[hemmerling] Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna & Swimming Pools with and without Sauna 23/24

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Netherlands / Holland

Swimming Pool Halls without Sauna ( next to German Boarder )

  1. “Zwembad 't Walfort”, Dennenoord 2, 7121 ME Aalten, Netherlands.
  2. “Zwembad Het Sportpark Almelo”, Sluiskade Noordzijde 126, 7603 XZ Almelo, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-07 :-).
    • Old sports complex ( - 2024 ).
      • Swimming pool hall.
      • Outdoor swimming pool - Permanently closed.
        • “Let op: het buitenbad blijft in 2023 en 2024 gesloten. In 2025 opent een nieuw sportcomplex, inclusief nieuw zwembad met binnen- én buitenbad”.
      • Textile Sauna ( steam bath ) - Permanently closed.
        • Experts told me, that the steam bath was still operated in 2020, i.e. closed in 2020-03 permanently. There is still a large plate “Turks Stoombad” above the former steam bath room.
      • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes, small safes and changing rooms.
      • Small safes & wardrobes:
        • Small safes are free to use, by electronic locker without coins.
        • 0.10 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. So you lose the 0.10 EUR coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge.
        • Some wardrobes don't require a 0.10 EUR coin to lock :-), e.g. wardrobes “18x”, “20x”.
      • There are enough clocks.
    • New sports complex ( 2025 / 2026 - ).
    1. Sportbedrijf Arnhem "De Grote Koppel", Olympus 29, 6832 EL Arnhem, Netherlands.
      • Best hours of opening:
        • 12:00-13:00 Frid. - Banenzwemmen.
        • 13:30-17:00 Frid. - Recreatief Zwemmen.
        • 13:00-16:00 Sat. - Recreatief Zwemmen.
        • 12:00-16:00 Sun. - Recreatief Zwemmen.
    2. Sportbedrijf Arnhem "Zwembad Valkenhuizen", Beukenlaan 15, 6823 MA Arnhem, Netherlands.
      • Best hours of opening:
        • 11:45-12:45 Sat. - Banenzwemmen.
        • 13:00-14:00 Sat. - Banenzwemmen.
  3. Zwembad 't Timpke, Haarloseweg 10, 7271 BT Borculo, Netherlands.
  4. PonyparkCity, Doozemansteeg 1, 7798 CH Collendoorn, Netherlands - No public bathing.
  5. “Aqua Mundo” / “Aqua Mundo de Huttenheugte” / “Aqua Mundo CenterParcs de Huttenheugte”, Reindersdijk 55, 7751 SH Dalen, Netherlands.
        • “Tagesausflug Center Parcs. Ein Tag in De Huttenheugte ist mehr als nur Schwimmen in unserer Wasserwelt Aqua Mundo. Es ist ein Tag voller Spaß für alle Altersgruppen. Eine Reservierung ist erforderlich” - Ticket reservation is mandatory!!!!.
          • Ticket “Tageskarte ab 10:00 Uhr”, 25 EUR.
        • “Entdecke Wellenbad, Wildwasserbahn, Rutschen, Kinderbecken, Außenbecken, 25-m-Becken ( Das 25-m-Becken ist mittwochs und freitags nachmittags bis 18 Uhr geschlossen, außer an Feiertagen ) und das Water Playhouse”.
      • Centerparcs Deutschland "Kontaktiere uns" - “Unser Team freut sich auf dich: 0221 6503 1414. Wir möchten dich bitten, diese Nummer ausschließlich nur für Buchungen, Umbuchungen oder Stornierungen zu nutzen”.
      • Centerparcs “Aqua Mundo De Huttenheugte”, telephone ”+31 524 59 46 66 Preis für ein internationales Gespräch”.
    • Travel by train to “Neuenhaus”, by special “Bus 10 Fietsenbus” to “Bahnhof, Emlichheim”. By bicycle to the location ( 17km ).
      • The only official way to travel to the location is according to the suggestion of Google Maps by the streets “Hulsvoorderdijk”, “de Loo”, “Achterloo”, “Reindersdijk”.
      • Probably you can't visit the location by the streets “Stieltieskanal” and “Reindersdijk”, as OpenStreetMap has a sort of barrier symbol at the South side of the street “Reindersdijk”.
      • Registration: “Het e-mailadres dat je hebt ingevoerd is niet toegestaan om te gebruiken” :-(.
  6. Dorper Esch, Molendijk 14, 7591 PT Denekamp, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-06 :-).
    • You receive a disposable wristband with a barcode that is scanned at the entrance barrier and gives you access to a wardrobe.
    • Swimming pool hall.
      • 25m swimming pool hall for lap swimming.
      • Recreational pool hall & instruction pool hall, 3-part lifting floor ( up to 3 different water debths ), water temperature 33° Celsius :-).
      • There are showers, toilets, wardobes ( no fee ) and changing rooms.
      • There are enough clocks.
