    • Language of block “FUP”.
    • Name of block “PLC_PRG” ( it's important to use this name for the first program which shall be executed ).
  • Create a new visualisation: Name of visualisation “PLC_VISU” ( it's important to use this name for the first visualisation ).
  • Function blocks - Use “VAR_INPUT” and “VAR_OUTPUT” as input and output variable types.

CoDeSys 3.5

  • Version 3, running on Windows with .NET, no support for PLC / SPS with 8-bit CPUs.
  • Supports object oriented development. In addition to the “IEC 61131-3” programming languages supported by V2.3, it also supports “Continuous Function Chart” ( CFC ).
  • “Skriptsprache Python in CODESYS V3. Ab CODESYS V3.4 SP3 können Sie Abläufe innerhalb von CODESYS automatisieren. Dazu wurde ein Runtime sowie eine Systembibliothek für Python integriert. In diesem Forum finden Sie allgemeine Hinweise und Beispiele, auf die Sie bei der Erstellung von Python-Skripts zugreifen können”

Web Server of CoDeSys 2.3 and CoDeSys 3.5

  • The CoDeSys 2.3 PLC web server requires Java on the client, i.e. a working Java 8 plugin installed in your browser.
  • The CoDeSys 3.5 PLC web server is based on HTML5 and so doesn´t require Java on the browser client.
  • The local web Server of CoDeSys 2.3 PLC is at e.g.

Third-Party Tools & Applications


  • There is a free educational editions of CoDeSys 2.3 & CoDeSys 3.5, for use without real PLC hardware, just on the PC.
  • CoDeSys is task-based like PHOENIX CONTACT's PC WORX & KW-Software GmbH's MULTIPROG PRO+ ( in opposite to SIEMENS S7 ).


  • “Moeller series” :-).
  • “EASY-E4-AC-12RC1 - Basic device with display, 100-240 V AC/DC, 8 input, 4 output (relay)” - Suitable for home automation :-).
  • Expansion devices include:
    • “EASY-E4-DC-6AE1 - Analog In-/Output ; 0 - 10 V / 0/4 - 20mA, 24 V DC, 4 input, 2 output (analog)”.
  • Ethenet interface, integrated web server :-).
  • “easySoft 7” - IDE software for Windows, for application development with IEC languages.
  • Competitor to “SIEMENS LOGO!”.

Mitsubishi Electric, Factory Automation







  • The free development and configuration software SAFECONF for Windows.
  • Argumentation of experts:
    • You mustn´t use a safe PLC anymore, e.g. SIEMENS “F-Systems” / “F-Steuerung” :-).
    • You are not stuck with a special fieldbus.
      • You may do safety control on the local floor shop, without any special fieldbus. E.g. safety light grids may be equipped with an OSSD interface instead of a fieldbus interface.
        • Rockwell Automation "Schutzmaßnahmen und ergänzende Einrichtungen" - “Wenn einer der Strahlen durch Eindringen in das Abtastfeld blockiert ist, schaltet der Steuerstromkreis des Lichtgitters seine Ausgangssignale aus. Das Ausgangssignal muss zum Ausschalten der Gefahr verwendet werden. Die meisten Lichtgitter sind mit OSSD-Ausgängen ausgestattet (Output Signal Switching Devices – Geräte zum Schalten von Ausgangssignalen). Die OSSDs sind PNP-Transistoren mit Kurzschlussschutz, Überlastschutz und Querschlusserkennung (Kanal zu Kanal). Sie können Gleichstromgeräte wie Sicherheitsschütze und Sicherheitshilfsschütze mit bis zu 500 mA schalten”.
      • With safe PLC systems, usually the vendors urge the clients to take a specific fieldbus for communication implementation:
        • Bosch Rexroth → Sercos.
        • Beckhoff → Etherreal.
        • SIEMENS → Profibus & Profinet.
      • With SAFECON, the standard fieldbus protocols may be used for communication with the PLC.
      • However, SAFECONF is not applicable if a special safety fieldbus is implemented, e.g. “PROFIsafe” and “ASIsafe”.
    • The safety function is transfered as before with traditional systems, back from the datacenter to the local shopfloor.
    • Though the safe PLC model with same technical data costs just a little bit more, the safety control costs some performance, so that finally you must buy a bigger PLC ( which then doesn´t cost just little bit more than the non-safe PLC ) :-(.
  • PHOENIX-CONTACT "Configuration package - SAFECONF - 2986119" - “Configuration software for SafetyBridge technology and PSR-TRISAFE modules, connecting cable for PSR-TRISAFE”]].


