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[hemmerling] TV Stations, Radio Stations 1/7 - Electronic Program Guide ( EPG ) for TV & Radio

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Audio Content Providers

German Public TV, German Public Radio

Just-Streaming Radio & Audio


Amazon Music FREE
  • Players:
      • Use “Search” to play music for free.
        • “Music By Genre” - Click on “more” to display all genres.
      • 2023-09-29 “Firefox aktualisieren. Wir haben den Service aktualisiert und diese Browserversion wird nicht mehr unterstützt. Bitte aktualisiere deinen Browser, oder lade Amazon Music für PC herunter”, though Firefox for Win10Pro, 64bit was up to date at this moment :-(.
      • Use “Search” to play music for free.
        • “Music By Genre” - Click on “more” to display all genres.
    • Google Play "Amazon Music: Songs & Podcasts" - ” Listen free to music and podcasts with ads—no credit card required”.
      • Use “Search” to play music for free.
        • “Music By Genre” - Click on “more” to display all genres.
      • On “Bluestacks” smartphone emulator on Windows computers, the app may be installed successfully :-).
        • Some radio streams work :-), but with many other there is an error message “Leider gibt es bei der Wiedergabe ein Problem. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal oder wähle einen anderen Radiosender” :-(
  • There is no “Favourites” list :-(.
    • Following:
    • For some artists, if you listen to their songs regularly, there might be a icon button on the main page “REDISCOVER ( artist name )”, with a list of songs of that artist.
    • My experiences of 2023-09:
      • Fowllowing does not help to create a “Favourites” list :-(.
      • Obvious workaround:
        • Create a playlist on a Amazon Music app ( you can't do that with the browser ).
        • Add one piece of music of your favourite artist.
        • By the profile, you may access the playlist(s). You can just add “suggestions” or “recently played songs”
        • Finally, Amazon tells you that adding songs to a playlist is a payware feature :-(, so you can't keep track of favourite artists with “Amazon Music Free” :-(.
  • Music:
    • There are “radiostations” which plays songs of the artist and of similar music of other artists, in shuffle mode :-). By this, the playlist of the artist ist extended, resulting in more variety. Thats positive especially if there are just a few LP / CD albums of the artist available in the library..
      • Artists may be searched by the search engine. Artists to which you listen regularly, are listed on the main cockpit page.
      • Single songs and albums of an artist might be linked to the “radiostation” of:
        • The artist.
        • A co-artist.
        • The song.
        • The album.
        • “REDISCOVER” co-artist.
    • Unique selling proposition: Amazon Music Genre "Afro".
  • History:
    • T-Online "Amazon startet Gratis-Musikstreaming", 2019-11-19 - “Amazon hat heute eine Gratisversion des Musikstreamingdienstes Amazon Music gestartet. Nutzer können dafür die Gratis-App Amazon Music jetzt auch auf Android- und iOS-Geräten nutzen, teilte das Unternehmen am Montag in einem Blogeintrag mit. Auch über den Browser und den Fire-TV-Stick lässt sich der Dienst verwenden. Bislang stand die Gratisvariante von Amazon Music nur für Kunden mit einem Amazon-Echo-Gerät zur Verfügung”.
Barbara Radio
DJTV - Global Screen of Music
Radio Flora
    • Spotify "Premium Family" - “Hol dir Spotify Premium Konten für dich und bis zu fünf weitere Personen, die die gleiche Anschrift haben wie du:-).
  • Players:
    • “Connect Spotify to other devices:
      • Search for and select an artist.
      • Start playing music.
      • Connect to another device, if you want.
    • Devices available for connection:
      1. Android smartphone app.
        • “This smartphone”.
        • “NODE3”.
        • “NODE9”.
        • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE3”.
        • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE9”.
        • “NODE1_CHROMECAST”.
      2. Windows app on “NODE3”.
        • “This computer”.
        • “NODE9”.
        • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE3”.
        • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE9”.
        • “NODE1_CHROMECAST”.
        • “Aquaris U - Get Spotify Premium to listen” :-(.
      3. Windows app on “NODE9”.
        • “This computer”.
        • “NODE3”.
        • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE3”.
        • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE9”.
        • “NODE1_CHROMECAST”.
        • “Aquaris U - Get Spotify Premium to listen” :-(.
    1. Windows browser on “NODE3”.
      • “This Web Browser”.
      • “NODE3”.
      • “NODE9”.
      • “Web Player ( Firefox )” of “NODE9”.
      • “This web browser”.
      • “Aquaris U - Get Spotify Premium to listen” :-(.
      • So you can't connect from web browser to Chromecast :-(.
  • Each artist has a radiostation, which plays songs of the artist, in shuffle mode :-). This might be very restrictive, if there are just a few LP / CD albums available in the library.
  • There is a “Favourites” list :-).
YouTube Music
  • WARNING for mobile use with limited data volume/month: Though “YouTube Music” is an audio-only service, the free service broadcasts video ads, not audio ads !
    • Es gibt zwar keine native App für YouTube Music, mit dem Chrome Browser können Sie den Streaming-Dienst jedoch als Progressive Web App (PWA) nutzen.
    • Chrome: YouTube Music als Web App nutzen
      • Öffnen Sie im Chrome Browser
      • Klicken Sie oben rechts auf die drei vertikalen Punkte (Menü)
      • Wählen Sie dort “YouTube Music installieren” aus
      • Nun sollte sich YouTube Music in einem separaten Fenster öffnen
    • Sie können YouTube Music nun unabhängig vom Chrome Browser öffnen und bedienen.
  • Play modes:
    1. “Shuffle” - You may play songs of a single artist, in shuffle mode :-).
    2. “Radio” - Each artist has a radio station, which plays songs of the artist and of similar music of other artists, in shuffle mode :-). By this, the playlist of the artist ist extended, resulting in more variety. Thats positive especially if there are just a few LP / CD albums of the artist available in the library.
  • There is no “Favourites” list :-(.
    • Instead, you may create many playlists with favourite songs of your artists. If you want, create a playlist for each artist and give it the name of the artist.
  • History:


