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[hemmerling] Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna & Swimming Pools with and without Sauna 22/24

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Netherlands / Holland

Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna ( Amsterdam )


  1. Sauna Deco - “600 m2 Spa and Wellness in the heart of Amsterdam”. Finnland Sauna, Infrared Sauna, Steam Bath.
    • Dayticket 26 EUR.
    • Tuesday CLOSED :-(
  2. “Hotel & Wellness Zuiver” / “Spa Zuiver”, Koenenkade 8, 1081 KH Amsterdam, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2022-05 :-).

Large standard Swimming Pools ( mostly: Swimming Pool Halls ) with Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna ( next to German Border )

  1. Preston Palace "Riviera", Laan van Isestarlohn 1, 7607 PT Almelo, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2024-07 :-).
    • Hours of opening, access:
      • 09:00 - 22:00 Mon.-Sun.
      • Visits for day guests are based on availability and advance reservations are not possible ( “Let op: bezoek voor daggasten is op basis van beschikbaarheid en vooraf reserveren is niet mogelijk” ).
      • Dayticket Mon.-Frid: 17.50 EUR, for old vistors 55+ 15.00 EUR.
      • Dayticket Sat., Sun & in Netherland holidays: 20.00 EUR, for old vistors 55+ 17.50 EUR.
    • Services:
      • Swimming pool hall.
      • Textile Sauna.
        • Finnish Sauna ( 80° Celsius ), Bio Sauna ( 60° Celsius ) & steam bath.
        • 2 Sauna dip pools, in the form of cold whirlpools with calm water, without bubbling.
      • 3 standing solariums, no extra fee. You may borrow a pair of solarium glasses at the lifeguard desk.
    • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
    • Clocks:
      • There are enough clocks.
      • There is no clock for the steam bath.
      • Finnish Sauna: 1x30min sandclock.
      • Bio Sauna: 1x30min, 1x15min sandclock.
    • Food & drinks:
      • With the standard ticket, coffee, tea, soft drinks, water, water ice creams & fruits - Oranges, Clementines, Apples - are included ( “Tijdens je tropische zwemavontuur in Riviera zijn koffie, thee, frisdranken, water en ijsjes inbegrepen” ).
    • Some other more expensive daytickets: Preston Palace "Dag & Avond uit".
  2. Beerze Bulten, Kampweg 1, 7736 PK Beerze, Netherlands.
  3. “Laco Zwembad Borne”, Het Wooldrik 3, 7621 AH Borne, Netherlands / 't Wooldrik 3, 7621 AH Borne - My Sauna visit was in 2024-10 :-).
      • Laco "Locaties" - Many locations!
          • Swimming pool hall.
          • Mini outdoor swimming pool for babies.
          • Textile Sauna - “Daarnaast kun je heerlijk relaxen in de sauna met stoombad”.
            • Infrared Sauna.
            • Steambath.
          • Best hours of opening:
            • Wednesday: 07:30 - 14:30 Competition pool - 2 laps, 11:00 - 12:15 Recreative pool.
            • Sunday: 10:00 - 10:40 & 10:00 - 13:30 Competition pool, 10:45 - 13:30 Recreative pool.
          • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
            • There are enough clocks :-), but no clocks or sandclocks for the infrared Sauna and the steambath :-(. However the infrared Sauna has time-limited activation for about 10min, by buttonclick :-).
  4. De Swaneburg, Pampert 2, 7742 VV Coevorden, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2024-10 :-).
    • Swimming pool hall.
    • Textile Sauna:
