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[hemmerling] Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna & Swimming Pools with and without Sauna 5/18

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Niedersachsen ( Lower Saxony ) / Hamburg / Bremen

Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna without large Swimming Pool, Sauna with Swimming Pool but with low Water Debth

  1. “Sauna-Treff Belm”, Industriestr. 13, D-49191 Belm - Permanently closed and scrapped. I visited the closed and scrapped location in 2023-05 :-).
  2. “Sauna, Solarium & Sonnenstudio Uta Arneke”, Schillerstr. 26, D-37619 Bodenwerder - Permanently closed. I visited the closed location in 2019-05 :-).
    • The former owner granted me a brief telephone interview: The Sauna service is closed since 2015, though technically, the Sauna migh be operated again. It was never a real public services ( with official hours of opening ), but more a semi-commercial service for groups of people. Whent the business started in the 1980th, there was no Sauna in the swimming pool hall, nearby.
    • Gelbe Seiten "Arneke Uta" - “Branche: Saunabäder”.
    • Yelp "Uta Arneke" - “Solarium & Sonnenstudio”.
  3. Bramsche.
    1. AKZENT Hotel Surendorff, Dinglingsweg 1, D-49565 Bramsche.
        • Swimming pool hall.
        • Sauna.
        • “Ein 300 m2 großer Wellnessbereich mit verschiedenen Saunen – finnische Sauna, Sanarium und Aroma-Dampfbad- Schwimmbad, Whirlpoolwanne – Massageangebot und ein großer Garten lädt Sie zum Entspannen ein”.
        • There is a dayticket ( “Tageskarte für unser Wellnesscarre: EUR 15,00” ) :-).
        • Hours of opening:
          • 16:00 - 22:00 Mon. - Wedn.
          • Thursday is closed for dayticket guests :-(, but open for hotel guests.
          • 14:00 - 22:00 Frid., Sat.
          • 14:00 - 21:00 Sun.
        • Staff members told me, to apply for dayticket at weekends ( Friday, Saturday or bank holidays ) before by telephone call.
    2. FamilienSportGemeinschaft e.V. Osnabrück ( FSG ), Im Schagen 20, D-49565 Bramsche OT Pente.
  4. Braunschweig.
    1. Familiensportverein Braunschweig e.V. ( FSV ), Parnitzweg 5, D-38108 Braunschweig.
    2. Saunarium im Welfenhof”, Jöddenstrasse 7, 38100 Braunschweig.
  5. Gesundheitszentrum Abresch, Obertorstraße 6, D-31675 Bückeburg - My Sauna visit was in 2022-10 :-).
      • “Unser Wellness-Angebot: Saunagarten, Finnische Sauna, Bio-Sauna, Dampfbad, Infrarot-Sauna, Solarium, Ruheräume, Saunagarten”.
      • Dayticket 17.50 EUR ( personal offer by telephone call, usually there are just 10x ticket offers ).
      • Hours of opening, 2022-10:
        • 09:00 - 21:00 Mon.-Frid.
        • 10:00 - 18:00 Sat.
        • Saturday: Closed :-(.
      • There are showers, toilets and changing rooms.
      • There are no wardrobes, but there are small safes.
      • There are enough clocks.
      • There are sandclocks, but not for the steam bath.
      • There is an indoor Sauna dip tank, a wonderful original vintage barrel of pre-1950 :-).
      • There are 2 solariums, a tanning bed ( for laying down, without glasses ) and a tanning booth ( for standing, necessary glasses are provided ). Its use is included in the dayticket fee :-).
      • There is no ice fountain.
  6. Physikalisches Behandlungs- und Lehrinstitut Cross - Kirsch & Schünemann GmbH, Pulverstraße 4, D-31675 Bückeburg - Permanently discontinued Sauna and swimming pool services. I visited the location in 2022-10 :-)
  7. Sauna Zank”, Lulu-von-Strauß-und-Torney-Str. 1, D-31675 Bückeburg. Permanently closed and scrapped. I visited the location in 2022-10 :-).
  8. Ringhotel Celler Tor, Scheuener Straße 2, D-29229 Celle OT Groß Hehlen - My Sauna visit was in 2013-12 :-).
      • Hours of opening:
        • 2019:
          • “Nur für Damen 9:00 bis 15:00 Uhr von Sonntag bis Freitag, ganzjährig am Donnerstag” - Thursday is girl's day, and 9:00-15:00 all days except Saturday :-(.
          • Best day for visit, for males: “für alle am Samstag 8:00 bis 22:30 Uhr”.