IP Assign

Datenloggers for Implementation of an Energy Management System ( EnMS ) - Standard PLC Hardware + "EMwise" Datalogging Software + "ACRON" Database

    • Default server address: Default password: “admin”.
    • Data export in the CSV format.
      • CSV export format: “Date_Time; Designation; Value”.
      • For export to a spreadsheet ( e.g. Microsoft Excel ), please use column-oriented (“zeilen-orientiert” ) export.
      • For export to a database ( e.g. ACRON ), please use row-oriented ( “spalten-orientiert” ) export.
    • With communication options and protocols for your EnMS:
      • By Ethernet TCP/IP:
        • Web server ( local visualisation ).
        • FTP / DHCP / SNTP.
        • OPC ( for communications with a SCADA system ).
        • PROFINET.
        • Modbus TCP.
        • SQL-Client.
        • ODP.
        • IEC 60870-5-104.
        • GSM / GPRS / UMTS.
        • WLAN / Bluetooth.
        • SHDSL.
        • LWL.
        • VPN ( IPsec ).
        • RFC 1006.
      • By IO extensions:
        • Analog input / output.
        • Digital input / output.
        • via RS232/485.
        • Modbus RTU.
        • IEC 60870-5-101.
        • CL0.
        • M-Bus.
        • CAN.
        • Profibus.
        • S0.
        • IEC 62056-21.
  • Software “EMwise”, distributed on an SD card for PLCs.
  • The historian “Acron”.


    • “Automation Software Suite ist eine umfassende Sammlung von aufeinander abgestimmten Software Tools für das Automatisierungssystem Automation Worx, bestehend aus PC WORX, PC WORX EXPRESS, DIAG+, DIAG+ NetScan, CONFIG+, VISU+, WEBVISIT, AX OPC SERVER”.
    • The installation of AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2013 1.81” is refused on Win8.1 by the error message “Das vorhandene Betriebssystem wird nicht unterstützt. Das Setup wird abgebrochen” :-(.
    • The installation of AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2013 1.82” fails on Win8.1 - The installation hangs during the installation message “Registering PC WORKX” and doesn`t complete.
    • So I am waiting for 1.83 :-).
    • Some of the PC WORX libraries may also be used with PC WORX Express, but according to PHOENIX CONTACT staff members, are not shipped with PC WORX Express. So PC WORX Express users, please think about additional temporary installation of the demo version of PC WORX to transfer some libraries to your PC WORX Express installation ( e.g. CAN-Bus, Modbus,.. ).


Rockwell Automation, Allen Bradley

Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies

Experts told me:

Hardware Technology Platform & IDE Features Comments
S7-400 PCS7 “Large” RAM memory, A/D interfaces, strong FPU to process “floating point” data. The CPU is not higher-clocked than that of a S7-1500 & S7-300 High-end hardware for process automation. Suitable for processing of large amout of analog data
S7-1500, S7-300 TIA Fast CPU, short PLC cycle time High-end hardware for factory automation. Suitable for fast processing of digital data, no focus on processing analog data. Not suitable for process automation!
S7-1200, S7-200 TIA Low-end hardware for factory automation
ET 200 ( ET200SP & ET 200S, ET200MP & ET200M, ..) TIA Decentral periphery for factory automation. CPU not mandatory, but without CPU the unit needs an S7-1500 system as master. If you build an ET200SP system with CPU, there is no cost advantage to an entry-level S7-1200 or even S7-1500 system
ET 200 ( ET 200iSP ) PCS7 Decentral periphery for process automation. No CPU. Needs an S7-400 as master.
Logo! Logo!Software Very low-end hardware, e.g for building automation


TIA Portal Cloud


Fuji Electric MICREX-NX ( based on PCS 7 )

