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[hemmerling] OPC UA and OPC ( OLE for Process Control )

Organisations, Events

Referenzarchitekturmodell Industrie 4.0 ( RAMI 4.0 )


Traditional OPC Server Tools

Traditional OPC Client Tools

Commercial OPC-UA Client / Server Tools

  • As OPC member, you have access to an OPC-UA C++ stack and an OPC-UA .NET stack. According to experts, such a stack isn't a complete application and especially the C++ needs much improvements and upgrades to be used for production purposes.
    • ”.. basiert komplett auf Internet-Technologien wie HTML5, CSS3, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) und kommt ohne Plug-Ins aus. Flash, Silverlight oder ähnliches wird nicht benötigt. Die mit groov erstellten Anwendungen lassen sich mit jedem Betriebssystem und aktuellen Webbrowser ausführen”.
    • ”... Kommunikation zu den bekannten industriellen Steuerungssystemen möglich. Dazu zählen Siemens Simatic, Schneider Electric Modicon und GE PAC-Systems. Der Datenaustausch läuft hier via OPC-UA-Standardprotokoll”.
  • The non-free OPC-UA client&server OpenOpcUa - “An opensource and multi-platform C/C++ project”, “First remember that Open is different than Free”, “The access to the OpenOpcUa codebase require a onetime fee”.

Free and commercial OPC UA Clients

Free OPC UA Clients for Desktop

Free and Commercial OPC UA Clients for Android

OpenSource OPC-UA Client / Server Tools

Official OpenSource Tools & Documentation

Additional OpenSource Tools & Documentation

Project & Tools

OPC UA Concepts

Traditional OPC UA Client-Server Concept

Modern Producer - OPC UA Consumer Concept


  • Feedback:
    • I learned from several different experts about the low code quality of the OPC UA refererence implementations ( those in C/C++, Java... just available for OPC members, and so no reason to think that it is different to the OpenSource implementation in Java ).
    • Experts suggested that OPC members should reimplement their OPC UA server and client applications from the scratch, i.e. by reading the specifications.
    • I was told that in a few cases where an OPC member company try / tried to develop their own products based on the reference implementation code instead of developing it from the scratch by the OPC UA specifications only, they got stuck due to bugs in the reference implementation.
    • In a special case, the reference implementation of the OPC UA client doesn´t register properly at the OPC UA server but got access to the server in contradiction to the specification rules. The OPC UA server-side registration process was not implemented ( properly ), but this was covered by the improper behaviour of the OPC UA client. Now one day a customer of a OPC member company with well-designed OPC UA registration process complaimed that it was impossible to connect with the improperly designed reference OPC UA client to the properly designed OPC UA server developed by the OPC member company... finally the properly designed OPC UA server had to be fixed to communicate properly with the improperly designed reference OPC UA client :-(.
  • all-electronics "OPC UA wird Open Source", 2015-05-22 - “Das Ganze funktioniert nur, wenn OPC UA in möglichst vielen Geräten, Komponenten und Tools implementiert ist – auch außerhalb der klassischen Industrieautomation. Deshalb hat die OPC Foundation eine strategische Entscheidung getroffen: Spezifikationen und Stack werden auch Nicht-Mitgliedern als Open Source zur Verfügung gestellt. 'Derzeit arbeiten wir an einer Open-Shared-Source-Strategie', erklärte Hoppe. Die freie Verwendung des Stacks ermöglicht Entwicklern einen schnellen Einstieg in die Technologie und kurze Implementierungszeiten bei Prototypen. Die Foundation nutzt dazu für den größten Teil der Software die MIT License. Der Software-Stack steht Nicht-Mitgliedern dagegen als GPL (GNU General Public License) zur Verfügung”.

"umati" - OPC UA Companion Specification



German Books

English Books



SPS-MAGAZIN Issue Date of Publication Topic
3 2012-02-24 OPC UA Status
4 2012-03-16 OPC UA: Origin, Development and Objectives
HMI Special 2012-04-13 Ten Reasons for OPC UA
5 2012-05-10 OPC UA Specifications
6 2012-06-01 OPC UA Companion Standards
7 2012-06-30 OPC UA Compliance Test
8 2012-07-27 OPC UA Toolkits
9 2012-08-31 OPC UA Outlook



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