        • 2020-09:
          • “Montag-Samstag Badewelt 10:00-20:00 Uhr”, “Montag-Samstag Saunalandschaft 15:00-20:00 Uhr”, “Sonntag geschlossen”.
      • 2023-12:
        • Dayticket:
          • “Nutzung der Badewelt (Pools & Saunen) Einzelkarte 21,00 EUR”.
        • Hours of opening:
          • “Badewelt - wieder in Betrieb, täglich 08:00-20:00 Uhr”.
          • “Saunalandschaft - wieder in Betrieb. Mo-Sa 15:00-20:00 Uhr. Saunalandschaft sonntags geschlossen”.
          • The staff told me in 2023-12: The steam bath is now closed permanently, as the customers didn't us it so much. It will be replaced by an infrared Sauna room, in Spring 2024.
    • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-).
      • There is an ice fountain :-).
      • There is no Sauna dip pool :-(.
      • There is 1 classical beach chair ( “Strandkorb” ) in the swimming pool hall.
      • “Gäste, die nicht im Hotel übernachten, bitten wir eigene Handtücher und Bademäntel mitzubringen”.
  9. Landhaus-Sauna Bührener Tannen, Garreler Weg 125, D-49661 Cloppenburg - Permanently closed.
  10. Panorama-Sauna”, Vördener Str. 19,D -49401 Damme - Permanently closed.
  11. “Waldbad Grünenplan”, Rehbeutelweg, D-31073 Dellingsen, OT Grünenplan - Permanently closed.
  12. Sauna Wellness Center Stuckert”, Bad Eilsen - Permanently closed.
  13. Bad Essen.
    1. “AKTIVITA Med. Gesundheitszentrum Bad Essen” ( formerly: “Lacuna Spa” ), Lindenstraße 100, D-49152 Bad Essen - My Sauna visit was in 2024-02 :-).
        • A swimming pool hall & Sauna.
          • “Sauna”.
            1. “Finnische Sauna”.
              • Automatic infusions every hour, 5min after full hour. E.g. 14:05, 15:05, 16:05, 17:05, 18:05, 19:05, 20:05 on Saturdays.
              • Anyhow I served as complimentary Sauna infusion master, by towel waving after the automatic infusion :-)
            2. “Sole Sauna”.
            3. “Rotlicht Sauna”.
            4. “Dampfsauna”, with free salt peeling.
        • “Schwimmbad (freies Schwimmen)”. “Während des Saunabesuchs ist die Nutzung des Schwimmbads inklusive”.
        • As of 2024-02, 14.90 EUR dayticket.
        • Best time for visit both Sauna and swimming pool: Sat, 14:00-21:00 ( mixed ).
        • There are warm showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms. Wardrobes and changing rooms are separate from the Sauna and Swimming pool sections.
        • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-), but not in the steam bath.
        • There is no ice fountain :-(.
        • There is an indoor Sauna dip pool :-).
        • There are 2 classical beach chairs ( “Strandkorb” ) in the Sauna garden.
        • Extra service SeaClimate by OxygenConcept, on the 2nd. floor of the building ( 9.50 EUR / 50min ).
      • “Lacuna Spa” - Former company operating the spa. Company permanently closed.
      • Travel by train to Osnabrück, by busses “S20” or “X276” to bus stop “Eielstädt AOK, Bad Essen”.
      • Travel by train via Osnabrück to Bohmte, by bicycle from Bohmte to Bad Essen.
    2. Russischer Saunapark Bad Essen, Papenbreede 18, D-49152 Bad Essen - My Sauna visit was in 2024-03 :-).
      • No mixed Sauna service! ( “Getrennte Saunabereiche. Bei uns sind Frauen und Männer ganz unter sich. Wir bieten in unserem Saunapark jeweils seperate Saunabereiche für Männer und Frauen an” ).
      • Saunas:
        1. “Eukalyptus Sauna”, 75°.
        2. “Finnishe Sauna”, 90°.
        3. “Russische Sauna”, 115-120° ( wood stove, built-in fixed small water container for infusions ).
      • Operation.
        • Days of opening & tickets on the start page:
          • “Donnerstag 15:00 - 22:00”, “Freitag 15:00 - 22:00 + Samstag 14:00 - 22:00 + Sonntag 11:00 - 17:00”.
          • If the outdoor temperatures are hot, the Sauna might be closed earlier on Thursday - Saturday.
        • Summer holidays 2022-07-01 - middle of 2022-09.
      • I served as complimentary Sauna infusion master :-), as Sauna infusions are self-service in all 3 Sauna rooms.