TV & Video Content Providers

TV Stations

Germany & Broadcastings in German Cable Net


Online TV Streaming of terrestrial TV and Radio

Online TV Streaming Service Providers with free Services / with free basic Account

NOT RECOMMENDED Online TV Streaming Service Providers with free Services / with free basic Account

  • Not listed here :-(.

Just commercial online TV Streaming Service Providers with Internet TV Receiver & Remote Control

Just commercial online TV Streaming Service Providers

Online Streaming Providers which don't broadcast for Germany / EU

Free Online Streaming Providers with Contents neither in English nor German Language

Search for Online Streaming Providers



True Online Content Providers

Online Non-TV Streaming Service Providers with free Services / with free basic Account

Amazon Freevee

The Service
    • Amazon.DE "Freevee" - The FireTV app :-).
    • Hardware support:
    • “Freevee Watchlist” vs. “Freevee My List”.
      • “Freevee Watchlist”.
        • “FireTV”.
          • “Search” ⇒ Page with film / TV series description ⇒ “Add to Watchlist” ( “Zur Watchlist hinzufügen” ).
          • “My Stuff” ( “Meine Inhalte” ) - “Watchlist”.
        • Browser:
        • In 2023, “Freevee” names “ARD (Mediathek)”, “ARTE”, “Fawesome”, “Happykids”, “Pluto” and “ZDF (Mediathek)” as additional sources to watch TV series for free :-).
          • Example: TV series “The Exes”, options:
            • Watch now Options (1) Freevee - with Ads (2) Pluto TV - with Ads”.
            • Jetzt ansehen Optionen (1) Freevee - mit Werbung (2) Pluto TV - mit Werbung”.
      • “Freevee My List”.
        • “FireTV”, “Freevee” app:
          • Add / remove items from the list:
            • “Search” ( “Suchen” ) - Select a film ⇒ Press on the item “My List” ( “Meine Liste” ).
            • “Filme” - Select a film ⇒ Press on the item “My List” ( “Meine Liste” ).
            • Film is selected by its tiny photo preview, e.g. “Search” ( “Suchen” ), “Movies” ( “Filme” ), “My List” ( “Mein Bereich” ): Press the large round button of the FireTV remote control to add / remove a film to / from “My List” ( new in 2024-01 ).
    • The search engine of “Freevee”:
      • Doesn't allow to enter characters by keyboard, instead you must move the cursor on the on-screen keyboard to the wanted character :-(. The search results show items of the “Freevee” app. So you can add items to your list “Freevee My List”.
      • Results of the audio search by “Alexa” shows results of the “FireTV” app :-(. So you can just add the results to your list “Freevee Watchlist” :-(.

Some other Services

Media Products / Contents Owners

Some other Online Video Services



Music Services


TV in public Transportations

Providers of Free Online Photos

Exhibitions, Museums

Digital Film Festivals, Online Video Festivals

Scene Demos

Access Providers

T-Home Entertain

  • T-Home Entertain "Programm-Manager", T-Home Entertain "Programm-Manager" - for editing the “Merkliste” in the receiver, ect.
  • IP address of the Telekom VDSL router: “”.
  • Some of the device parameters ( numbers ) for configuration of the router are printed on the back of the router device.
  • How to delete any stored/recorded multimedia contents from the harddisk storage device of the T-Home Entertain box.
    • Force a manual update of the T-Home Entertain box, switch on the device 3 times, and switch off each time when you see “START” in the display. With the next power-on, the device installes the latest update.
    • Press the reset button at the back.
  • You can´t create a custom sequence of TV stations, even not with the “favourite” list :-(.