    • Textile Sauna - Permanently closed and scrapped.
    • ootmarsum dinkelland "Zwembad/sportcomplex Dorper Esch" - ”Der Whirlpool, das Freizeitbad und das Wettkampfbecken”.
    • Travel by train to “Nordhorn”, Germany or “Oldenzaal”, Netherlands. Travel by bicycle to the location.
  7. Enschede.
    • Swimming pool halls.
      1. Swimming pool hall “Aquadrome”, J.J. van Deinselaan 2, 7541 BR Enschede, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-06 :-).
        • Stadt Enschede "Schwimmparadies Aquadrome" - “In dem Schwimmbad findest du zwei Wasserrutschen, eine spektakuläre Wildwasserbahn, ein Wellenbad, ein Warmwasser Planschbecken und vieles mehr! Des Weiteren gibt es auch ein großes Becken im Außenbereich. Während der Sommersaison kannst du auch das Freibad mit Hüpfburg und Volleyballfeld nutzen”.
        • Facebook "Aquadrome Zwemparadijs" # - Official news about “Aquadrome” & “Het Slagman”.
        • There are showers, toilets, wardobes ( 0.50 EUR fee ) and changing rooms.
        • There are enough clocks.
        • There are NO small safes, so no place to deposit money for buying sweeties or drinks at the vending machine.
        • Hours of opening:
          • Warning: The dome hall with the fun pools has different hours of opening than the 25m sports pool hall for lap swimming. In general it isn't possible to visit both swimming pools halls at the same time. So thats why you must pay double entrance fee. Double-check which swimming pool hall is open at which time of day!
          • Wednesday is best day for visit for seniors 50+, in 2024-06:
            • 09:00 - 11:00: “AquaVital” @ recreational pool ( 9:15 - 9:45 with swimming noodle, 10:15 - 11:45 with swimming board ) & lap pool ( 9:15 - 9:45 with swimming belt ) for seniors of age 50+, 5 EUR. 2 x 30min course. Free tea & coffee in the break.
            • 11:00 - 13:00: “Banenzwemmen” @ lap pool, 4.20 EUR.
            • 14:30 - 20:00: “Recreatief Zwemmen” @ recreational pool, 4.75 EUR. I stayed 14:30 - 17:30.
        • Complex price model :-(.
          • Google Maps "Aquadrome" - Complex price model perfectly explained by a table, see outdated poster “Openings-Tijden 2022”.
        • Old swimming pool hall & old outdoor swimming pool ( - 2026 ).
          • Outdoor swimming pool, with wave slide.
            • 2021 - Open :-).
            • 2022 - Closed :-(:
              • The outdoor swimming pool was closed the whole Summer season 2022, according to offical online statements :-(.
            • 2023 - Open :-).
            • 2024 & 2025 - Closed :-(:
                • “Buitenbad. In 2007 besloot de gemeente Enschede een nieuw buitenzwembad aan te laten leggen op het Diekmanterrein. Het ontwerp bestaat uit een sportief, een recreatie- en een peuterbad. Het bad werd in juli 2010 in gebruik genomen. Dit bad is in de zomer van 2024 en 2025 niet beschikbaar in verband met de bouw van een nieuw binnenbad”.
                • “Begin 2024 begon op Het Diekman de bouw van een nieuw zwembad dat het Aquadrome zal vervangen. De bouw zal twee jaar in beslag nemen. Het binnenbad zal gedurende deze periode zoveel mogelijk geopend blijven. Buitenbad en ligweide zijn gedurende de bouwwerkzaamheden niet in gebruik”.
          • Recreational swiming pool hall, as of 2024-05:
            • Pools:
              • Large recreation pool.
              • Wave swimming pool - Permanently discontinued wave generation :-(.
              • Main attractions:
                • 2 tube slides :-).
                • Wild water ride :-).
                • Stream channel :-).
                • 3 whirlpools.
              • No herbal bathtubs ( single-seat whirlpool bathtubs ) anymore :-(.
              • Warm padding pool - Permanently closed and scrapped. Sign at the cash desk at the entrance, also in German language “Das Planschbecken ist geschlossen”.
            • Textile Sauna - Permanently closed and scrapped.
              • No steam bathes ( 2 person steam sauna ) anymore, Sauna service was permanently discontinued at some time between 2018 - 2020 :-(.
            • Restaurant - Permanently closed, no indication where the restaurant might have been. There is a single vending machine for sweeties & soft drinks.
            • Wardrobes: 0.50 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. So you lose the 0.50 EUR coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge :-(.
        • New swimming pool hall & outdoor swimming pool ( 2026 - ).
          • The new swimming pool hall has no recreation pool, it's just a simple lap pool and an additional instruction pool :-(. Staff members told me in 2024-06, that in addition to the original planning there will be a tube slide and a section for small children too.
          • The new swimming pool hall will be implemented directly next to the old dome hall and the existing outdoor swimming pool. So the old dome hall may be operated until the new swimming pool hall is opened.