      • There are warm showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms. The changing room with wardrobes is very small.
      • There are small safes, which may be locked by self-provided padlock.
      • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-).
      • There is no ice fountain :-(.
      • Culture:
        • “Bring your own device (BYOD)”: Many customers brought birch branches into the sauna, for self-use.
        • Customers keep on wearing their bathing sandals in the Russian 120° sauna room ( not in the 90° & 75° Sauna rooms ).
        • I played “Domino” ( EN.Wikipedia "Domino", DE.Wikipedia "Domino" ) with Sauna customers from Ukrainian, with different rules than I am used to :-).
      • There is an indoor Sauna ) dip pool :-).
      • Travel by train to Osnabrück, by busses “S20” or “X276” to bus stop “Wehrendorf Osnabrücker Straße, Bad Essen”.
      • Travel from the bus stop to the location: Shorten the travel time by crossing the ditch at “VIVA Fitness Bad Essen”.
    3. Waldsauna Bad Essen, Bergstraße 51, D-49152 Bad Essen.
  14. Teuto Sauna Horst Reif” / “Podologische Praxisgemeinschaft Svetlana Liebergesell & Horst Reif”, Langenkamp 11a, D-49124 Georgsmarienhütte OT Oesede - Permanently discontinued Sauna services. I visited the closed location in 2023-06 :-).
      • “Genießen Sie echte Saunavielfalt im Wellnesshotel FREIZEIT IN Göttingen auf 2.500 Quadratmetern mit 7 Saunen, Pool, Poolbar, Saunagarten, Salina Lounge …”.
    • “PREISE, Tagesgäste: Tageskarte”.
  15. Weser-Sauna-Center, Wehrberger Str. 52, D-31785 Hameln - Permanently closed - I visited the event location in 2029-07 :-).
  16. Gemeinschaft Sonnenfreunde e.V. Braunschweig, Horstkamp 3, D-38110 Harxbüttel.
  17. Balance Fitness- und Wellness-Club, Vor der Bahn 61, D-34346 Hann Münden.
  18. “Bad Harzburger Sole-Therme mit Sauna-Erlebniswelt”, Bad Harzburg - My Sauna visit was in 2019-07 :-).
      • “Donnerstag 08.00-21.00 Uhr 08.00-15.00 Uhr D” - Thursday is girl's day :-(.
      • “Aqua-Fit in der Sole-Therme”, “Montag-Freitag 11:30, 14:00, 17:30” , “Samstag 10:30, 15:30” - No extra charge.
      • “Fitness im Wellness-Pavillon Dienstag-Freitag 10:30” - No extra charge.
      • Sauna infusions “Blockhaussauna ca. 85 °C. Täglich mit Aufgussprogramm!”
        • “Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Freitag 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:30, 19:30”.
        • “Donnerstag 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, 15:30, 16:30, 18:30, 19:30”.
        • “Samstag 9:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:30, 19:30.
        • “Sonntag 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00”.
      • Timetable for a visit on a Tuesday or Friday, the best visiting days for male:
        • “9:30 Aufguss, 10:30 Fitness, 11:00 Aufguss, 11:30 Aqua-Fit, 12:30 Aufguss, 14:00 Aqua-Fit, 15:00 Aufguss, 16:30 Aufguss, 17:30 Aqua-Fit, 18:30 Aufguss, 19:30 Aufguss”.
      • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-). There is even a clock visible for the steam bath :-).
      • There is an ice fountain :-).
      • There is a cold water ( Sauna ) dip pool both in the Sauna section and the textile swimming pool section :-).
      • There is a very-small warm water indoor swimming pool in the Sauna department. Additionally, the special indoor swimming pool “Bewegungsbecken / Nacktbade-Becken” may be used for naked swimming, by the Sauna visitors, if not used for training courses.
      • The Sauna room “Blockhaussauna”, in which Sauna infusions are offered, is equipped with 2 Sauna stoves. Indeed with Sauna infusions, a full bucket of water is usually poured.
      • Snow Sauna ( 2min stay time ).
      • “Warmliegen” - Warm stone couches.
      • “Sole Gabbo Grotte” - True salt water Sauna, with option for the visitors to coat with salt water and salt.
      • “FKK Sonnendeck” - Nude sunbathing area in the textile swimming pool department.
  19. Freizeitland Hasbergen, Osnabrücker Str. 49, D-49205 Hasbergen.
  20. Hildesheim.
    1. Hildesheimer Sauna”, Frankenstraße 1, D-31135 Hildesheim - Permanently closed and scrapped.
        • “Sonntags: Ruhetag” -Sunday closed.