Siemens SIMATIC PCS neo

Third Party Tools

Siemens HMI

    • “WinCC Sm@rt Server” ( formerly “Sm@rt Service”, “Sm@rt Access” ) → Access to SIEMENS PLCs with a browser.
    • Be shure to terminate the WinCC ( server ) runtime application, on a WinCC device, by pressing a “shutdown” button on the screen, before switching off. If the WinCC application uses the CSV format to store logging data, there is the big danger that this logging file is lost, after poweroff without prior shutdown of the WinCC ( server ) runtime.
    • I was told by experts, that the operation of WinCC applications on standard Windows computers often requires a Windows network with shared Windows network drives :-(.
    • Default usernames and passwords:
WinCC version Default username Default password Minimum password length
WinCC 7 and earlier admin 100 3
WinCC 11 Administrator administrator 6
  • See in other sections of the web page.
SIEMENS SIMATIC Visualization ( SiVArc )
Panels of 2014
  • “Comfort Panel” and “Basic Panels” of 2014 follow different concepts:
    • Both have a Flash memory, in which the current project runtime ist stored and executed.
    • “Comfort Panel”.
      • Default IP: 192.168.2.x, default password: “100”.
      • Additionally, the “Comfort Panel” of 2014 have two SD card slots: 1 SD card for system data, 1 SD card with 2 GB data size for data logging. If there is a directory “SIMATIC.HMI” on the system SD card, it will be transfered to Flash during booting of the panel. Tip: You may keep different panel images on a single SD card, by renaming the directory ( but you can transfer just the panel image named “SIMATIC.HMI” to a panel ).
      • 2x SD cards slots for SD cards with a maximum datasize of 2 GBytes each.
        • 1 SD card for system data. Default filename for the system data: SIMATIC.HMI.
        • 1 SD card for user data & data logging.
    • “Basic Panel”
      • Default IP: 192.168.4.x, default password: “100”.
      • In opposite, the “Basic Panels” just have an additional USB interface. You may both use it for data logging ( but just of up to 10 variables ).
      • You may copy the runtime data from the panel to a USB stick, for backup and transfer purposes.
      • Additionally, you may store the small project runtime ( not the large full WinCC project ) in the expensive RAM memory of a Siemens 1500 PCL.
      • 1x USB interface for data storage. Alternatively, the panel runtime can bei kept in the S1500 RAM memory.
  • In the past, SIEMENS panels stored the full WinCC project. It was possible to restore the full WinCC project back to a Siemens WinCC developer computer. Now with the second panel generation of 2014, the full project is not stored anymore on the panel.
  • SIEMENS users have often problems with keeping backups and ignore the needs for code version control... Siemens tries to help these users by new concepts like that of the second panel generation.
Panels of 2016
  • For communications with “Comfort Panels”, the SOAP ( EN.Wikipedia "SOAP", DN.Wikipedia "SOAP" ) protocol is used. The Win7 running on the “Comfort Panel” makes use of “SoapUser” as required and forced Windows user name, for communications.
  • I was told, that there is no default passwort anymore :-), with SIEMENS panels of 2016.


Siemens Motion Control Solutions

PLC Simulation

  • Software in the Loop ( SIL ):
    • “Siemens SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM” ⇒ Included with the TIA-Portal ( license ).
    • “HMI Simulation” ⇒ Included with the TIA-Portal ( license ).
Siemens PCLSIM Advanced
Siemens SIMIT
    • “Factory Acceptance Test, Virutal Commissioning - and more!”, “Simulation, Visualization, Communication and Interaction in Real-Time”.
    • You have to define the behaviour of the simulated hardware target as “process unit” ( “Regelstrecke” ) by the means of control theory , e.g. “P”, “PI”, “PID”.

Siemens Wägetechnik

The Tools, the Software
Sample System Configuration
  • A Windows PC ( ), running TIA Portal and SIWATOOL, is connected by Wifi with an Access Point with integrated switch( no IP address ).
  • The access point connects by Ethernet to
    • PLC ( ). This PLC is connected by Ethernet / PROFINET with a SIEMENS Comfort Panel ( ) and the SIWAREX module ( ).
    • The SIWAREX module, by the 2nd. Ethernet jack. This second Ethernet interface might be operated by Modbus/TCP protocol or by the properitary SIWATOOL protocol. SIWATOOL can´t operate with Modbus/TCP, though...
  • With old hardware, the SIWATOOl communications was not by second Ethernet, but by RS485.

SIEMENS Plant Data Services


    • Siemens Industry Online Support "mySupport" - By starting ( not sending !) a new support request, you get access to the SIEMENS knowledgebase :-):
      1. “Product/Order number. Please enter a product without a version specification (e.g. TIA Portal, STEP 7, S7-1500, PCS 7, ET 200SP, SIMOTION Scout, ...)”
      2. “Product range. Please select the appropriate product exactly”.
      3. “Select an application case. When describing your application case, we will be able to give you targeted and direct advice. Select your situation”.
      4. “There are already answers to several FAQs. Please have a look at them”:
        1. FAQs.
        2. Manuals.
        3. Forum.
        5. Product notes.
    • Siemens Industry Online Support "Produkt-Support" - This is the proper seach engine for SIEMENS support. Forget about the global SIEMENS search engine!