          • When the new swimming pool hall is ready, both the old recreation pool hall, the old lap pool and the old swimming pool hall “Het Slagman” will be closed permanently. The existing outdoor swimming pool will be operated again.
          • Planviewer "Gemeente Enschede - Zwembad Diekmann", unknown date - Satellite photo of existing buildings & planning of the new buildings.
        • Google Maps "Aquadrome" - Reviews, as of 2024-05:
          • “I feel like Aquadrome is stopping to try, no more fries , no more waves.. what's next ?” ( 2m ago ).
          • “There is cold water in the “jacuzzi”, there are no benches at the entrance where you can take off your shoes, people wear shoes in the locker room” ( 3m ago ).
          • “Wo sind die ganzen künstlichen Grünpflanzen hin ?die Badewannen und Dampfsaunen sind auch weg die Whirlpools viel zu kalt und auch die Wassertemperatur im Schwimmbad war zu kalt.... Selbst das Babybecken war zu frisch.... Auch die Gastronomie ist weg statt dessen nur noch Automaten mit Süßigkeiten” ( 3m ago ).
          • “Das Wasser ist viel zu kalt. Sogar die Whirpools sind kalt. Wenn man bei den Rutschen vorbei geht zieht es sehr stark. Alles alt und in die Jahre gekommen. Zu wenig duschen und auch da nur kaltes Wasser. Snacks und Getränke konnte man auch nicht kaufen. Die Automaten waren wohl defekt” ( 3m ago ).
          • “Keine Möglichkeit essen zu bestellen…” ( 3m ago ).
          • en de golfbad doet het niet meer” ( 4m ago ).
          • “Leider keine Gastro!” ( 5m ago ).
          • “Keine Wellen mehr, viel 'abgebaut'” ( 8m ago ).
          • “Zwei Wasserrutschen, eine kleine Wildwasserbahn, Strömungskanal und drei Whirlpools runden das ganze ab. Leider gibt es dort keine Verpflegung mehr”.
          • “50 Cents for the lockers are OK, but they are not returned once opened” ( 8m ago ).
          • “Und es war nervig, dass man jedes Mal, wenn man den Schrank geöffnet hat, das Geld weg war und man sich wieder Geld wechseln lassen musste” ( 8m ago ).
          • “Eine große Gemeinschaftsdusche znd gemischte Kabinen, wo Erwachsene Männer sich neben kleinen Mädchen oder Jungs duschen und umziehen können.....katastrophal!” ( 9m ago ).
          • “keine Wellen, keine Whirlpoolbadewannen mehr” ( 1y ago ).
          • “Is het 30 graden buitenbad dicht wegens personeels te kort en hoge gas prijzen” ( 1y ago ).
          • “Bad is totaal uitgekleed. Golfslag is kapot (zei het personeel). Kruidenbubbelbaden (de ligbaden die er eerder tegen betaling waren) zijn weg” ( 2y ago ).
          • “Golfen, bubbelbad en stroming doet het niet meer. Horeca zit dicht” ( 2y ago ).
          • “ook de patat was zeer goed”, “Essen war ok” ( 3y ago - The restaurant is still operated, offering fried potatoes :-) ).
          • “Es war kurz nach den Weihnachts Feiertagen sehr kalt dort vermutlich wurde nicht geheizt wo es geschlossen war... Die Wellen waren auch super” ( 4a ago - So in 2019-12 / 2020-01, the wave pool was still operated :-) ).
            • Google Reviews, fais al - “Sauna’s zitten er niet meer” ( 4y ago - So in 2019 / 2020, the Sauna service was already permanently discontinued ).
          • Google Reviews, jessica vink-schepen - “We gingen in de sauna ook hier is vanalles mis we hadden sauna nummer 1 als hij klein beetje warm word gaat de douche aan kortom” ( 6y ago - So in 2018 / 2019, the Saunas were still operated ).
            • “Das Aquadrome Enschede ist ein reines Erlebnisbad, Sportler müssen auf ein Sportbecken in der separat zugänglichen Schwimmhalle ausweichen, ein Wechsel direkt vom Erlebnisbad ist nicht vorgesehen”.
            • “Zentrales Becken ist das große Wellen- und Erlebnisbecken, das den Großteil des Platzes in der Schwimmhalle für sich beansprucht”.
            • Für die Entspannung und das warme Bad zwischendurch gibt es die in den Niederlanden weit verbreiteten Badewannen, die grundsätzlich erst einmal leer sind. Die Befüllung erfolgt erst nach Bezahlung an einem Automaten. Dafür hat man die Sprudelwanne dann aber auch für sich alleine und kann die Ruhe genießen - zumindest so lange, bis das Wasser wieder abläuft”.
          • “Das Aquadrome Enschede besteht aus einer großen Schwimmhalle, welche annähernd rund und mit einem pavillionartigem Dach versehen ist. Hier befindet sich das zentrale Becken des Bades, das große Wellen- und Erlebnisbecken, in welches man über einen Strandeinstieg gelangt”.