        • “Damensauna: Montags, Mittwochs, Freitags” - Monday, Wednesday, Friday are girl's days.
        • *”Herrensauna: Dienstags, Donnerstag, Samstags”, “Gemischtsauna: Mittwochs 15:00-22:00”.
        • There are 2 identical “Finnland Sauna” Sauna room. In times of low number of clients, just one Sauna room is operated.
        • In opposite to past decades, there is no much late-evening audience. The Sauna might be closed at 19:00 even if official hours of opening until 22:00.
        • “Samstags: 08:30-19:00 Uhr” - Best time for visit, if visit of the swimming pool hall “Himmelsthür” earlier on the same day.
        • "Hildesheimer Sauna 'Über uns'" - “12 x 4m beheiztes Außenbecken 23°C”.
        • "Hildesheimer Sauna 'Unsere Praxis'" - “Gallerie”: Heated outdoor swimming pool.
      • HildesheimerAllgemeine "Hildesheimer Sauna abgerissen – was hier geplant ist", 2022-01 - “An der Ecke Frankenstraße/Zeppelinstraße in der Oststadt hat die Sarstedter Immobilienfirma Wertinvestition die geschlossene Anlage abreißen lassen”.
      • AlfelderZeitung "Sauna-Abriss schafft Platz für neue Wohnungen in der Hildesheimer Oststadt", 2022-02 - “Wo noch bis vor wenigen Wochen die Gebäude der Hildesheimer Sauna standen, klafft nun hinter Bauzäunen eine große Lücke: An der Ecke Frankenstraße/Zeppelinstraße in der Hildesheimer Oststadt hat die Sarstedter Immobilienfirma Wertinvestition die bereits seit Mitte 2021 geschlossene Anlage abreißen lassen – um Platz für ein Mehrfamilienhaus zu schaffen. Insgesamt sollen nach Angaben von Markus Klecha, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung des Unternehmens, auf dem Grundstück 800 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche entstehen, aufgeteilt auf zwölf Wohnungen mit Größen zwischen 50 und 120 Quadratmetern”.
      • However, as of 2024-04, there is only an excavation pit overgrown with grass. So no house has been built yet.
    2. Fit Inn Sport- und Freizeitcenter”, Sykeweg 11, D-31137 Hildesheim - Permanently closed.
  21. Holzminden.
    1. “Manfred Scholz Massagen, Sauna”, Rumohrtalstraße 32, D-37603 Holzminden - Permanently closed. I visited the closed location in 2023-08 :-).
    2. “Sauna Hofmann”, Halbmondstr. 13, D-37603 Holzminden - Permanently closed. I visited the closed location in 2023-08 :-).
  22. Landidyll Gasthof zum Freden, Zum Freden 41, D-49186 Bad Iburg.
      • “Allen Gästen steht unser Wellnessbereich kostenfrei zur Verfügung. Genießen Sie unsere Finnische-Sauna, Bio-Sauna, Wärmekabine, Erlebnisdusche”.
      • “Entspannen Sie in unserer finnischen Sauna, Bio-Sauna, Wärmekabine und Erlebnisdusche”.
      • “Der Sauna- und Wellnessbereich ist täglich von 16 Uhr bis 22 Uhr für Sie geöffnet!”.
    • Staff members told me, that there is a spa dayticket for 12 EUR, but just if you apply before by telephone call.
  23. Bad Lauterberg.
  24. Marissa Ferienpark, Schodden Hof 3, D-49459 Lembruch.
    • Spas:
      1. “Saunalandschaft im 'Marissa Pool & Spa'”.
            • Swimming pool hall, outdoor swimming pool ( heated, but not as hot as the whirlpool ), textile Sauna ( “Der großzügig angelegte Poolbereich im Erdgeschoss bietet Badespaß und Erholung für alle. Im Familien- und Freizeitbad stehen neben Kleinkindbereich, Familien- und Außenbecken sowie Wasserrutsche auch ein Imbiss und eine Textilsauna zur Verfügung” ).
            • Hours of opening:
              • 14:00-19:00 Mon.-Frid.
              • 10:00-19:00 Sat., Sun.
              • “Während der Ferien von Niedersachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen sowie an Feiertagen öffnen wir bereits um 10.00 Uhr” :-).
            • 4x Sauna, outdoor whirlpool ( “Unsere moderne Ausstattung lässt keine Wünsche offen: von vier verschiedenen Saunen mit unterschiedlichen Temperaturen bis hin zu gemütlichen Ruhebereichen, einem schönen Außenbereich mit Whirlpool und Blick auf den See” ).
