[hemmerling] Instrumentation



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Instrumentation Hardware


Low-Buget Oscilloscopes

Low-Buget standalone Oscilloscopes

Low-Buget PC-based Oscilloscopes

Sophisticated PC-based Oscilloscopes

    • “NI VirtualBench” uses proprietary drivers, not a DAQM driver. I.e. it is not integrated into National Instruments' “Measurement & Automation Explorer” :-(. This means that you just can access the device by special virtual instruments from within LabVIEW, and by the supplied Windows desktop application. You can´t access it neither by other National Instrument software tools ( e.g. National Instruments “Measurement Studio” ), nor by self-created Windows applications written in C#, C/C++,...
    • Indeed there some other sophisticated devices of National Instrument without DAQM driver :-(, more than you imagine at first thinking :-(.
    • It uses a Ethernet-over-USB protocol ( EN.Wikipedia "Ethernet over USB" ).


Low-Buget Logic Analysers


General Purpose Interface Bus ( GPIP )




Direct Digital Synthesis ( DDS )




Weighing with Scales

Organisations & Directives

Scale Manufacturers

Manufacturers of electronic Tools for Scales


Instrumentation Software + Hardware, Data Logging and Visualisation


Commercial Data Acquisition Software for Mechanical Engineering, e.g. for windmill-powered Plant Developers


Test Execution Engine / Test Sequencers


The Tool


  • EXAM as supervisory control application is used for triggering communications with the target device-under-test, only, usually by communicating with software interfaces to CAN-Bus, e.g.
    • of a USB_2_CAN-Bus device.
    • or another software application like “Vector Informatics CANalyzer” which may communicate by CAN-Bus with the device under test.
  • EXAM is not used for simulation of the environment of the device-under-test.
  • EXAM is both used for development, software-test on module level and especially also for black-box tests.
  • The rest of the car and its control devices is simulated by a MATLAB/Simulink application.
  • In opposite, “Vector Informatics CANalyzer” might also be used for simulation of the environment of the device-under-test ?!


  • Just if you select these options during the installation process, the necessary database schemes are created in the selected databases :-):
    • [x] Database.
      • [x]PostgreSQL 8.4 - A Postgres database. It will be automatically installed and configured to be usable with EXAM.
      • [ ] Oracle - Configure a Oracle Database to be usable with EXAM → Missing functionality / software bug of EXAM 3.1: EXAM does not generate the necessary database schemes. So you can´t use EXAM with Oracle, and this option is quiet useless :-(.
      • [ ] MySQL - Configure a MySQL Database to be usable with EXAM → Missing functionality / software bug of EXAM 3.1: EXAM does not generate the necessary database schemes. So you can´t use EXAM with MySQL, and this option is quiet useless :-(.
  • EXAM Forum "EXAM und MySQL", 2011-07-20 - “Die Installationsroutine von EXAM (basierend auf meinen Erfahrungen) kann selbständig keine User oder Tabellen anlegen, weder in MySQL noch in Oracle” :-(.
  • Configuration: If you execute the menu option “Update / Model” by right-click on a project in administration mode, be shure to import both “_1_core.zip” and “EXAMples.zip”, as there is no second chance to do so.
Database Password from user “root” Schema-Model Schema-Report
Schema User name Password Schema User name Password
PostgreSQL 8.4 core core exam exam_rmdb exam_rmdb exam
MySQL <enter password> core core exam exam_rmdb exam_rmdb exam


Some other Test Execution Engines / Test Sequencers


Condition Monitoring

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