          • Für Entspannung sorgen zudem die zur Verfügung stehenden aufpreispflichtigen Kräuterwannen, welche sich nach Bezahlung mit warmem Wasser füllen, sowie die ebenfalls aufpreispflichtigen Dampfkabinen”.
          • “Ein Sportbecken gibt es im Aquadrome Enschede nicht, für Sportschwimmer steht allerdings eine separate Schwimmhalle zur Verfügung”.
        • News:
      2. Swimming pool hall “Het Slagman”, Park De Kotten 325, 7522 EN Enschede, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-05 :-).
        • Unique selling proposition: From the swimming pool hall, you have a wide view of a golf course - wonderful nature sight, large lawn, some trees.
        • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
          • However, there is a single shower room for males & females.
          • There are no urinate bowls for males :-(.
          • Wardrobes: 0.20 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. So you lose the 0.20 EUR coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge :-(.
          • There are no visitor isolation systems behind the checkout.
        • There are enough clocks.
        • The swimming pool bassin, built in 1976, has a “Wiesbaden” gully ( German: “Wiesbadener Rinne” ).
        • Pools:
          1. Swimming pool hall:
            • Sports Centre University of Twente, Zwembad binnen ( SC ), Building 49, De Hems 20, 7522 NL Enschede - Public access just with subscription. I visited the front of the location in 2024-06 ( so no swimming ) :-).
            • “For the indoor pool, it is necessary to have a valid subscription. With an active UnionCard (students) or CampusCard employee (employees UT) or an additional swimming subscription (external customers) you can enter the swimming pool”.
          2. Outdoor swimming pool:
            • Sports Centre University of Twente, Zwembad buiten ( ZW ), Building 57, De Hems 20, 7522 NL Enschede - Public access just with subscription. I visited the front of the location in 2024-06 ( so no swimming ) :-).
            • “You can enter the swimming pool with an active UnionCard (students) or CampusCard employee (employees UT) or an additional swimming subscription (UT-affiliated customers). For information about the CampusCard and swimming subscription see utwente.nl/campuscard. External customers are not entitled to purchase a swimming subscription. Important: To enter the pool gate, scan your card at the entrance gate. This must be your most recent student/employee/campus card (with chip). It's also possible to scan the QR code at the gate with de Sports and Culture utwente app. Be aware that you cannot enter the pool without a pass or app!”.
      3. Swimming pool hall “DeTwentse Zorgcentra Zwembad het Bouwhuis / De Paraplu”, Bouwhuislaan 21, 7524 GB Enschede, Netherlands, Netherlands - No public bathing. I visited the front of the location in 2024-06 ( so no swimming ) :-).
      4. Swimming pool hall “De Brug” / “Glanerbrug”, Schipholtstraat 45, 7534 CR Enschede, Netherlands - Permanently closed since 2018. I visited the closed location in 2024-06 :-).
  8. “Zwembad de Whee” / “Goorsche Bad- en Zweminrichting De Whee” / “Gruttostraat Zwembad”, Gruttostraat 44, 7471 ES Goor, Netherlands.
    • Swimming pools:
      • Outdoor swimming pool - Permanently closed and scrapped ( 1930 - 2005 ).
      • Swimming pool hall - Permanently closed and scrapped ( - 2014 .. 2017 ).
    • Oost "Gemeenteraad wil zwembad Goor sluiten", 2010-11 - “Het college wil uit kostenoverweging één van de drie zwembaden in de gemeente Hof van Twente sluiten. Het bad in Goor is sterk vervallen. In Markelo wordt het zwembadcomplex uitgebreid”. Photo from inside of the swimming pool hall.
      • “Op 12 Juli 1930 werd de notariele stichtingsakte vastgelegd en hiermee de basis van het zwembad”.
      • “Op de achtergrond een opname van het zwembad in ca. 1960. Op de voorgrond de nieuwbouw van de Whee. waarschijnlijk vanaf de Scherpenzeelsweg/Nachtegaalstraat genomen”.
      • “Zo ziet het bad er anno 2005 uit.Het wordt niet meer gebruikt en de natuur probeert er weer wat aardigs van te maken. Het was al lang niet meer het knusse, gezellige zwembad van weleer”. Photo of old outdoor swimming pool ( in foreground ) and new swimming pool hall ( in background ).
      • “Dit is het beeld op 25 oktober 2010, de laatste resten water van het open luchtbad, het is nu wel heel geschikt voor niet-zwemmers”.
    • Google Maps "Zwembad De Whee", Gruttostraat 44, 7471 ES Goor, Netherlands - “This swimming pool no longer exists..”, 2017.
    • Today's next best locations:
  9. Marveld Recreatie, Elshofweg 6, 7141 DH Groenlo, Netherlands.
  10. “Zwembad De Lubert”.