              • 14:00-19:00 Mon.-Wed.
              • 14:00-21:00 Thurs., Frid.
              • 10:00-21:00 Sat.
              • 10:00-19:00 Sun.
              • “Während der Ferien von Niedersachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen sowie an Feiertagen öffnen wir bereits um 10.00 Uhr” :-).
          • There are daytickets :-) ( “Auch Gäste, die nicht im Park übernachten, sind herzlich willkommen!” ).
        • There are warm showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
        • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-).
        • There is no Sauna dip pool :-(.
        • There is no ice fountain :-(.
        • There is just a brief Sauna infusion each hour in the “Erlebnissauna”, without tovel waving. True complete Sauna infusions are just provided at special “Sauna Nights”.
      2. “Seesauna” - Permanently closed. I visited the closed location in 2024-07 :-).
        • Today the location is called “Seelodge”, where special events take place, but no Sauna services.
          • Marissa Ferienpark - Erholungsoase am Dümmer-See "Events" - “Good Morning Yoga. Jeden Samstag 10.00 Uhr. Dauer: 1,5 Stunden. Good Morning Yoga Flow - dein sanft belebender und aktivierender Start in den Tag! Abschalten vom Alltag, im Körper ankommen und voller Energie in den Samstag starten. Ort/Raum: Seelodge”.
          • 2022-11: “Achtung! Die Seesauna ist bis auf Weiteres geschlossen! Du kannst gerne unsere neue Saunalandschaft im 'Marissa Pool & Spa' an der Plaza nutzen”.
        • "Marissa Ferienpark - Seesauna ist wieder geöffnet!" ( - 2023-06-10 ) - “Ab September dürft ihr wieder bei Wind & Sturm in der Wärme relaxen und den Blick auf den Dümmer-See genießen!”.
        • “Auf 120 m2 erstreckt sich eine Wohlfühllandschaft mit einer 40 m2 großen Sauna, großem Entspannungsraum, Kaminlounge und direktem Zugang in den Dümmer-See”. If you want to swim in the lake, the only time for visit of of the Sauna should be in the Summer season. Access to the lake just with bathing clothes, as there is / was no special separate nudity section at the beach.
    • Budget travel by train:
      • To Diepholz, by bicycle or taxi from Diepholz to Lembruch ( suggested by the website ).
      • Via Osnabrück to Lemförde, by bicycle from Lemförde to Lembruch.
      • To Rahden, by bicycle from Rahden to Lembruch.
      • By bus, to bus stop “Marissa Park, Lembruch” ( Google Maps: “Lembruch Marissa Park” ). Alternative replacement bus stop “Lembruch, Börger”.
  25. Emsland Kur und Sauna Park Hofschrör” / ”Emsland Sauna Park” / ”GesundheitsZentrum Thera-Fit Hofschröer”, Wachendorfer Str. 5, D-49808 Lingen OT Holthausen - Permanently closed - I visited the closed and scrapped location in 2024-05 :-).
  26. Melle.
    1. Gesundheitsquelle Bad Melle, D-49324 Melle - Sauna services discontinued since 2023-09-01 :-(. My Sauna visit was in 2022-07 :-).
      • The former historical railway building is now operated by the Sauna service :-).
      • “Aufgrund des extraorbitanten Anstieges der Energiepreise, werden wir die Saunalandschaft ab dem 01.09.2022 vorübergehend schließen, bis sich die Energiepreise normalisiert haben” :-(.
        • Hours of opening:
          • Summer season:
            • Monday, Sunday - Closed :-(.
            • Tuesday “Damensauna” - Girls day :-(.
            • 09:00-21:00 Wedn, Thurs.
            • 09:00-19:00 Frid.
            • 10:00-16:00 Sat.
          • Winter season:
        • Saunas “Finnische Sauna”, “Biosauna”, “Dampfbad”, “Infrarotkabine” & Sauna dip pool “Tauchbad” & “Whirlpool”.
        • The swimming pool “Bewegungsbad”, however, is just available in Winter season ( 2022-10-01 - 2023-05-02 ), not in Summer season ( 2022-05-03 - 2022-09-30 ), on Saturdays 15:30 - 21:00.
      • I served as complimentary Sauna infusion master :-), as Sauna infusions are self-service in 2 Sauna rooms ( “Finnische Sauna” and “Biosauna” ).
      • There are warm showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
      • There are enough sandclocks :-), but definitively too little number of clocks :-(.