Third-Party Tools

  • The OpenSource Snap 7, Snap 7 - “Step7 Open Source Ethernet Communication Suite”.


  • OB1.
    • With the PCS7 development tool and “PCS7” PLC hardware targets, there may several OB1, which are executed as tasks concurrently.
    • With the classical SIEMENS S7 development tool on “S7” PLC hardware targets, there may be just one OB1, which executed when the PLC is started.
    • With the SIEMENS “TIA Portal”, several OB1 objects on “S7” hardware targets may be created. One of the many OB1 objects may be executed - one at a time, but not concurrently, so there is always just 1 task running -, when PLC execution is started.
  • With the TIA Portal, new PLC function elements are “Technology Objects” for drive control:
    • Positioning.
    • Revolution speed control.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

The Company & its Tools

The WAGO Hub - Blog, Mediathek, Livestream


"CoDeSys 2.3" on PLC "WAGO 750-880"

Ethernet Options: 2-Port Switch or 2 single Ethernet Ports
  • For WAGO 750-800 and most other variants, there is a 2-port Ethernet switch.
  • WAGO 750-885, however, has 2 single Ethernet ports which are dedicated to operate in 2 different sub nets ( for security reasons ).
Windows tools for use on PLC hands-on Workshop "Introductory CoDeSys workshop", in 2015-09
  • The commercial Windows software “CoDeSys”.
  • The free Windows software “Ethernetsettings”, suitable for device configuration and setting-up operation.
  • The commercial Windows software “IO-Check 3” ( is shipped with installer for “Ethernetsettings”, too ).
    • It is suitable not just for device configuration, setting-up operation, but primarily for clamp configuration. You might do the same with self-written SMTP scripts.
    • WAGO Programs - “WAGO-I/O-CHECK 2”.
Motor Control
Installation & Configuration
  • For WAGO PLCs, there is a mode switch hidden under a cover:
    1. Top: Run mode. Necessary if you update and run PLC software, driven by the CoDeSys IDE.
    2. Middle: Stop mode. Necessary to run IO-Check in “Control Mode”.
    3. Down: WAGO-internal use only.
  • A red dip switch may be used to configure the last octal of the IP address of the PLC web server, i.e. 192.168.1.x → You may change the first 3 octals by the web interface, too.
    • Webbased PLC management, login to the web server of a WAGO PLC - Username: “admin”, password “wago”.
  • Boot process: “Bootp” is default.
  • The BACnet PLC controller by WAGO forces a bootproject update. With all other WAGO PLC controllers, this update is optional.
Software Development
  • There are 2 location for libraries, which may be imported and used in user-defined PLC software:
    1. Standard CoDeSys libraries ( “C:\Program Files\WAGO Software\CoDeSys V2.3\Library” )
    2. Target-specific libraries, created by the partner - the PLC hardware manufacturer - of CoDeSys ( “C:\Program Files\WAGO Software\CoDeSys V2.3\Targets\WAGO\Libraries” ). If a customer makes use of the special libraries, the application depends on this target and its PLC hardware manufacturer.

WAGO "e!COCKPIT Engineering Software", based on "CoDeSys 3.5"

Addon Packages

Access to SQL Databases
    • “Using library WagoLibMSSQL_03 for interface Microsoft SQL Server 200x”.
    • SQL-Client for Microsoft SQL Server 200x (Bibliotheken/CoDeSys 2.3 Bibliothek ). Library 'WagoLibMSSQL_03.lib' provide functionblocks for accessing Microsoft databases”.
    • “Using WagoLibMySQL_03 to communicate with MySQL databases”.
    • “Connecting to a MySQL database (Bibliotheken/CoDeSys 2.3 Bibliothek ). The library 'WagoLibMySql_02.lib' provide function blocks to communicate with MySQL-Database-Servers version 4.1 and above”.
"Solution Package Energy Network Monitoring" for Implementation of an Energy Management System
Free Datenlogger & Dataplotter for Implementation of an Energy Management System ( EnMS )

IEC 61131-3 based PLCs with 230V I/O



Online Services for IEC Language Development


Appropriate OpenDirectory Directory Pages

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