      • Finnish Sauna, 75° Celsius.
      • Steam bath.
    • The textile Sauna is operated in 2024-10 :-), though there is no information on the website, which can be visited from the start page :-(.
    • Hours of opening:
      • 14:30 - 16:30 Tues., Thurs. - Vrijzwemmen ( best for bicycle travelers from Germany ).
      • 10:00 - 13:00 Sun., Familiezwemmen ( on Sundays, earliest arrival at “Bahnhof, Emlichheim” at 10:25, too late arrival at the location for slow bicycle drivers :-( ).
    • There are showers, toilets, small safes and changing rooms.
    • There are no wardrobes, but the option as is common in public Dutch swimming pools, to hang clothes on hangers in public.
    • There are enough clocks.
    • Drenthe "Zwem- en sportaccommodatie de Swaneburg" - “Gratis sauna. Gratis stoombad. Whirlpool”.
    • Travel by train to “Neuenhaus”, by special “Bus 10 Fietsenbus” to “Bahnhof, Emlichheim”. By bicycle to the location.
  5. “Aquarena”, Stadionplein 23, 7825 SG Emmen, Netherlands.
  6. NON Aamsveen, Lappenpad 250, 7536 PG Enschede, Netherlands.
    • “Naturist campsite at the border with Germany”.
    • Outdoor swimming pool, Sauna.
      • “Set up your camper or tent at one of the camping spots and take a dip in the 10×25 meter pool. Or, relax in the sauna”.
      • There is no indication if non-members are accepted as dayguests, nor what dayguests have to pay in case of non-accomodation :-(.
      • “NFN/ INF lid - Kampeerplaats”, “NFN/ INF lid - Persoon”, “Sauna (< 18 jaar gratis)”.
  7. Zwembad Brilmansdennen, Bookholtlaan 11, 7581 BB Losser, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2024-06 :-).
      • “Instructiebad 32°C, Wedstrijdbad 27°C, Peuter- en kleuterbaden 32°C”.
      • “Superglijbaan met starglide-verlichting”.
      • “Turks stoombad” :-).
    • Swimming pools:
      1. Competition pool / lap pool ( “Wedestrijdbad” ).
      2. Instruction pool ( “Doelgroepen Bad” ).
    • Textile Sauna ( steam bath ) :-), not mentioned on the homepage :-(.
    • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes and changing rooms.
    • Wardrobes: 0.20 EUR fee for one-time use of a wardrobe locker. So you lose the 0.20 EUR coin when you open your locker. That means that there is no pledge.
    • Additionally, you may hang your clothes on hangers on a public clothes rail.
    • There are enough clocks. There is even a clock visible from inside the steam bath :-).
    • Tube slide :-), not mentioned on the homepage:-(.
    • Travel by train to “Gronau”, by bicycle to the location.
  8. “Zwembad 't Spilbroek Neede”, Bleekenweg 14, 7161 AB Neede, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2024-10 :-).
    • Optisport "Locaties" - Many locations!
        • Swimming pool hall.
        • Textile Sauna ( 60° Finnish Sauna / sanarium ).
          • “Maak dan gebruik van de sauna en het bubbelbad”.
        • There are showers, toilets, wardrobes ( no fees ) and changing rooms.
        • There are enough clocks and sandclocks.
        • There is no ice fountain :-(.
        • There is no Sauna dip pool :-(.
        • Hours of opening, very unstable and changing:
          • Extended hours of opening during NL Autumn holidays, 2024-09-26 - 2024-10-03.
            • Monday, 2024-09-28, 07:00 - 14:30 Banenzwemmen, 9:45 - 14:30 Vrijzwemmen.
            • Saturday no Vrijzwemmen and no Banenzwemmen.
          • 2024-09:
            • Mon.-Frid.