      • There is a indoor Sauna dip pool.
      • There is no ice fountain :-(.
      • There is no garden :-(, but a roofed outdoor rest area :-).
      • Bad Melle "Dein Persönlicher Kennenlerngutschein", Melle - “Für Dich 50% Ermäßigung auf die Sauna-Tageskarte!”. The voucher coupons must be printed on paper. It is not sufficient to have the voucher PDF on the smartphone.
      • Saunaworlds "Bad Melle" - With photos :-)!
    2. Van der Valk Hotel Melle-Osnabrück, Wellingholzhausener Straße 7, D-49324 Melle - My Sauna visit was in 2023-11 :-).
      • Finnish Sauna and steam bath.
      • Hours of opening:
        • 07:00-10:00, 17:00-22:00 Mond.- Frid.
        • 09:00-22:00 Sat., Sund.
      • Daytickets 20 EUR in 2023-04, 12.50 EUR in 2019.
      • I served as complimentary Sauna infusion master :-), as Sauna infusions are self-service.
      • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes, small safes and changing rooms.
      • There are enough clocks and sandclocks, but no sandclock or clock for the steaming bath.
      • There is a double-size bathtub with whirlpool function, for a couple ( = 2 people ) :-).
      • Free soft drinks ( fruit flavored water ).
      • Free hand towels ( for use in the Sauna rooms and of course for drying ) :-)!
    3. Solbad Melle” ( formerly: ”Kurmittelhaus Melle” ), Mühlenstraße 39, D-49324 Melle - Permanently closed and converted. Now Kindergarten, no use as spa anymore - I visited the closed and converted location in 2023-05 :-).
  27. Vital Rolfes - Gesundheitspraxis, Mühlenstraße 39, D-49716 Meppen - Permanently discontinued Sauna services.
  28. Nienburg.
    1. “Sauna Schumann”.
      1. Sauna Schumann - Wellness mit allen Sinnen, "Sauna Schumann", Nienburg. Permanently closed since 2020-11 - My Sauna visit was in 2020-09 :-).
        • “Eine Ära geht zu Ende. Liebe Gäste, Freunde, Kunden und Familie. Leider geht eine Ära zu Ende. Mit großen Bedauern müssen wir leider mitteilen, dass wir unser geliebtes Saunaparadies für immer schließen müssen. Durch die Wirtschaftliche Lage war es immer schwieriger für uns den Betrieb aufrecht zu halten und müssen diesen Schritt mit großen Wehmut nun gehen”, 2020-11-09.
        • It was closed permanently on 2020-11-01, as the entrepreneur couple didn't want to renew another 10 year lease agreement, due to their old age.
          • “Montag - Damensauna”. Tuesday is girl's day :-(.
          • “Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Sonntag geschlossen”.
          • “Montag, Freitag 13.00 bis 22.00 Uhr”.
          • “Samstag 12.00 bis 18.00 Uhr”.
        • Sauna Schumann - Wellness mit allen Sinnen "Unsere Wellnessbereich" - Photos of the unheated outdoor swimming pool and the outdoor Sauna dip tank. Photos of the EXPO2000 exhibits from the Finnland pavillion, showing a puppet Sauna, scale 1:3 or so :-).
        • The unheated outdoor swimming pool has the form of a small lake :-), it is mostly round, not square at all.
        • There is an indoor Sauna dip pool and an outdoor Sauna dip pool :-).
        • There is no ice fountain :-(.
      2. Sauna-Studio-Nienburg”.
    2. Lessing Waldsauna” in D-31582 Nienburg (Weser), OT Langendamm, Memelstraße 42. Permanently closed - I visited the closed location in 2019-06 :-).
  29. Nordhorn.
    1. “Die Sauna - Ute Müller”, Bentheimer Str. 91 -93, D-48529 Nordhorn - Permanently discontinued Sauna services. I visited the location in 2024-06 :-).
    2. Sauna Homuth”, Katharinenstr. 1, D-48529 Nordhorn - Permanently closed.
    3. Therma Natura”, Charlottenstr. 34, D-48529 Nordhorn - Permanently closed.
  30. Luxuria-Wellnessoase”, Robert-Bosch-Str. 21, D-37154 Northeim.
  31. K 13 Club-Sauna, Oldenburg.
  32. medicos.Osnabrück, Weidenstr. 2-4, D-49080 Osnabrück - Permanently discontinued Sauna services. No public bathing. I visited the closed location in 2023-05 :-).
  33. tom Sauna, Feldstr.1, D-49179 Ostercappeln - My Sauna visit was in 2024-04 :-).