Cable Hannover

Cable Bielefeld

    • Network-Karriere "Warnung vor "Geschenken" Mit Zwangsabo in die Kostenfalle", 2012-03-16 - “Wer etwa bei Unitymedia das Paket “DigitalTV Basic” bestellt, lernt den Kölner Kabelnetzbetreiber von seiner scheinbar großzügigen Seite kennen. Denn zusätzlich spendiert Unitymedia “ein Test-Abo: ein Paket mit '17 Premium-Programmen'. Das gibt’s laut Kleingedrucktem drei Monate kostenlos hinzu - ob man will oder nicht. Ärgerlich nur: Wer sein Geschenk während der ersten 60 Tage nicht kündigt, zahlt künftig weitere 7 Euro im Monat. Bis zum Ende der einjährigen Vertragslaufzeit macht das insgesamt 63 Euro. Eine Kündigung des Präsents ist bis dahin nicht mehr vorgesehen”.
  • Since 2023-11-09, please select “Kabel Deutschland” and not “Unitymedia” anymore, with digital cable TV channel scan for Bielefeld, NRW, Germany :-).
    • DVB-C receiver “Xoro HRT 8770 TWIN”, without card slot.
      • 121 TV+radio channels.
    • DVB-C TV set “JVC LT-32V4200”.
      • 121 TV+radio channels.
    • DVB-C receiver “Xoro HRK 9200 CI+”.
      1. “Kabel Deutschland”, “Kabel Baden-Württemberg”, “Tele Columbus, Primac” = 240 TV channels, 153 radio channels.
      2. “Elektronik Service Fried”= 120 TV channels, 112 radio channels :-(.
      3. “Unitymedia” = 137 TV channels, 125 radio channels :-(.


Source Code in TV and Films

2024, Germany: Cable TV versus Streaming TV

Pro free Streaming TV

With Stock PC

  • PRO: No cable TV subscription fees ( in 2022: 192.48 EUR/a = 16.04 EUR/m ) anymore :-).
  • NEGATIVE: No legal free TV of RTL group :-(.
  • NEGATIVE: A PC must be operated all the time.
  • NEGATIVE: No EPG, no easy channel-hopping in TV ad breaks.
  • VERY NEGATIVE: Additional ad breaks by the streaming TV service, much stronger than by the original channels :-(. And you can't escape from the streaming TV ad breaks, if you switch the channel, the same TV ad break starts again :-(.
  • VERY NEGATIVE: You can't sort the TV channels in the order you want. Even within the web interface of the most popular single streaming media services for Germany ( Joyn, Pluto,... ), sorting is not supported. If you must switch between different streaming TV services to jump to another channel, it's even worse :-(.
  • VERY NEGATIVE: You don't have a remote control for your TV channels anymore. You must use the web interface in the browser on your PC.
  • PRO: If you buy a DVBT2 settop box, additionally, you have at least a settopbox with remote control, for all free state TV ( ARD, ZDF in Germany ).

With App "HTML4 TV"

  • See HTML4 TV.
  • *A PC ( or later a RaspberryPie? ) must be operated all the time.
  • Using the HTML4 feature to frame the deep-linked website pages of media streaming service channels, you may create your own TV preset experience :-).

With Amazon FireStick & self-developed App

Cable TV Subscription

  • PRO: You may keep your old hardware: TV with SCART, DVB-C Receiver with card slot ( with SCART, HDMI ).
  • PRO/NEGATiVE?: In the past ( 2013 - 2023 ), no encryption of commercial TV like RTL, PRO7. Will this change with new contacts?
  • PRO: No additional ad breaks, but just the ad breaks of the original TV services :-).
  • With the settop box, you may sort your TV channels as you want.
  • PRO: You have a remote control to change the TV channel, easily.
  • PRO: You have an EPG and may easily switch between channels, in ad breaks.
  • NEGATIVE: Check the subscription fees ( minimum 18.99 EUR/m or 19.99 EUR/m ).
    • TV & Radio - “Vodaphone Cable TV ( 2022 - )”.

Streaming TV subscription with Settop Box

  • PRO: With the settop box, you have same user experience as with with cable TV / DVBT2 TV.
  • PRO / NEGATIVE: Does the settop box have a legacy SCART interface, so that you may still use old TV sets?
  • PRO: No additional ad breaks, but just the ad breaks of the original TV services :-).
  • PRO: With the settop box, you may sort your TV channels as you want.
  • PRO: You have a remote control to change the TV channel, easily.
  • PRO: You have an EPG and may easily switch between channels, in ad breaks.
  • NEGATIVE: No multiple settop boxes for 1 subscription fee, as with cable TV 2013-2023 :-(.

Streaming TV subscription for PC, without Settop Box

  • NEGATIVE: A PC must be operated all the time.
  • PRO/NEGATIVE? Switching from PC to other PC might possible.

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