“Dieses LabVIEW Home Bundle enthält einen Code, mit denen Sie die Trial-Version Ihrer LabVIEW-Software freischalten können, sowie Informationsmaterial. Die Software selbst können Sie bei www.labviewmakerhub.com/labview kostenfrei herunterladen (Trial Version)”.
As LabVIEW is updated each year ( LabVIEW 2013, 2014, 2015..), a LabVIEW home bundle edition might become worthless after the release of new LabVIEW home bundle edition version, as you can´t load projects from LabVIEW MakerHub, created with a newer LabvIEW home edition release .
The LabVIEW home bundle edition is shipped with the LabVIEW Full Development System, which doesn´t include the “LabVIEW Application Builder” . Remember that the LabVIEW student editions of the past 15 years did never include the “LabVIEW Application Builder” .
National Instruments "NI LabVIEW for CompactRIO Developer's Guide" - “It provides an overview of recommended architectures and development practices when programming NI CompactRIO controllers. Intended as complementary material to standard LabVIEW Real-Time Module and LabVIEW FPGA Module training, this guide features documentation and examples as a framework for designing industrial control and monitoring applications”.
National Instruments "TestStand" - Testing of hardware in testbed / teststand, for use with LabVIEW. This isn't a software testing framework for testing of LabVIEW applications!
LabVIEW Fundamentals Exam, Prüfung über LabVIEW Grundlagen - “FREE online assessment”, an easy preliminary stage test for CLAD. The test can be repeated all 48 hours. The questions are selected from a large catalog of questions, so the test is not fixed but is varied.
2011-2015, “National Instruments Germany” offerted free paper-based CLAD tests at their events “Labview Anwendertag” and “Labview Day”. Since 2016, there are just online CLAD tests, so that “National Instruments Germany” must discontinue its free offer. There might be rebate offers for event particpants for the future.
“To pass the CLAD exam, a score of 70% must be achieved”. That's hard, remember at college test you usually pass with 50%, while 70% is a real exception from my experience. Me as LabVIEW user on the level of an “advanced beginner” ( which I was not able to upgrade to a “professional user” due to missing work experience in LabVIEW-specific projects ), I participated in the free CLAD test 2011-2015 and got test results 50%, 65%, 55%, 35%, 52.50%, 50%, 65%, 52.50%.
So be warned to spend money on that CLAD test if it isn`t free...
The only advantage of online tests prior of paper tests might be that you can save the questions as “screenshots”...
The DVD accompanying the computer magazine c't, issue 11/2007 contains a full version of “Labview 6.1”, for personal non-commercial use only.
Labview 7.1 was the last version of Labview without need for software activation . In opposite, the “LabVIEW 7.1 Student Edition Software Suite” already contained some additional tools with need for activation .
National Instruments "LabVIEW Student Edition Textbook" - “The content in this textbook is available under two different titles. The LabVIEW Student Edition textbook includes an activation code for the NI LabVIEW 2013 Student Edition software. The Learning with LabVIEW textbook does not include the software”.
Earlier editions, shipped with a LabVIEW student edition, claim on the back cover “Dem Buch ist eine DVD mit einer aktuellen Studentenversion von LabVIEW beigegeben, die auch eine Reihe von Beispielprogrammen enthält”. Is this true for the current edition?
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten "Aktuelles, 24. Juli 2015: Programmieren auf den Punkt gebracht. Autorenduo der Hochschule veröffentlicht Fachbuch in 6. Auflage" - “Anfang 2006 kam die 1. Auflage des Lehrbuchs auf den Markt. In der nun erschienenen 6. Auflage sind alle Kapitel auf den neuesten Stand gebracht und an die aktuelle Programmversion 'LabVIEW 2014' angepasst, so Professor Georgi. Darüber hinaus sind zwei neue Themenbereiche zu 'XNodes' und 'Skripting' hinzugekommen. Mithilfe von „Skripting“ kann ein LabVIEW-Programm ein anderes schreiben. Außerdem liefert das Fachbuch Antworten auf Fragen wie „Wie programmiere ich professionell?“ und gibt Tipps, wie gutes Programmieren gelingen kann”.
ICONAG-Leittechnik GmbH "B-CON" - “herstellerneutrale Leittechnik-Software für größere Gebäude und Liegenschaften”. B-CON is one of the largest commercial LabVIEW applications ever built and distributed.