    • tom Sauna "AKTUELLES" - 2024: “Wir halten die tomSauna Ostern von Gründonnerstag bis Ostermontag zu den normalen Öffnungszeiten für Euch GEÖFFNET”.
    • Finde-Offen "Tom Sauna Öffnungszeiten" - Valid phone number ”+49 176 76515605” :-), not named on the official sites.
    • Hours of opening: Thurs. - Sun. 14:00-21:00.
    • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
      • There are enough clocks and sandclocks.
      • There is no Sauna dip tank :-(.
      • There is no ice fountain :-(.
    • Travel.
      • By train to “Osnabrück Hbf”, by bus to busstop “Fridenshöhe, Ostercappeln” ( Sat., Sun. ) or busstop “Windhorststraße, Ostercappeln” ( Mon.-Frid.).
      • As of 2024-04, GoogleMaps names the bus stop “Windhorststraße, Ostercappeln” to be busstop “Krankenhaus, Ostercappeln” :-(.
  34. Salinen Sauna Park”, Bad Rothenfelde - I visited the closed and scrapped location in 2022-05 :-).
  35. ITH Sole Therme Salzhemmendorf, Salzhemmendorf - My Sauna visit was in 2019-06 :-).
  36. Bad Pyrmont.
    1. Hufeland Therme, Bad Pyrmont.
      • Hufeland Therme "Anfahrt", Forstweg 17, D-31812 Bad Pyrmont ( NOT Heiligenangerstr. 6, D-31812 Bad Pyrmont ) - My Sauna visit was in 2019-11 :-)..
        • “Geburtstag? Wir laden Sie ein! Genießen Sie an Ihrem Ehrentag einen kostenlosen Aufenthalt in der Hufeland Therme!” :-).
      • There is no girl's day :-), but a special girl's Sauna.
        • Banja / Wenik infusion: “12:00 Banja Salzabrieb, 15:00 Banja, 17:30 Banja Salzabrieb, 20:00 Banja Special” - “Banja Special” is with optional massage of the bather's skin during the infusion. No extra charge!.
      • Hufeland Therme "Innenbecken" - “Täglich um 10:00 Uhr, 16:00 Uhr und 18:00 Uhr unter Anleitung unserer Aqua-Fun-Directors kostenlose Sole-Wassergymnastik mit anregenden Rhythmen”.
      • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-). There is even a clock visible for the steam bath and the “Gradierwerk”:-).
      • There is a small indoor Sauna dip pool and a large outdoor Sauna dip pool:-).
      • There is an indoor ice fountain, plus ice is provided in an outdoor bowl:-).
      • There is no extra Sauna dressing room, i.e. you have to walk from the common dressing room via the swimming pool to the Sauna department ( with either bathing clothes or bathrobe ).
      • Special rooms “Gradierwerk” / “Gradierhütte” in the textile department, “Schneeparadies” in the Sauna department.
      • Attention, the extra goodies ( fruits or water ice ) are offered before a Sauna infusion event is started. Example: Sauna infusion starts at 11:00, the extra goodies are offered 11:55.
      • Travel by train to and from the railway station “Bad Pyrmont”.
        • In the morning, you may drive by bus 40 to bus stop “Markt”, from there by foot to the location. Attention, the bus stop for bus 40 is on the other side of the street, than the railway station!
        • In the evening, you have to go by foot back to the railway station ( 2.3km, calculate 45 min ).
        • 1976 Eröffnung des Hufelandbades.
        • 2001 Hufelandtherme nach Brand neu gestaltet.
    2. Steigenberger Hotel and Spa Bad Pyrmont ( hrewards ), Heiligenangerstr. 2-4, D-31812 Bad Pyrmont.
  37. Alfsee Ferien - und Erlebnispark / Alfen Sauna- & Wellness­land am Alfsee, Am Campingpark 10, D-49597 Rieste - My Sauna visit was in 2024-12 :-).
        • Winter season ( 2023-09-25 - 2024-05-05 ):
          • Mon. - Frid.: 12:00 - 22:00, infusions + ice infusions 15:00 - 21:00.
          • Sat. & bank holidays: 10:00 - 22:00, infusions + ice infusions 12:00 - 21:00.
          • Sun.: 10:00 - 20:00, infusions + ice infusions 13:00 - 19:00.
        • Summer season ( 2023-05-18 - 2023-09-14 ):
          • Mon. - Frid.: 14:00 - 22:00, infusions 15:00 -21:00, ice infusion 15:00.
