LinkedIn "Jason Fox" ( Jason.Fox ), Berlin - “Technical Evangelist at FIWARE”, “He will be in charge in 2018 of re-designing the UX of developers approaching the FIWARE website for their first time. That is users who are willing to learn about FIWARE and start using it”.
“On July 4th and 5th, frontierCities2, a unique acceleration and incubation programme, will be hosting their second Outreach Bootcamp. The event will take place in Berlin, Germany at the FIWARE Foundation offic”.
“*This outreach programme is exclusive to the companies supported by the A16 Accelerator programme”.
“Among virtually 1000 start-ups from different sectors all around the European continent that have been selected to be part of the FIWARE Accelerator Programme since its launch in 2014, only 15 have been entered into the very selective VIP program”.
“As an important step in this path, the VIP Bootcamp event will take place in Milan next week”.
“This gathering will be all about providing the SMEs with an investor deck that will complete and improve the one that they have previously been able to reach, to put new opportunities at hand for these innovators to unleash all their potential”.
“Prior to the pitching sessions, a full day of training will be arranged, to secure the consistency of the message each startup will be sharing. The full event agenda is available online”.
“For the participating startups, it will be a unique opportunity to improve their business reach. For us it offers the chance to briefly present each one of the VIP Programme members”.
The data-driven implementation of the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA) uses four data bus layers where data exchange and sharing processes are taking place and where FIWARE technology can be used in key scenarios:
An Inter-site Data Bus materializes B2B data exchange and sharing of data between business processes distributed across at least two different administrative domains. FIWARE Context Broker technology can also be used for this purpose.
A Site Data Bus implements the data exchange in a single administrative domain, be it a company, an IT department, a plant or a fleet of vehicles. This would make use of FIWARE Context Broker technology for managing the entire lifecycle of context information including updates, queries, registrations, and subscriptions.
A Unit Data Bus uses dedicated edge/fog data gateways as a bridge between real and digital worlds. Here, a cloud-edge programming system can process the data stream through a series of distributed components, using the FIWARE NGSI API to harmonize access to data published using many different data formats.
A Machine Data Bus is the real world data exchange, active on the factory shop floor, in the operations of a product or in transportation and logistics.
“Not a member? To request an account, please contact your JIRA administrators”.
“JIRA users are restricted to FIWARE consortium members (mainly GE owners) and the teams involved in FIWARE Lab node support” .
“If you want to ask for support or contact us you do not need a JIRA user. Just go to the FIWARE Contact Page and send us a message to the mail box that best suits”.
“It contains a rich library of components (Generic Enablers) with reference implementations that allow developers to put into effect functionalities such as the connection to the Internet of Things or Big Data analysis, making programming much easier. All of them are public, royalty-free and open source!”.
“Dear user, please note that registration is required only for editing the contents of the Catalogue (e.g. GE implementation). If your intention is to know how to use FIWARE you don't need to create an account because all the information you need is publicly available. The editors of GE implementations on the Catalogue must register on the FIWARE Forge and then request access to the administrator of the Catalogue”.
“FIWARE’s Orion Context Broker has grown to be a key part of our architecture.... In brief, it’s a readymade ReST interface to MongoDB, with publish-and-subscribe features. It gives us a readymade data collection mechanism for scores and results”.
“Detailed setup notes (from Robin Becker, Chief Engineer, working on Ubuntu 14.04)” #.
Experts told me the difference between the FIWARE Context Broker and an MQTT broker:
FIWARE Context Broker:
Persistance by a small MongDB NoSQL database attached.
You may publish topics, subscribe and query for topics.
The OpenSource Grafana, GitHub "grafana" for Win64 and Linux - “Beautiful Metrics Dashboards, Data Visualization and Monitoring”, “The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More”.
“Community Account Request. In the project description, motivate why you apply for a FIWARE Lab account, describing how you plan to use FIWARE”.
“Are you already registered in FIWARE Lab? Yes/No. Confirm that you created a main account for you project in FIWARE Lab. You should be able to register a “basic” account without any issue. In case of problems, the Help Desk will support you in the creation of the account”.
“Company, Department, Number of developers, How many developers are involved in the project?, Startup/Project name, Accelerator Programme name”.
“Cloud migration platform (Openstack to VMware environment)”.
“Specifically, you can transfer a virtual machine from an OpenStack platform (e.g. Intellicloud to other OpenStack system (e.g. FIWARE Lab) or from OpenStack platform (e.g. FIWARE Lab) to a VMWare based platform”.
“FITMAN provides the FI-PPP Core Platform with 10 industry-led use cases which test and assess the suitability, openness and flexibility of the FIWARE GEs and FITMAN SEs...”.
“Welcome to the FITMAN Catalogue! Here you will find all the information, documentation and tools you need as a developer to start using a Specific Enabler Implementation”.
Experts told me about the userfullness of the FIWARE ecosystem: Share data in your organisation! Break the silos! It is an aggregation platform!
FIWARE exists prior to IDS. “FIWARE will help to deliver the first open source implementation of the IDS Architecture”.
The base of FIWARE is a “context broker”. By this FIWARE may help to do data processing for smart data solution, which benefit from knowledge of the context ( the geo position, the use, the relation of things ).
CEF Digital - “Part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme - enabler of the Digital Single Market”.
CEF Building Blocks.
FIWARE NGSI + Context Broker ( expected soon ).
Experts told me: Having a REST interface is a must for a FIWARE component .