    • Addresses:
      • Cranenburgsestraat 23-d, 6561 AM Berg en Dal, Netherlands.
      • Cranenburgsestraat 23-d, 6561 AM Groesbeek, Netherlands.
    • Rheinische Post "Hallenbad geschlossen – kein Schwimmunterricht für Schüler in Kranenburg?", 2024-05 - “Bislang hatten es die beiden Grundschulen aus der Gemeinde Kranenburg noch recht einfach, Schwimmen zu unterrichten. Die Christophorus- und die Nütterdener St.-Georg-Grundschule nutzten dafür das Schwimmbad Lubert in Groesbeek. Doch damit wird spätestens ab dem 1. Januar 2026 Schluss sein... Das Bad wird definitiv schließen. Was danach kommt, ist nicht geklärt. Die Politik der Gemeinde Berg en Daal hält sich vier verschiedene Möglichkeiten offen, wie mit dem Schwimmbad verfahren wird. Die Entscheidung dazu soll im Frühjahr getroffen werden. 50 Jahre ist das Bad mittlerweile alt und extrem sanierungsbedürftig. Unter anderem hat Chlor der Technik zugesetzt. Die vier Möglichkeiten sind: Renovierung, Abriss und Neubau oder ein Neubau, der dann in einen größeren Komplex eingebettet wird. Vierte Option: Bagger und Ende”.
    • Travel by train to “Kleve”, by bicycle to the location ( 16 km ).
  11. Groningen.
    1. Sport050, Groningen, Netherlands.
    2. Swimming pool hall of “Woonlandschap De Leyhoeve”, Helperpark 258-L, 9723 ZA Groningen, Netherlands - No public bathing.
  12. Haaksbergen.
    1. “Zwembad De Wilder”, Scholtenhagenweg 32, 7481 VP Haaksbergen, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-05 :-).
      • Optisport "Locaties" - Many locations!
      • Swimming pool hall & outdoor swimming pool.
        • Wave swimming pool, every 30min wave function for 5min. E.g. 11:57 - 12:02, 12:35 - 12:40, 13:00 - 13:05, 13:35 - 13:40, 14:00 - 14:35,...
        • Recreation swimming pools.
        • Small outdoor swimming pool.
        • Very large outdoor ground with lawn, basket ball field, volleyball field, children's sandbox, children's playground, but only slightly better maintained and unused for decades. It's more like a garden.
        • Restaurant.
          • I ordered “Frikandel” with “Dutch fries” and mayonnaise :-).
          • EN.Wikipedia "Frikandel", DE.Wikipedia "Frikandel" - “In the Netherlands, it is most often served with curry ketchup or mayonnaise, though some eat it with tomato ketchup, mustard or apple sauce”.
        • Hours of opening for normal recreational swimming.
        • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes, small safes and changing rooms.
        • However, there is a single shower room for males & females.
        • Wardrobes: 0.20 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. So you lose the 0.20 EUR coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge.
        • Small safes: 0.50 EUR pledge, so you get your money back.
        • There are enough clocks. There is a single clock in the main swimming pool hall, which is not visible from all bassins. There are no clocks neither at the outdoor swimming pool nor at the outdoor ground.
        • There are no visitor isolation systems behind the checkout.
        • Sling rope, installed at the wave swimming pool for jumping into the wave swimminig pool.
        • Signplate “Slingertouw regels”.
        • Tanning salon - Permanently closed.
        • There is still a doorsign “snelbruiner” at a closed door in the main swimming pool hall.
        • Hot whirlpools, for extra fee - Permanently closed.
          • The whirlpools with brand name “Hotwhirlpooltuin” by “Hoesks”, to be used for extra fee, are out of order, permanently.
      • Sauna - Permanently closed.
        • There are still doorsigns “kleedkamer sauna heren”, “kleedkamer sauna dames” in the changing area.
        • I was told by staff members, that the Sauna was closed permanently about six months after reopening in 2022-01 due to economic reasons, i.e. it was permanently closed in Summer / Autum 2022 :-(.
        • I was told by staff members, that there were some indoor Saunas, including a steam bath.
        • The outdoor area of the Sauna has a Sauna hut ( “Buiten Sauna” ), but it isn't a Sauna blockhouse. During my visit in 2024-05 the outdoor area of the Sauna was unkempt and already overgrown.
        • Visit Twente "Recreatiebad & Sauna de Wilder" - “In der Sauna können Sie herrlich entspannen. Die Sauna kann an Samstagen und/ oder am Sonntagabend auch gemietet werden”.
          • Blogspot "sauna's Overijssel" - "Sauna de Wilder" - “Sauna de Wilder is onderdeel van Zwembad de Wilder, gesitueerd op Park Scholtenhagen”. The hours of opening are different, i.e. much more extented than those of the official Facebook posting of 2022-01.
        • The hours of opening for recreational swimming and Sauna were not necessarily in sync :-(.
      • News:
        • Questions and answers, 2024-05 “Nee er is geen sauna meer sorry” :-(.