          • Sat. & bank holidays: 10:00 - 22:00, infusions 12:00 - 21:00, ice infusion 12:00 - 14:00.
          • Sun.: 10:00 - 20:00, infusions 12:00 - 19:00, ice infusion 12:00.
        • On 3. Monday/month = Girl's day :-(, but not on bank holidays.
      • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
        • Wardrobes and changing rooms are in the textile section!
      • There are enough clocks and sandclocks :-). There is even a clock in the salt cave / graduation tower, but not in the steam bath.
      • There is an indoor ice fountain :-).
      • There is an outdoor Sauna dip pool :-).
      • Nude section:
        • Swimming pool hall “Schwimmhaus Lumi”.
        • Sauna.
          • Steam bath with free orange+salt peeling.
      • Textile section.
        • Salt cave / graduation tower.
    • Travel by train to “Rieste” ( NDS ), by bicycle to the location ( 2km ).
  38. Salzgitter.
    1. Familiensportbund Salzgitter e.V. ( FSB ), Goslarsche Strasse 131, D-38259 Salzgitter-Ringelheim.
    2. Sauna of Kniestedter Hof, Salzgitter-Bad - The hotel is operated, but the Sauna is permanently closed, i.e. not operated anymore in 2019-12. I visited the hotel in 2019-12 :-).
  39. Saunabad Schophaus” / Wolfgang Schophaus Massage-Praxis / Schophaus Svenja Praxis für Physiotherapie, Wilhelm-Bartels-Str. 10, D-31655 Stadthagen - Permanently discontinued Sauna services. Physiotherapy & massage services are still offered - I visited the closed location in 2023-09 :-).
  40. Sauna und Beauty Center Uelsen” / ”Sonnenstudio Sauna und Beauty Center” / ”Gesundheitszentrum Aquarius”, Am Feriengebiet 1, D-49843 Uelsen - Permanently closed and scrapped - I visited the closed and scrapped location in 2024-05 :-).
  41. Saunabad Borchert”, Lohner Str. 10, D-49377 Vechta - Permanently closed.
  42. Praxis für Massage in Wagenfeld”, Am Hallen-Freibad, D-49419 Wagenfeld ( = Hallenfreibad / Schulstraße 12, D-49419 Wagenfeld ) - Permanently closed. I visited the closed location in 2024-07 :-).
  43. Südsee-Camp, Wietzendorf.
      • 2020-07, swimming pool hall:
        • “Badeparadies Mit Karacho durch den Wildwasser-Canyon rauschen oder den Wellen in der Lagune trotzen! AKTUELL NUR FÜR HAUSGÄSTE!”.
        • “Es dürfen max. 60 Personen im Schwimmbad sein. Für max. 2 Stunden. Sollte einer weniger benötigen werden wartende Badegäste vorher ins Bad gelassen” :-(.
          • “Tagesgäste müssen an der Badekasse am Eingang bezahlen. Tageskarte Erwachsener: 5,00 EUR”.
        • Südsee-Badeparadies Sauna.
        • “Öffnungszeiten 10.00 - 20.00 Uhr”.
        • Preise - Tagesgäste
          • 3 Stunden Eintritt, Eintritt Abendtarif, Eintritt ganzer Tag, Eintritt Sauna ( 4 Std. Sauna ohne Bad, 4 Std. Sauna mit Bad, Tageskarte mit Sauna - Erwachsene #Mo. - Fr. (Winter: Di. - Fr.), #Sa. & So., Feiertage ).
          • “Vom 08.12. - 18.12. & 07.01. - 27.03. könnt ihr wieder 'Baden ohne Limit' in unserem Badeparadies. Zahlt den Eintritt für 3 Stunden und planscht den ganzen Tag!”, 2019-12 - There is no budget price mentioned for Sauna users :-(.
    • Südsee-Camp "Schwimmbadrenovierung" - “Ab dem 04.11. - 02.12.19 macht das Badeparadies seinen verdienten Winterschlaf”.
    • Südsee-Camp "Badeparadies - Geburtstagskinder" - “Freier Eintritt für alle großen und kleinen Geburtstagskinder!” :-).
    • Budget visit, additional benefit if you visit in Summer: If you first visit the swimming pool hall, a later visit of the swimming lake on the same day doesn´t cost an additional fee :-), but not vice-versa :-(.
    • The indoor swimming pool has no deep water area for swimming.
    • There is a small outdoor swimming pool area.
    • The wave bathing is scheduled all 30 min.
    • Travel
  44. Sauna Leben, Wolfsburg.

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