              • 07:00 - 12:30 Mon. - Vrijzwemmen, Banenzwemmen.
              • 10:15 - 13:00 Tues. - Vrijzwemmen, Banenzwemmen.
              • 07:00 - 13:00 Wedn., Frid. - Vrijzwemmen, Banenzwemmen.
              • 09:00 - 13:00 Thurs. - Vrijzwemmen, Banenzwemmen.
            • Saturday no Vrijzwemmen and no Banenzwemmen.
            • Sun.
              • 08:30 - 10:00 Sun. - Banenzwemmen.
              • 08:30 - 10:00 Sun. - Vrijzwemmen ( Gezinszwemmen ).
              • 10:00 - 14:00 Sun. - Vrijzwemmen.
    • Travel by train to “Enschede”, by bicycle via “Haaksbergen” to the location ( 24km ).
  9. Fontana Resort Bad Nieuweschans ( NL ), Fontana Resort Bad Nieuweschans ( DE ), Bad Nieuweschans, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2020-09 :-).
    • Fontana Resort Bad Nieuweschans "Allgemeine Informationen" - “Öffnungszeiten”, “Preise”.
      • “ACHTUNG: Jeden Mittwoch ist Textilbadetag. Dann ist das Tragen von Badebekleidung in unserer Saunalandschaft vorgeschrieben”.
      • “Wir haben eine verbindliche Ankunfts- und Abreisezeit, dadurch können wir unsere Gästezahlen regulieren und können die Sicherheit und Gesundheit unserer Gäste und Mitarbeiter gewährleisten. Wir bitten Sie daher, unser Resort zum Abreisezeitpunkt zu verlassen, den Sie bei Ihrer Reservierung angegeben haben. Bitte beachten Sie: Wenn Sie später als zu der angegebenen Abreisezeit abreisen, müssen wir €10 pro Person berechnen” :-(.
      • “Die Gewinnspiel-Aktion ist nur für begrenzte Zeit gültig, seien Sie also schnell”.
      • “Eine Reservierung ist erforderlich und bis zum 30. Juni 2020 nach Verfügbarkeit möglich”.
      • “Freitags, samstags und sonntags berechnen wir einen Zuschlag in Höhe von 3,- EUR p.P.”.
      • =⇒ “Lösen Sie hier den Gutschein ein!”
      • 2020: “Gute Neuigkeiten: Genießen Sie ab dem 1. Juni unsere Thermalbäder. Ab dem 1. Juli sind unsere Saunen auch wieder geöffnet!”
        • 2020-08 “Die Gutscheine für die Ticketgewinnaktion wurden bis zum 30. November 2020 verlängert” :-).
    • Textile section.
      • Swimming pool hall.
      • Outdoor swimming pool.
      • There is a steam bath :-). It is a “textile” bath, as it is situated in the textile swimming pool section.
    • Sauna.
      • There is is an outdoor Sauna dip pool :-).
      • There is an outdoor ice fountain :-).
      • Banja / Wenik infusion: “15:00 Uhr Kelo Sauna - Banja Aufguss” - Waggling. No extra charge!
      • There are enough clocks. However, there is no clock visible from inside the steam bath :-(.
      • There are sandclocks, but not in the “Kräutersauna”.
      • Special effects Sauna “Nordlicht” - Digital video show of seasons at a high mountain district lake, as views to “heaven” and outside 2 “house windows” :-).
    • Stable transparent plastic bags are provided for free, in which you can take goods into the spa area. You are not allowed to take your own bags and luggage into the spa area.
      • “When you check in at the reception you will receive a plastic bag which you can use for all your stuff on the sauna area. It is not allowed to bring a sportbag on the sauna area. You will use a towel underneath you in the wellness. You can bring your own or rent one, the same for a bathrobe and slippers”.
    • “You can bring your own bottle of water. It is not allowed to bring your own food. There is a possibility to buy a bottle of water in the restaurant. Everything is open to use. We are not allowed to give auffguss due to corona.”