      • Travel by train to “Enschede”, by bicycle to the location.
    2. Vakantiepark Bergsehaak, Scholtenhagenweg 42, 7481 VP Haaksbergen, Netherlands - No public bathing. I visited the front of the location in 2024-07 ( so no swimming ) :-).
  13. Twentebad, Lage Weide 3, 7556 NA Hengelo, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall & outdoor swimming pool visit was in 2024-06 :-).
      • Swimming pool hall.
      • Outdoor swimming pool.
      • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
      • There are enough clocks.
      • Prices:
        • Entrance fee:
          • Mo-Sa 5.50 EUR.
          • So 6.00 EUR.
      • Wardrobes:
        • 0.30 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. You must by a wardrobe token for 0.30 EUR. ( “Kledingkluisjes”: 0.30 EUR (token)” ).
        • At the wardrobe #362, you got your token back :-).
      • 2024-06, official statement by E-Mail: “And indeed you can visit the bath for the whole day, for the 5.50 EUR ticket price. When do you have to leave a pool: for example the 50 meter pool is open from 07.00 till 08.30 then you have to leave the pool at 8.30. That means that you dont have to leave a bassin 15 or 30 minutes before closing”.
      • 2024-03, official statement by E-Mail: “Unfortunately, I cannot currently give you a date when our outdoor pool will open. This is usually sometime in May and also depends on the weather. We are also open during the summer holidays. We do have different opening hours then. For the current opening hours and the opening of the outdoor pool, I would like to refer you to our website. You can also see on our website under opening hours whether we are closed on a public holiday. For example, we are closed on Easter Sunday and King's Day”.
      • 2024-04, official statement by E-Mail: “You indeed pay 30 cents for a wardrobe locker. This is for one-time use, so you lose the coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge on this. We also allow you to put your belongings in the bag and place your bag along the pool side”.
    • Twentebad "Rooster & Openingstijden" - “Choose a specific pool below to view the activities and opening hours for the next 2 weeks”.
      • Best day for visit, with chance to visit all swimming pool bassins, is Wednesday 07:00 - 16:45 :-).
      • Pools.
        1. “Recreatiebad”.
        2. “Instructiebad”.
        3. “25m Wedstrijdbad”.
        4. “50m Sportbad”.
          • On changing day of week: Member swimming ( “Ledenzwemmen” ) - Closed for non-members :-(.
        5. “Buitenbaden ondiep”.
      • Activities:
        • Lap swimming ( “Banenzwemmen” ).
        • Recreational swimming ( “Recreatif zwemmen” ).
        • Care morning ( “Zorgochtend” ) ⇒ Restriction :-(.
    • Swimming pools:
      • Swimming pool halls ( 25m, 50m, course pool / instruction pool, recreational pool ).
      • 2 outdoor swimming pools with low water debth ( “Buitenbaden ondiep” ).
    • Tuberides "Twentebad" - Historical photos of 2011. The 3 slides were replaced by 2 new modern slides.
    • Rutscherlebnis "Twentebad Hengelo" - “Bildergalerie”.
  14. “Zwembad Jottem”, Van Voorstraat 19a, 6851 LT Huissen, Netherlands.
  15. Swimming pool hall “DeTwentse Zorgcentra AC De Kikker”, Pollermarke 1, 7581 PS Losser, Netherlands - No public bathing. I visited the front of the location in 2024-06 ( so no swimming ) :-).
  16. Zwembad Meekenesch, Kerkhoflaan 5, 7131 TE Lichtenvoorde.
    • Travel by train to “Bocholt”, by bicycle to the location.
  17. Zwembad De Vijf Heuvels, Potdijk 5, 7475 SL Markelo, Netherlands.
    • Swimming pools.
      • Swimming pool hall.
      • Outdoor swimming pool.
    • Is the swimming pool hall open in Summer, when the outdoor swimming pool is open?
  18. Het Ravijn, Piet Heinweg 16, 7441 GZ Nijverdal, Netherlands.
    • Swimming pools.
      • Swimming pool hall.
      • Outdoor swimming pool.
    • Is the swimming pool hall open in Summer, when the outdoor swimming pool is open?
  19. Sportcentrum Vondersweijde, Ada Kokstraat 20, 7572 EA Oldenzaal - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-06 :-).
    • Swimming pool hall ( built in 1997, according to a stone sign at the entrance ).
      1. Competition pool / lap pool ( “Wedstrijdbad” ).
        • 2024: Will close after 2024-07-21. Best hours of opening in 2024-05 on Sundays, the only day with “Vrijzwemmen” time: 9:00 - 11:00 “Banenzwemmen”, 11:00 - 13:45 “Vrijzwemmen”.
      2. Recreational pool ( “Recreatiebad” ).
        • 2024: Will open 2024-09.
    • Large outdoor swimming pool - Permanently closed and scrapped :-(.
    • Small outdoor swimming pool - Permanently closed :-(.
    • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
    • There are enough clocks.
    • 2024-05 & 2024-06, official statement by E-Mail:
      • “vrijzwemmen” is most of the time for childeren with parent that are going to play in the water. If there is some space left, you can always look for a space to swim. At the moment we are in renovation, thats why there are no any opening time for 'recreactiebad'. Sadly, the outside swimming pool is closed. We will be closed from the end of July till September. In September the 'wedstrijdbad' will be closed, and 'recreactiebad' open”.
      • “Sunday 2024-07-21 is the last day we are open. From 2024-07-22 till 2024-09-02 is the hole swimmingpool closed”.
      • ( “Banenzwemmen” & “Vrijzwemmen” times ) “Yes you can switch between both of them, it is no problem”.
      • “The lockers are very easy. New locker: Do you want a new locker? : answer, ja. The machine will ask for A code, just typ 4 numbers. The screen will show you the number of your locker. Are you leaving the building: Do you want a new locker?: answer, nee. The machine will ask for the number of your locker. After that, typ your 4 number code in, and your locker will open”.
    • News:
      • Reviews, as of 2024-05:
        • “Het recreatiebad was bijv. vandaag van 12:00 tot 13:45u geopend!” ( 12m ago ).
        • “De gemeente heeft in de jaren 90 het geweldige buitenbad gesloopt voor geld voor huizenblokken” ( 4y ago ) - A large outdoor swimming pool was scrapped in the 1990th.
        • “en het buitenbad is te klein” ( 7y ago ) - There is still a small outdoor swimming pool.
        • “Kluisjes zijn gratis maar beetje lastig te bedienen” - Lockers are free.
        • “Een recreatiebad dat op zaterdag gesloten is!!!”.
  20. Kampeerdorp de Zandstuve, Grote Beltenweg 3A, 7794 RA Rheeze, Netherlands - No public bathing.
  21. Camping de Molenhof, Kleijsenweg 7, 7667 RS Reutum, Netherlands - My swimming pool hall visit was in 2024-09 :-).
    • Swimming pool hall which may be transformed into an outdoor swimming pool.
      • The swimming pool hall has a movable roof. So in the hot summertime, the roof is moved so that the swimmers swim like in an outdoor swimming pool :-).
      • My visit was on a September day with calm temperature. The swimming pool hall was well-heated :-).
      • Staff members told me, that the swimming pool was originally an outdoor swimming pool. The hall over the swimming pool was implemented about 15 years ago.
    • Very small extra outdoor swimming pool for children.
    • There are showers, toilets and changing rooms.
    • There are very-small wardrobes, sort of large safe. Locker pledge 1 EUR.
    • There are enough clocks.
      • 09:00 - 17:00 Mon.-Sun. - Reception ( = ticket counter ). Dayticket for swimming 4 EUR/d.
      • 09:00 - 21:00 Mon.-Sun. - Hours of opening of the swimming pool hall & outdoor swimming pool.
  22. “Zwembad de Koerbelt”, Arend Baanstraat 105, 7461 DT Rijssen.
  23. Recreatiepark de Leistert, 6088 NT Roggel.
  24. Sportschool Montferland Fitness & zwemmen ( Feel Fit Center Montferland ) , Oude Doetinchemseweg 43, 7041 DB ‘s-Heerenberg, Netherland.
  25. “Zwembad Pagedal Stadskanaal”, Hoveniersweg 1, 9502 BW Stadskanaal, Netherlands.
  26. “Zwem- en Sportcentrum Van Pallandt”, Van Pallandtstraat 4, 7051 DE Varsseveld, Netherlands.
  27. “Zwembad de Watertrappel”, Bentlagestraat 20, 9561HB Ter Apel ( Gemeente Westerwolde ) - Permanently closed.
  28. “Speeltuin Wedderbergen” of Camping Wedderbergen, Molenweg 2, 9698 XV Wedde.
  29. Gemeente Oldambt "De Watertoren Winschoten", Watertorenstraat 16, 9671 LJ Winschoten, Netherlands.
  30. Zwembad de Brink, Stationsplein 8-12, 7021 CN Zelhem, Netherlands.

Outdoor Swimming Pools & Swimming Lakes without Sauna ( next to German Border )

  1. Openluchtzwembad Klarenbeek, Hommelseweg 536, 6821 LZ Arnhem.
  2. Lake “Wylerbergmeer”.
  3. Outdoor wave swimming pool “Bad Boekelo” ( 1934 - 1988 ), Oude Deldenerweg 203, 7548 PM Boekelo, Netherlands - Permanently closed and scrapped. I visited the closed and scrapped location in 2024-07 :-).
  4. “Openluchtzwembad 't Galgenveld”, Lebbenbruggedijk 40, 7271 SB Borculo, Netherlands - Permanently closed.
  5. 't Grasbroek, Grasbroekweg 1, 7627 RC Bornerbroek, Netherlands.
