Experts told and showed me, that mit most 3D printers, you can´t create objects with space, e.g. a box or canister, as the 3D printers are unable to create a top which is not connected to the bottom ( for printers which build objects from bottom to top, else it's vice-versa ). With some 3D printers, You might create a grid, i.e. a structure with small holes, in closed areas of the object.
igus GmbH "Ich will den Delta" - “Nehmen Sie jetzt teil und sichern Sie sich die Chance auf einen Delta-Roboter mit igus Robot Control im Wert von insgesamt 7.700 EUR”.
KUKA AG "LBR iiwa" - “The world’s first series-produced sensitive, and therefore HRC-compatible, robot. “LBR” stands for “Leichtbauroboter” ( German for lightweight robot), “iiwa” for “intelligent industrial work assistant”.
Experts told me in 2018, that you need a 2-week training course to master the “programming” of this robot, as the software is based on Java and Java libraries.
Experts told me in 2018, that the industry is interested in collaborative robots, but just to use the sensors for collision detection, but not for collaboration with humans.
Experts told me, that most “collaborative” robots are not equipped with a camera, as standard feature.
Technische Universität Dortmund, Institut für Roboterforschung ( IRF ) "Virtuelle Realität gefördert", 2004-01-29 - “Grundlage dieser Technologie ist das vom Institut für Roboterforschung gemeinsam mit dem RIF und Partnern aus der Industrie entwickelte System COSIMIR. Das einzige aus Deutschland stammende universelle 3D-Simulations- und Virtual-Reality-System bietet vor allem ein breites Anwendungsspektrum, das schnell durch den Nutzer selbst an die verschiedensten Anforderungen angepasst werden kann”.
ROS - “The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-the-art algorithms, and with powerful developer tools, ROS has what you need for your next robotics project. And it's all open source”.
Plus - No extra ( proprietary ) hardware necessary to communicate with a nodern notebook computer or smartphone, open protocol.
Drawback - With 2.4 Ghz, there are just 3 independant channels. So with many drones & its remote control devices in a room, plus extra Smartphones and notebooks connected to another WiFi hotspot, there will be much WiFi interferences which disable effective communications between the remote control devices and the drones. Experts told me that if you start more than 10 drones in a room or area, the WiFi communications is dramatically disturbed .
Drawback: So there is guarantee that any message is received . So remote control is on game level, not on the level of serious applications.
Drawback: I was told by experts, that there is a message overflooding of the “same” messages, instead of single messages. I.e. there is quite high bandwidth usage .
Sensor experts suggest just to buy helictopers which are advertised to be equiped with the “gyro” technology, because helicopters equipped with a “gyroscope” sensor have acceptable flight behaviour for rookies, those without not .
EN.Wikipedia "Meccano" - “Als durch den Ersten Weltkrieg der Vertrieb englischer Spielwaren in Deutschland nicht mehr möglich war, produzierte Märklin die Meccano-Komponenten in eigenem Namen weiter, bei geänderter Farbgebung. Aus dem Meccano-Schwarz wurde später das Märklin-Grün”.