    • Restaurant.
    • Saunafan "NL - Fontana Nieuweschans (Leer/Emden)" - “Ach ja einen Nachteil haben wir gefunden: Die Schränke bei den Umkleiden gehen gar nicht. Halbe Höhe, da passt KEINE normale Saunatasche rein. Und mit reinnehmen darf man sie auch nicht. Konsequenz: Nur mit kleinem Gepäck reisen”.
    • 2020-02 “2019 wurde das Fontana verkauft und umbenannt. Neue, zweifellos sehr schöne Saunen wurden eingebaut. Die Preise wurden rigoros angehoben. Das was das Schöne im Fontana ausgemacht hat, Dinge wie präsente Mitarbeiter, liebevolle Dekoration, strikte Sauberkeit im Saunabereich wurden aufgegeben. Keinerlei Hausprospekte, kein Aushang mit Informationen über Eintrittspreise, stattdessen nur Hinweise auf Veröffentlichungen im Internet. Jeder Service wird berechnet”.
      • “Welche beliebten Sehenswürdigkeiten befinden sich in der Nähe von Thermen Bad Nieuweschans? Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung sind z. B. Kiekkaaste (6,4 km), Museum de Oude Wolden (7,8 km) und Bricksart (0,8 km)”.
    • Travel from Germany by train to “Bad Nieuweschans”.
  10. Sauna Keizer, Eektestraat 36, 7575 AP Oldenzaal, Netherlands - Permanently closed. I visited the closed location in 2024-06 :-).
    • 2024: “Met pijn in ons hart moeten wij mededelen dat Sauna Keizer per 30 maart haar deuren, noodzakelijkerwijs, zal sluiten. Helaas kunnen wij door een combinatie van omstandigheden, waaronder het terugbetalen van coronaschulden, het gebrek aan onderhoud door de verhuurder en de gigantisch gestegen energieprijzen niet langer voortbestaan” :-(.
  11. Holiday Park 't Rheezerwold, Larixweg 7, 7796 HT Heemserveen, Netherlands - No public bathing.
  12. De Slag Hardenberg, Sportboulevard 3, 7772 SL Hardenberg, Netherlands.
    • Swimming pool hall.
    • Textile Sauna ( steam bath ).
      • De Slag Hardenberg "Wellness" - “Van even lekker bubbelen op onze bubbelbanken, je huid en luchtwegen een oppepper geven in de stoomcabine tot even heerlijk de warmte van de zon voelen zonder bruin te worden”.
    • Hours of opening:
      • Best hours of opening:
        • Wedn.
          • 10:30 - 16:30 Wedn. - Recreatief zwemmen ( Wedstrijdbad ).
          • 12:00 - 16:30 Wedn. - Recreatief zwemmen ( Doelgroepenbad ).
      • Hours of opening in NL Summer holidays ( “Openingstijden zomervakantie”) :
        • 07:00 - 17:00 Mon. - Frid.
        • Sat. closed.
        • 10:00 - 13:00 Sat.
    • Travel by train to “Neuenhaus”, by special “Bus 10 Fietsenbus” to “Post, Itterbeck”. By bicycle to the location ( 16km ).
  13. Sportcentrum de Vlaskoel, Sportlaan 4, 7651 LD Tubbergen, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2024-07 :-).
  14. Wie sport - Recreatie-bad De Kolk, Dikkensweg 3, 7641 CC Wierden, Netherlands - My Sauna visit was in 2024-09 :-).
  15. Winterswijk.
    • Swimming pools:
      1. Zwembad Jaspers, Jaspersweg 3, 7103 AV, Winterswijk, Netherlands.
        • Swimming pool hall.
        • Textile Sauna ( Steam bath ) - “Er is een wedstrijdbad, een recreatiebad, een peuterbad, een whirlpool, glijbaan, stroomversnelling en een Turks stoombad”.
      2. De Twee Bruggen, Meenkmolenweg 13, 7109 AH Winterswijk, Netherlands.
    • Travel
      • Travel by train to “Borken”, by bicycle to the location.
      • Travel by train to “Münster Hbf”, by bus “Bus R 71 / S 70” to “Winterswijk” ⇒ Not realistic due to the large distance to the locations :-(.