      • Hours of opening 09:00 - 21:00 Mon. - Sun. ( “Wij zijn geopend van 9.00 uur tot 21.00 uur” ).
      • Tariffs: Car with up to 2 persons = 5.00 EUR. 1 Person: 2,50 EUR.
      • Please check, if the price “per person” is also the dayticket price for bicycle tourists without accomodation ⇒ I asked 2024-07-01.
  6. Zwembad Onder Ons in De Krim, Hoofdweg 71, 7782 PZ De Krim, Netherlands.
    • Outdoor swimming pool.
    • There is a dayticket for 4.20 EUR.
  7. Zwembad de Mors, De Mors 4, 7491 DZ Delden, Netherlands - My outdoor swimming pool visit was in 2024-06 :-).
    • Outdoor swimming pool.
      • The outdoor swimming pool bassins are in the vintage style of the 1930th, i.e. there is no gully at the long sides of the bassin, plus there are handles for thes wimmers on both long sides.
    • There are warm showers, wardrobes, toilets and changing rooms.
    • Wardrobes: 0.20 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. So you lose the 0.20 EUR coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge.
    • There are enough clocks.
  8. Zwembad De Groene Jager, Slenke 2, 7683 PA Den Ham, Netherlands.
  9. “Het Blauwe Meer”, De Kolk 3, 7091 HR Dinxperlo, Netherlands.
  10. “Zwembad 't Vinkennest”, Stokkersweg 4, 7151 NN Eibergen, Netherlands.
    • Optisport "Locaties" - Many locations!
    • Travel by train to “Ahaus” or “Coesfeld”, by bus carrying bicycle to “Vreden”, by bicycle to the location. Attention bicycle transportation might be just likely during NRW school holidays!
  11. “Zwembad Hattemat”, Hattemattestraat 5, 7783 BM Gramsbergen, Netherlands.
  12. Groningen.
    1. Sport50 "Openluchtbad De Papiermolen", Papiermolenlaan 1, 9721GN Groningen.
  13. Goor.
  14. Lake Tuindorpbad, Vijverlaan 63, 7553 CD Hengelo, Netherlands - My outdoor swimming lake visit was in 2024-06 :-).
  15. “Zwembad Twenhaarsveld”, Landuwerweg 21, 7451 SP Holten.
  16. “Zwembad De Bargn's”, Dorpsstraat 35a, 7694 AB Kloosterhaar, Netherlands.
  17. Zwembad Kuiperberg, Stobbenkamp 80, 7631 CR Ootmarsum, Netherlands - My outdoor swimming pool visit was in 2024-07 :-).
    • There are showers, toilets and changing rooms.
    • There are no wardrobes :-(.
    • There are not enough clocks: There is one clock for the lap pool :-). There is no clock for the non-swimmer pool & the slides :-(. A digital display shows temperature and date, but not the time :-(.
  18. Natuurbad Rekken, Van Ouwenallerlaan 35, 7157 AZ Rekken, Netherlands - My outdoor swimming pool visit was in 2024-07 :-).
    • Unheated natural outdoor swimming pool.
    • There are showers, toilets and changing rooms.
    • There are enough clocks.
    • There are no wardrobes.
  19. Stichting Zwembad Noord, Noorderdiep 30, 9501 XC Stadskanaal, Netherlands.
  20. “Aquapark de Zandstuve”, Hammerweg 75, 7681 EJ Vroomshoop, Netherlands.
  21. Westerhaar-Vriezenveensewijk.
    1. Lake “‘t Zandgat van Francke”.
    2. “Zwembad de Plump”, Zwembadlaan 6, 7676 SZ Westerhaar-Vriezenveensewijk, Netherlands - Permanently closed and scrapped.
  22. Gemeente Westerwolde.
    1. Gemeente Westerwolde "Zwembad De Barkhoorn", Dennenweg 1, 9551 VJ Sellingen, Netherlands.
    2. Gemeente Westerwolde "Zwembad Moekesgat", Heembadweg 17, 9561 CS Ter Apel, Netherlands.
      • Heated outdoor swimming pool ( “een openbaar verwarmd zwembad” ).
    3. Campsite with lake Camping Moekesgat, Heembadweg 17, 9561 CS Ter Apel, Netherlands.
      • There is a sand beach.
      • There is no information about a dayticket :-(.
    4. Gemeente Westerwolde "Zwembad de Barlage", Laan van Westerwolde 15, 9541 ZA Vlagtwedde, Netherlands.
  23. Winterswijk.
    • Swimming pools:
      1. Strandbad Winterswijk, Badweg 6, 7102 EG Winterswijk, Netherlands.
      2. Recreatiegebied ”'t Hilgelo”.
    • Travel:
      • Travel by train to “Borken”, by bicycle to the location.
      • Travel by train to “Münster Hbf”, by bus “Bus R71 / S70” to “Winterswijk” ⇒ Not realistic due to the large distance to the locations :-(.

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