Spa, Thermal Spring, Sauna without Swimming Pool, or just with small Swimming Pool with low Water Debth ( next to German Border )

  1. Thermaalbad Arcen ( ), Roompot "Thermaalbad Arcen", Klein Vink 11, 5944 EX Arcen, Netherlands.
    • Hours of opening:
      • 08.30 - 23.00 Mon. - Sun.
      • “Jeden Mittwoch, Freitag und jedes erste Wochenende im Monat ist Textiltag. In unseren Saunen ist das Tragen von Badekleidung an diesen Tagen Pflicht”.
    • Travel by train to “Geldern”, Germany. By bicycle to the location.
  2. Gay Sauna Steamworks, Roermondsplein 32, 6811 JN Arnhem, Netherlands.
  3. Gay Sauna Azzurra, Van Heemstraweg 59, 6641 AB Beuningen, Netherlands.
    • Travel by train from “Duisburg” via “Oberhausen” to “Emmerich am Rhein”. From “Emmerich am Rhein” to “Nijmegen HAN” by bus “Bus SB58”. No chance for bicycle transportation. Travel from “Nijmegen, HAN” to the location is 9 km :-(.
  4. Saré Thermen & Beauty, Oldenzaalsedijk 22, 7562 PD Deurningen.
  5. Huize Holterhof, Huize Holterhoflaan 10, 7534 PH Enschede, Netherlands.
    • Rules:
      • You must announce & negociate visits on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, public bank holidays, in advance ( “Reservieren verpflichtet freitag, samstag, sontag ( und auch feiertagen reservierung verpflichtet)” ).
      • “Jeden 1. Dienstag des Monats ist Badekleidung verpflichtet. An alle andere Tagen ist Badekleidung nicht erlaubt”.
    • Sauna.
    • Heated outdoor swimming pool.
    • Travel by train to “Enschede Eschmarke” / “Glanderbrug” / “Gronau”, by bicycle to the location.
  6. Hamam Het Oosten B.V., Torenlaan 54, 7559 PJ Hengelo, Netherlands.
      • Hours of opening:
        • Mon. - Wed. closed :-(.
        • 10:00 - 19:00 Thurs., Sat., Sun.
        • 10:00 - 22:00 Frid.
      • Date-binding booking is required :-( ( “Klik hier ( ) voor om te reserveren” ).
    • Dayticket includes:
      • “Rondleiding hamam” ( “Hammam tour” ) ?
      • “Het gebruik van een pestamal ( lendedoek )” ( “Using a pestamal ( loincloth)” ).
      • Use the Finnish sauna, infrared sauna, steam bath, whirlpool and Hamam Arena throughout the day.
      • You can bring your own bathrobe, slippers and towel or rent them at the hamam. You must bring your own swimwear.
      • Please check by E-Mail a) if you really need to reserve your dayticket ( without “packages” ) b) whether you really can stay in the Hammam on that selected day for an unlimited period of time.
  7. Spa Wellness Venlo, Rijksstraatweg 38, D-5943 AB Lomm, Netherlands.
    • "SPAWellness. Saunaanlage in Niederlande - AB Lomm" - “Du hast Geburtstag? Kostenloser Eintritt für das Geburtstagskind bei Vorlage eines Ausweises mit Foto. Ausweis mitbringen zum Nachweis!:-). There was no information on the company's website :-(.
    • Travel:
      • By train from Germany with train “RE13” via ( “Hamm” & ) “Viersen” to “Venlo”. By bus “Bus 83” from “Venlo Station, Niederlande” to “Venlo Lomm Spikweien, Niederlande”.
      • By train from Germany with train “RE13” via ( “Hamm” & ) “Viersen” to “Venlo”. By bicycle to the location.
  8. de Bron. sauna- en beautycentrum, Meerweg 22, 9482 TE Tynaarlo, Netherlands.
    • Outdoor swimming pool.
    • Sauna.
  9. Thermae2000, Cauberg 25-27, 6301 BT Valkenburg, Netherlands.
  10. Thermen Berendonck, Oude Teersdijk 15, 6603 KJ Wijchen, Netherlands.
    • Travel by train from “Duisburg” via “Oberhausen” to “Emmerich am Rhein”. From “Emmerich am Rhein” to “Nijmegen HAN” by bus “Bus SB58”. No chance for bicycle transportation. Travel from “Nijmegen, HAN” to the location is 7 km :-(.
  11. Sauna 't Dalhuus - De beste sauna van Groningen, Wildervanksterdallen 59, NL-9648 TC Wildervank, Netherlands - Permanently closed.

Fitness Clubs & Fitness Centers with Sauna ( next to German Border )

  1. Enschede.
      • Experts told me that there is a Sauna :-), but there was no information on the website :-(.
    1. Trifora Sports & Health Club, Kotkampweg 65, 7531 AS Enschede.
  2. Kei-Fit Haaksbergen, Geukerdijk 94, 7481 CC Haaksbergen, Netherlands.
    • There is no information on the website if there is a dayticket for Sauna. I asked by E-Mail on 2024-07-16, but no answer.
    • Travel by train to “Enschede”, by bicycle to the location.

Exclusive Sauna and / or Swimming Pool Offers just for Hotel Guests & Members ( next to German Border )



Arnhem & Nijmegen

Restrictions 2024-11-01 - 2026

Coevorden, Hardenberg

Travel by Train

Enschede ( 2001 - )

Groningen ( 2015, 2025 - )

Hengelo ( 2018-02 - )

Herzogenrath -> Heerlen & Heerlen Woonboulevard -> Kerkrade Centrum ( Deutschlandticket not valid )



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